Kashkovsky Viktor Vladimirovich
e-mail: viktor.kashkovskij@mail.ru
Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport”, Irkutsk, Russia
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic status: Full professor
Post: professor of the Department “Information Systems and Information Protection”
Scientific major: assessment of the quality of aircraft piloting techniques by pilots; methods of automatic assessment of the completeness and quality of the flight task; assessment of the level of training of flight personnel; planning of flight crew training; development of the mathematical apparatus of aircraft trainers; theory of control of the condition of technical objects; tectonics, seismology, earthquake prediction.
Important publications:
- Kashkovsky, V. V. Application of a systematic approach for the development of earthquake prediction methods / V. V. Kashkovsky, R. M. Semenov, M. N. Lopatin // Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling. 2017. №. 2(54). S. 95-102.
- Kashkovsky, V. V. Optimization of the system of technical operation of freight car stock in the organization of intensive through route transportation / V. V. Kashkovsky, I. I. Tikhy, A. Argalant [et al.] // Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling. 2020. №. 1(65). S. 50-59.
- Kashkovsky, V. V. Methods of objective assessment of the professional readiness of the flight crew of maneuverable aircraft / V. V. Kashkovsky, V. V. Ustinov // Scientific Bulletin of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. – 2013. – № 187. – S. 161-163.