Категория: Authors

Khabarov Artyom Alexandrovich

e-mail: lancelot567@mail.ru

Affiliation: Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Position: doctoral student (Department of Far East languages)

Degree: candidate of philology    

Specialty in the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers (VAK code): 10.02.19 – Theory of language

Scientific major: theory of speech activity, discourse theory, cognitive linguistics, ethnopsychological and sociocultural specifics of a language personality (in the Chinese, English and Russian linguistic cultures). Important publications:

  1. Khabarov, A. A. E`mpiricheskie i analiticheskie aspekty` definicii diskursa v mirovoj lingvistike: istoriya i sovremennost` / A. A. Khabarov // Social`ny`e i gumanitarny`e nauki na Dal`nem Vostoke. 2021. T. 18. № 1. S. 52-55. – DOI 10.31079/1992-2868-2021-18-1-52-55.
  2. Khabarov, A. A. Osobennosti realizacii regulyativnoj funkcii rechi sredstvami sovremennogo kitajskogo yazy`ka / A. A. Khabarov // Vestnik Pyatigorskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. 2015. № 2. S. 212-216.
  3. Kurbakova, S. N., Khabarov, A. A. Rol` presuppozicij v formulirovanii vy`skazy`vaniya v rechi (na materiale kitajskogo yazy`ka) / S. N. Kurbakova, A. A. Khabarov // Vestnik Pyatigorskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. 2015. № 4. S. 108-112.
  4. Khabarov, A. A. Inflyuitivnost` paradigmaticheskix i sintagmaticheskix otnoshenij v sisteme sintaksisa sovremennogo kitajskogo yazy`ka / A. A. Khabarov // Ucheny`e zapiski Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo social`nogo universiteta. 2012. № 4(104). S. 156-159.

Dmitrieva Larisa Yurievna

e-mail: Larisay-nauka@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk National Research Technical University», Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Post: Associate professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  25.00.36 – Geoecology

Scientific major: Visualization, transformation and analysis of information based on computer methods, information processing

Important publications:

  1. Dmitrieva, L. Ju. Lichnostnoe razvitie obuchajushhihsja na osnove individual’nogo proekta / L. Ju. Dmitrieva, Zh. B. Litvinova // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafa. 2020. №3 (181). S. 133-134.
  2. Dmitrieva, L. Ju. Vizualizacija v obrazovatel’nom processe pri osvoenii kompetencij v oblasti jekonomiki // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta vysokih tehnologij. 2019. №2 (29). S. 108-111.
  3. Dmitrieva, L. Ju. Avtomatizacija ucheta uspevaemosti studentov (na primere discipliny Informatika) // Svidetel’stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii programm dlja JeVM № 2019618349 ot 14 oktjabrja 2019 g. ROSPATENT.
  4. Mikhailova, O. S. Programma «Vizualizacija kompleksnogo antropogennogo vozdejstvija na vozdushnuju sredu territorii Irkutskoj oblasti» / O. S. Mikhailova, L. Ju. Dmitrieva, E. A. Musikhina // Informacionnye sistemy i tehnologii. 2014. № 3 (83). S. 31-38.

Tashlykova Marina Borisovna

e-mail: taschlykoff@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State University», Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: Director of the Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.01 –Russian language

Scientific major: lexical and grammatical semantics, Russian dialectology, word formation, linguistic expertise of the text.

Important publications:

  1. Tashlykova, M. B. Migration and Migrants: “When Words Smuggle Ideas” // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2020. № 13 (5). P. 650-664.
  2. Tashlykova, M. B. Linguistic Expertise as a Challenge to Modern Semantic Theory // Fundamental and applied sciences today. Fundamental and applied sciences today XII. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference on July 25-26, 2017. North Charleston, USA. P. 96-101.
  3. Tashlykova, M. B. Challenge and threat: from natural language to socio-political discourse – and vice versa // Cross-border challenges to the nation state. SPb.: Intersotsis, 2015. S. 81-102.
  4. Tashlykova, M. B. Semantic studies on “syntactic derivation”. Irkutsk: Izd-vo ISU, 2013. 278 p.

