Категория: Aircraft, aircraft engines and methods of their operation

Spatial orientation and flight image: modern approaches to pilot training

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_78

Artem A. Fedorov

Abstract. The article examines the key aspects that ensure effective piloting, such as spatial orientation and flight image. Modern methods of pilot training including technological solutions and cognitive training are described. Emphasis is placed on the importance of an integrated approach to skill development to enhance flight safety and efficiency. The practical significance of the work lies in the need to constantly update and adapt pilot training programs in light of technological progress and changes in the aviation industry, which will contribute to the creation of a safer and more reliable air traffic control system of the future.

Keywords: spatial orientation, flight image, sensory systems, situational awareness, Euler angles, quaternions, psychophysiology, virtual reality, cognitive skills, flight simulators, stress management.

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Development of alternative ways to maintain the serviceability of PT6A engines based on the airline data

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_44

Dmitry E. Strokov

Evgenia A. Achkasova

Oksana G. Boyko 

Abstract. The authors constructed a mathematical model for changing the parameters of an aircraft engine for use in the ECTM (Engine Condition Trend Monitoring) system, which will allow for the maintenance of foreign-made aircraft under sanction restrictions based on the airline data.

The mathematical model was constructed with the regression analysis method on the basis of statistical data of PT6A-114A engines technical operation over a five-year operation period. The proposed solution allows the values of the basic parameters of the PT6A-114A aircraft engine to be obtained, the operator having the opportunity to independently analyze the trends of changes in the engine condition without the ESTM system. The main advantage of the obtained research results is independence of the aircraft operator on foreign engine parameter assessment services. The airline can assess the engine parameters independently. One of the next stages of further implementation of the ECTM system within the airline is the development of software that will automate the process of reading the aircraft engine parameters, conduct their analysis and correlate to the engine operation and maintenance documentation and issue a plan of corrective actions on the engine and its components.

Keywords: aircraft engine, parameters, regression analysis, basic values, maintenance.

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Linear density theorem for circulation in a vortex tube

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_67

Nikolay V. Danilenko

Anton G. Kirenchev

Abstract. The article describes vortex formation in the atmospheric medium and analyzes the research on this topic. The main contradictions and problems in the study of vortex formation are revealed. The working process of transforming the initial potential flow of working body of the medium under study into vortex flow with the description of the main factors influencing this process is considered. The contradictions in the process of vortex tube formation are revealed, for which a new object of research was chosen – specific linear density of vortex circulation of gas (liquid) natural and anthropogenic media. The state and problems of the specific linear density of vortex circulation of the investigated vortex formation are assessed. The definition of specific linear density of circulation on the basis of its working process is presented. The correlation between the linear circulation density and the tangential velocity of the medium on the outer surface of the vortex tube is established. The definition of the theorem on the linear circulation density of a vortex tube is given. The proof of the theorem and the mathematical relationship of the linear density of medium vortex tube circulation and the tangential velocity on its outer surface are given. Corollaries of the theorem and their applications are presented.

Keywords: vortex formation, generation factors, working process, definition, theorem, classification, linear density of circulation, vortex tube, aircraft engine air intake vortices, tornadoes.

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Application of methods of theory of importance of criteria for determination of activities of pilots in control of aircraft with different level of automation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_103

Gennadiy V. Kovalenko

Ivan S. Muravyev

Ilya A. Yadrov

Abstract. The formalization of the activities of pilots in the controlling of the latest generation aircraft (AC) is experiencing difficulties due to significant changes in the structure of human activity – the operator. For the most complete analysis of the procedure for controlling the activities of pilots when using various levels of automation, it turns out to be not enough to use only the mathematical apparatus of probability theory and decision-making methods in vague conditions. The article presents the result of applying the methods of the theory of the importance of criteria in order to determine the most rational choice of crew members’ activity at various stages of flight and piloting modes of the latest generation aircraft.

Keywords: importance of criteria, evaluation of flight parameters, activity control, degree of aircraft automation.

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Neural network system for laser diagnostics of aircraft cabin glazing elements

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_61

Pavel V. Pavlov

Daniil I. Tyurnev

Nikita V. Sukhachev

Abstract. Assessing the technical condition of glazing elements in the cockpits of operational-tactical aircraft still remains the most important task in ensuring flight safety. To increase the efficiency of operations for non-destructive testing of glazing elements using the speckle structure method of optical radiation, the authors propose to use neural network technologies to automatically identify controlled areas in the cockpit. Artificial intelligence technologies have been used to realise this task. They are based on algorithms of semantic segmentation, classification and detection of monitored areas according to the established markers on the cabin due to the application of convolutional neural network on YOLOv8. The application of machine vision technology have made it possible real-time measurement of the glazing exit from the termination when overpressure has been created inside the cabin. This reduces the time for technical condition assessment by at least 10 times. The use of machine vision technologies have made it possible to measure the value of the glazing outlet from the sealing in real time when creating excessive pressure inside the cabin and thereby reduce the time to assess the technical condition by at least 10 times. The authors have established the reason for the discrepancy between the results of using the speckle-structure method of optical radiation in determining the value of glazing yield from the termination and the “tape” method and developed recommendations to reduce measurement errors.

