Категория: Authors

Iatsenko Anna Sergeevna

e-mail: anit-94@yandex.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ivanovo State University», Ivanovo, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of Department of foreign philology

Scientific major: humorous discourse, German, joke, linguistic joke, gender stereotypes about women.

Important publications:

  1. Iatsenko A. S. Gendernye stereotipy v nemeckom jazykovom bytovom anekdote o zhenshhine // Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2019. T. 12. Vyp. 7. S. 220-223.
  2. Milovskaja N. D. Lingvisticheskie  sredstva vysmeivanija gendernyh stereotipov (na materiale nemeckogo  jazykovogo bytovogo anekdota o zhenshhine) / N. D. Milovskaja, A. S.  Iatsenko // Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2021. T. 43. №1. S. 15-20.

Babaeva Raisa Ivanovna

e-mail: babaevari@ivanovo.ac.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ivanovo State University», Ivanovo, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: professor of Department of foreign philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: Discourse analysis, pragmalinguistics, functional words of the German language, phraseology

Important publications:

  1. Babaeva, R. I. Diskursivny`e slova i kommunikativny`e klishe nemeczkoyazy`chnogo povsednevnogo obshheniya: Monografiya [Tekst] / R. I. Babaeva. – M. – Ivanovo: MPGU, Art-Vista, 2008. – 283 s.
  2. Babaeva, R. I. Neznamenatel`naya leksika v obixodnom diskurse (na materiale nemeczkogo yazy`ka): Monografiya [Tekst] / R. I. Babaeva. – M. – Ivanovo: MPGU, Art-Vista, 2008. – 331 s.
  3. Babaeva, R.I. Zoolexemes and zoo-phraseological units in the german and russian political discourses // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Volume 86 – WUT 2020. WUT 2020 10th International Conference “Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects”. Crete: European Publisher, 2020. Pp.53-62.
  4. Babaeva, R. & Ivanova, L. Gastronomical phraseological units in Russian, English and German: linguo-cultural aspects // Contrastive Phraseology: Languages and Cultures in Comparison. Ed. by Paola Cotta Ramusino & Mollica, Fabio. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2020. Pp. 45-61.


Kostrova Olga Andreyevna

e-mail: olga_kostrova@pgsga.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education», Samara, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: professor of German Language Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: grammar of German, cognitive linguistics, theory of discourse, contrastive linguistics, theory of cross-cultural communication

Important publications:

  1. Kostrova, O. A. Aspectual and Determinative Balance in German and Russian // Voprosy kognitivnoy linguistiki. № 3. P. 72-84. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2019-3-72-84 (In Russian)
  2. Kostrova, O. A. Grammar of German / A.V. Averina, O. A. Kostrova // Moscow: Yurait. 2019. 449 p. (In German)
  3. Kostrova, O. A. Evidential senses in narration // Voprosy kognitivnoy linguistiki. № 1 (50). P. 14-23. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2017-1-14-23 (In Russian)
  4. Kostrova, O. A. Grammatische Begriffe in deutschen und russischen Lehr- und Wörterbüchern // Sprache und Wörterbücher in Theorie und Praxis. Lexikographische und textlinguistische Fragestellungen / Hrsg. R. Lipczuk, M. Lisiecka-Czop, K. H. Ramers. Hamburg: Verl. Dr. Kovač. 2017. S. 73- (In German)
  5. Kostrova, O. A. Discoursive stereotypes: intercultural aspect of concept sphere: monograph / O. A. Kostrova, E. V. Bespalova, O. Yu. Kolomijceva, M. A. Kulinich, E.V. Tarasova, O. V. Haber. Samara: PGSGA, 2015. 208 p. (In Russian)

Kudriakov Sergey Alekseevich

e-mail: Gray05.61@mail.ru

Place of work: Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Post: Dean of the faculty of airports and flight engineering, head of the Department of radio-Electronic systems

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.11.16: Information-measuring and control systems (in industries)

Scientific major: unmanned air vehicles, simulation training of air staff, assessment of piloting technique quality, assessment of flight crew’s proficiency level, planning of flight crew’s training, techniques of calculating reliability factors, planning of technological processes

Important publications:

  1. Kudriakov S. A. Voprosy obespechenija bezopasnogo ispol’zovanija bespilotnyh aviacionnyh sistem / S. A. Kudriakov, N. V. Knizhnichenko, E. A. Rubcov // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta grazhdanskoj aviacii. 2019. № 1 (22). S. 72-84.
  2. Kudriakov S. A. Analiz ispol’zovanija obshhego vozdushnogo prostranstva i zahoda na posadku pri ispol’zovanii parallel’nyh vzletno-posadochnyh polos pilotiruemymi i bespilotnymi vozdushnymi sudami / E.A. Rubcov, S. A. Kudriakov, V. V. Romancev, S. A. Beljaev // Izvestija SPbGJeTU LJeTI. 2019. № 4. S. 13-19.
  3. Kudriakov S. A. Analysis of Different Range Data Links for Command, Control and Communications with Unmanned Aircraft / S. A. Kudriakov, E. A. Rubtsov, S. A. Belyaev, A.V. Ekalo, Yu. B.Ostapchenko // Izvestija SPbGJeTU LJeTI. 2019. № 1. S. 31-38.

Ilina Yulia Vyacheslavovna

e-mail: jul.il@mail.ru

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of The City of Moscow «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russia

Status: student of the Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU

Academic Advisor: Vikulova Larisa Georgievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Romance Philology, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City University


Krasovskaya Elizaveta Andreevna

e-mail: krasovskayaea@bk.ru

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russia

Status: student of Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU

Thesis Director: Vikulova Larisa Georgievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Romance Philology at Institute of Foreign Languages, State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow City University»


Semenova Irina Nikolaevna

e-mail: semenova.irinan@mail.ru

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russia

Status: student of Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU

Thesis Director: Vikulova Larisa Georgievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Romance Philology at Institute of Foreign Languages, State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow City University»

Minkova Valeria Evgenievna

e-mail: minkova2000valeria@gmail.com

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Status: student of Modern Languages Institute, MCPU

Thesis Director: Vikulova Larisa Georgievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Romance Philology at Foreign Languages Institute, State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University»

Baum Ekaterina

e-mail: baumep@mgpu.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Post: assistant of Japanese Department.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.19 – theory of language

Scientific major: theory of discourse, communication strategies, theory of cross-cultural communication


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