Категория: # 3, 2020

Factor analysis of processes inside an aviation engine combustor as a justification basis for the nomenclature of operational requirements

Skorobogatov S. V.

The requirements for an aircraft engine as a whole are significantly influenced by processes inside its combustor. As justification for the nomenclature of operational requirements is based on some laws of effects of different parameters, it is necessary to carry out a factor analysis of the processes inside the combustor for revealing these laws both without any heat effect on the flow kinetics and with it during fuel combustion. For this purpose, an integrated system of forming external appearance of the research object has to be built and this, in its turn, implies its fragmentation into separate locations and detailed elaboration of the combustor block-diagram piece by piece. Then the results from separate parts have to be matched and integrated into a unified system for coherent configuration of the research object and during calculations this is the system which is under the factor analysis. The factor analysis of both the intermediate and final results of optimization according to the chosen criteria allows justifying the list of operational requirements necessary for the desired level of simulations. The article presents the factor analysis of processes in the inlet of the trapped vortex combustor.

Key words: combustor, aircraft gas-turbine engine, operational requirements, justification of requirements, factor analysis.

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Test bench development for the functional hazards assesment of an integrated flight control system validation using model-based design

Lituev N. A.

Savelev A. S.

Neretin E. S.

Integrated flight control system of a civil aircraft safety requirements validation process using means of model-based design is considered. The necessity for correct Functional Hazard Assessment is explained. Hardware and software needed for the problem are described. Complex mathematical model structure and human machine interface are provided.

Key words: model-based design, control systems, flight safety, requirements validation.

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Media education in Moldova

Salny R. V.

The article analyzes the experience of implementing media education in Moldova based on a review of key events and trends. The content of the new textbooks on media education intended for students of the 3rd – 4th, 7th – 8th and 10th – 11th grades is described. The problem of the bias of their authors is revealed.

Key words: media education, Moldova, critical thinking, propaganda, media, manipulation, digital literacy. 

* This article was written with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of research project No. 18-013-00022 “Mass Media Education in the CIS Countries (1992-2020)”, carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics.

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Language tools for creating a comic effect in one line poems by Leonid Libkind

Rusak O. V.

The article analyzes the linguo-stylistic techniques that ensure the occurrence of a comic effect in one line poems by Leonid Libkind. Numerous examples show that phraseological units, which for stylistic purposes are used both without changes and in a transformed form, have ample opportunities for creating a laughable tonality. The author reveals the stylistic potential of polysemants, оmonyms, paronyms, synonyms, violation of lexical coherence, and occasional words.

Keywords: comism, language game, literalization of the meaning of phraseologism, structural transformations of phraseological units, pun, paronymic attraction, occasionalism.

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Architecture of the on-board maintenance system using the concept of allocated IMA

Brusnikin P. M.

Dudkin S. O.

Neretin E. S.

The paper analyzes the concepts of avionics, the principles of creating complexes of avionics equipment and existing analogues of on-board maintenance systems (OMS). The architecture of the OMS, its functional software and hardware for civil aircraft is proposed. OMS developed on the basis of integrated modular avionics (IMA) will allow you to unload the cable network of the aircraft, increase the reliability of the system as a whole, and simplify the work with OMS for the ground maintenance personnel.

Key words: civil aircraft, integrated modular avionics, on-Board Maintenance System, distributed architecture, avionics.

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