Категория: # 3, 2015

New vocational-oriented education as a means of the youth’s migratory mood in the Far East

UDC [37.048.45+331.548:374.32]:[331.556.2:159.942.5(571.6)] BBK 74.200.52+65.248

Polichka N. P.

The article offers a new system of students’ vocational-oriented education which aims to reduce the youth outflow from the Far East regions. For this purpose three clusters are included into the system: professional diagnostics, employment and self-employment preparation. While training the students on their own analyze the situation at the labour market in both Far Eastern regions and other ones. The result of studying of self-employment bases are business projects and students’ social projects considering the Far Eastern regional specific character.

Key words: youth outflow, vocational-oriented education, professional diagnostics, career choice, employment, labour market, self-employment preparation, business projects, and social projects.

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To the theory of glottogenesis: Johann Herder

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

J. Herder has based the evolutional approach to the problem of glottogenesis. According to this approach the language is regarded as the product of all the previous evolution – physic, biotic, psychological and cultural.

Keywords: Johann Herder, the origin of language, the universal evolution philosophy, religion, art, morals, policy, language.

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Media education as pedagogical phenomenon

UDC 37.011 BBK 74.58:73

Zapevalina O. V.

The article presents the content of the notion «media education», the wide analysis and interpretation of the statements famous media teachers of the present and the past, their reasoning on the media education sense, making possible to show evolution of this phenomenon. In conclusion, the author lays emphasis on the necessity of developing media culture and critical thinking of a person that help young generation to live in a new information-oriented society.

Key words: media education, media, information technologies, mass communication media, media text, information-oriented society, media culture, critical thinking

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Psychological support of profile education

UDC 37.047 BBK 74.200.52

Vishlenkova N. G.

The article deals with the problems of profession determination of a school student personality. There is a description of psychodiagnostic researches within profile education, a conclusion concerning the need of making the unified field of school vocational guidance. Such informational field organization is possible through elective education, i.e. specific profession trials. This article also touches upon the subject on psychological support of profile education.

Key words: psychological support, profile education, profile determination, self professional planning, profession choice, profession consultation, professiogram, profession trials

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