Mokrova Natalia Igorevna
Place of work: Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philology
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.04 ‒ German languages
Post: Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages № 2
Scientific major: German Dialectology, German language, Songs, eLearning
Important publications:
- Mokrova, N. I. Yazikovaya realizatsia esteticheskoy funktsiyi v kel’nskoy dialektnoy rok-pesne (Language manifestation of aesthetic function in Colonge rock-songs), Vestnik IrGTU, № 1 (48). pp. 300-305.
- Mokrova, N. I., Pozdyakova, S. Y. Metatekst v pesnyakh na kel’nskom dialekte kak virasheniye yazykovogo soznaniya dialektonositelya (Metatext in the Colonge dialect songs as a language consciousness expression of a dialect speaker), Vestnik IrGTU, № 1 (84). pp. 230-234.
- Mokrova, N. I. Urbanolekt kak yazykovoy variant sovremennogo nemetskogo yazyka (Urbanolect as a variety of language in modern German), Molodyeshniy Vestnik IrGTU, Volume 8, 2018.
- Mokrova, N., Savinova, Y., Pozdnyakova, S. Electronic terminological mini-dictionary in the context of cognitive and methodological challenges//Proceedings of the 15th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Volume 3): CAROL I National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, April 11-12, 2019, Vol.3, p. 102-106.
- Mokrova, N., Savinova, Y. Use of E-Learning Resources in Foreign Language Teaching Process at Technical University //Proceedings of the 16th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Volume 2): CAROL I National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, April 23-24, 2020, Vol.2, p. 470-482.