Organizational and pedagogical conditions of school library activities on the legal education of students

UDC 373.1.02 BBK 74.262

Tretyakov A. L.

The author and founder of the idea of school centers of legal information focuses the reader on some of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the school library activities on issues of legal education of modern younger generation (students). The author describes the relevance of the issue and the legal basis on which the idea of school centers of legal information is built and reveals the philosophy of the activities of such centers. A special role is given to teaching activities of the school librarian, who acts as an intermediary (service provider) in the formation of legal culture of students. It is noted the significant role of the school centers for legal information in the arrangement of the information educational environment of educational institutions and implementation of Federal state educational standards.

Key words: legal culture of studying, students, school library, organizational and pedagogical conditions, education.

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