Keywords: non-destructive testing, optical-electronic systems, speckle, semantic segmentation, convolutional neural network, YOLO, glazing.

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Investigation of the influence of acting loads on microstructural changes in the alloy Inconel 738LC

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_51

Oleg A. Ratenko

Elizaveta V. Samojlenko

Yurij V. Petrov

Abstract. In modern economic conditions, one of the important tasks is to transfer as many structural elements of aircraft engines as possible to condition-based operation while maintaining a balance between the economic effect and the flight safety level. Such measures will significantly allow aircraft operators to reduce operating costs. One of the candidates for the transition to condition-based operation are turbine blades of gas turbine engines, made from heat-resistant nickel alloys. The microstructure of the heat-resistant nickel alloys is a γ-matrix with dispersed particles of the γ’-phase included into it, which are the elements that provide the high strength properties of nickel alloys. The microstructural changes that occur during the operation of gas turbine engines in turbine blades associated with an increase in the size and shape of the γ’-phase particles, as well as their volume fraction, lead to degradation of the mechanical properties of products. Taking into account these changes can be a tool that will allow one to carry out calculations aimed at assessing the technical condition of the blades of gas turbine engines during their operation.

Key words: gas turbine engine, turbine blade, heat-resistant nickel alloy, γ’-phase, alloy microstructure.

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Aircraft flight safety management system with a basic built-in system of automatic tolerance control of the hydraulic system and failure monitoring and forecasting systems

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_36

Mihail A Bobrin

Abstract. This paper considers an integrated tolerance control system with failure monitoring and prediction subsystems for aircraft safety management system (ASMS), which is relevant nowadays. The paper deals with the operational component of hydraulic system (HS) tolerance zones. The internal measured parameter is pressure, so it was necessary to find an algorithm that reflects its dependence on operating conditions, its coefficient of kinematic viscosity of the fluid, its temperature, operating time, ambient temperature and flight stage. The operational component of the tolerance zone can be derived from the obtained expression for the pressure by substituting the boundary values of the parameters included in this dependence.

While polling the sensors of the automatic control system it is necessary each time to calculate the range of variation of the parameter for the given stage of flight and other conditions with the help of algorithms for calculating the tolerance zone obtained in the paper. Moreover, the control system has to process a large amount of information using artificial intelligence (AI) methods which allows the safety of aircraft flight (SAF) to be managed.

Keywords: aircraft health management system, aircraft flight safety management system, automatic control system of aircraft hydraulic systems, operational pressure-tolerant zone.

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Sensory and intersensory model of the pilot – aircraft system

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_67

Gennady V. Kovalenko

Artem A. Fedorov

Andrey V. Fedorov

Abstract. The paper provides an overview of the components of the pilot model used to design the flight control system which focuses on the physiological aspects and aspects of manual control. The structure of a multi-element system is used which allows the authors to reveal the totality of interaction between the pilot and the aircraft during the implementation of manual control. Manual control is the most difficult process when performing an aircraft flight and requires a lot of experience and high pilot skills. The sensory and intersensory models of the pilot–aircraft system are considered. The application of these models requires knowledge of the mechanisms and processes that are directly involved in the development of the pilot’s spatial orientation when controlling the aircraft manually. The development of a method and a mathematical model for the formation of spatial orientation skills is an urgent task of scientific research.

Keywords: pilot, model, spatial disorientation, aircraft, sensory organs, human factor.

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The theorem of gaseous and liquid media vortex formation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_3_47

Nikolay V. Danilenko

Anton G. Kirenchev

Abstract. The object of research is vortex formation of gas (liquid) media. The state of the vortex formation issue is determined. The theoretical substantiation of the vortex formation problem is given. The kinematic essence of the gas-dynamic phenomenon of vortex formation is established. Its contradictions are revealed. The working process of vortex formation is established. Efficiency parameters and operating parameters are obtained. The place of vortex formation in the equation of conservation of the energy of gas motion is indicated. A set of factors for the generation of vortex activity of natural and man-made vortex formation has been established. A theorem on vortex formation is proposed. Its consequences and areas of practical application are outlined.

Keywords: vortex formation of gas (liquid) media, factors of generation and activation of vortex formation, workflow of gas (liquid) media, definition of vortex formation, vortex formation theorem, classification of vortex formation.

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About the legitimacy of the technical operation process description by semi-markov models in relation to the aircraft fleet

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_34

Sergey S. Trishin

Evgeniya A. Achkasova

Oksana G. Boiko

Galina A. Isheeva

Abstract. The authors studied the time the Mi-8T Mi8-MTV aircraft spent in the states of technical operation. The statistical data of the operating airline of JSC “Norilsk Avia” were used. Statistical distribution laws are formalized for each time series of variations. The conformity of the theoretical and obtained statistical laws of time distribution according to the Pearson criterion has been verified. It is confirmed that the process of technical operation of aircraft in practical tasks can be considered as a semi-Markov one.

Keywords: semi-Markov process, time spent in the process state, statistical data processing, exponential distribution, technical operation of aircraft, integral distribution function.

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