Tsoloeva Seda Batyrovna

e-mail: sedatsoloeva@yandex.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pyatigorsk State University”, Pyatigorsk, Russia

Status: 4th year postgraduate student

Place of work: Educational private institution of higher education “The Institute of international law and economics named after A. S. Griboedov”

Post: Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies

Scientific major: advertising discourse, advertising text, metaphor, metaphorical modeling, professional communication, English

Important publications:

  1. Tsoloeva S.B. Anglojazychnyj professional’nyj reklamnyj subdiskurs kak sfera verbalizacii metafory // Aktual’nye problemy filologii i pedagogicheskoj lingvistiki. 2019. № 2. S. 36-42.
  2. Tsoloeva S.B. Anglojazychnyj reklamnyj tekst: osobennosti struktury // Aktual’nye problemy filologii i pedagogicheskoj lingvistiki. 2019. № 4. S. 158-163.
  3. Tsoloeva S.B. Metaforicheskie modeli, verbalizuemye v anglojazychnom professional’nom reklamnom diskurse: antropomorfnaja metaforicheskaja model’ // Filologija i chelovek. 2020. № 4. S. 181-188.

Zhambalova Emiliya Choyzhalsanovna

e-mail: altana06@mail.ru

Place of study: Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, Ulan-Ude, Russia

Status: 1st year postgraduate student

Place of work: Aginsky Institute of Advanced Training of Social Workers of Zabaykalsky Krai, Aginskoye, Russia

Post: vice-rector for scientific and methodological work

Important publications:

  1. Zhambalova, E.Ch. “Event” as the subject of psychological and pedagogical analysis // Eventfulness in the new model of state and public administration of education: a collection of articles. Chita, 2015. P. 11-14.
  2. Zhambalova, E.Ch. To the problem of the development of professional competencies of a teacher in the context of the introduction of the national teacher growth system // Bulletin of education of Zabaykalsky krai: information and analytical journal of the Ministry of education, science and youth policy of Zabaykalsky krai. 2018. №2.P. 87-89.
  3. Zhambalova, E. Ch. Metasubject Olympiad for teachers as an effective method to develop and assess professional competencies // Bulletin of education of Zabaykalsky krai: information and analytical journal of the Ministry of education, science and youth policy of Zabaykalsky krai. 2019. №2. P. 54-56.

Zhargal Urzhinsyren

e-mail: urjee_73@yahoo.com

Place of work: Ulan-Bator University, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia

Academic degree: Master’s Degree

Academic status: University Teacher

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

Scientific major: development of the teacher’s subjective position, professional potential of a teacher, educational activity of teachers at rural schools

Important publications:

  1. Zhargal Urzhinsuren. Modern Problems Of Educational Management In Mongolia / Zhargal Urzhinsuren // Bulletin of Buryat State University. 2013. № 1. P. 54-58 (0.31 p.p.)
  2. Zhargal Urzhinsuren. Pedagogical Methods to Stimulate Professional Activities of University Teachers / G.Ts. Molonov, Zhargal Urzhinsuren // Bulletin of Buryat State University. 2014. Issue 1(2). P. 69-72 (0.6 p.p.)
  3. Zhargal Urzhinsuren. Professional Development Model for Rural Teachers of Mongolia / Zhargal Urzhinsuren // Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics. 2019. № 12(68). P. 207-211 (0.3 p.p.)
  4. Zhargal Urzhinsuren. Salary and Benefits of the Staff / Zhargal Urzhinsuren // Human Resource Management. 2013. № 1(26). P. 18-20 (0.6 p.p.)


Prikhodchenko Ilya Olegovych

E-mail: pisosenko@mail.ru

Place of work:  Innovative University of Eurasia, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Post: Lecturer at the Department of Languages, Literature and Journalism

Scientific major: theory of literature, Russian literature of Pavlodar Priirtyshie

Important publications:

  1. Prikhodchenko I. O. Dialog kul’tur v processe globalizacii // Biblioteka kak centr istoricheskih znanij: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / sost. M. A. Tazhenova; gl. red. Sh. B. Shahmetova. –Pavlodar: PGPU, 2019. – 233 b. – S. 29-34.
  2. Prikhodchenko I. O. Problema vosstanovlenija obraza avtora G. A. Beshkareva v vospominanijah sovremennikov // Vestnik Innovacionnogo Evrazijskogo universiteta. – 2020. – № 3. – S. 11-18.



Pozdnyakova Svetlana Yur’’evna

e-mail: darena69@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.02 Theory and Methodology of Education and Upbringing (Foreign Languages)

Scientific major: modern educational technologies in teaching foreign languages; linguodidactics and intercultural communication, modern problems of term formation

Important publications:

  1. Pozdnyakova, S. Y. Principles of Education Content in Teaching Foreign-language Professional Communication in Non-linguistic Universities», The8-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities and social sciences” April 23 – 27, 2018. Volgograd State University, Volgograd. available at: https://www.picconf.ru.net/blank-4/2018/01/13/invitation-to-the8-th-international-scientific-and-practical-conference-current-issues-o
  2. Pozdnyzkova, S. Y. On the status and functions of the hyphen In the German language, Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Practical Conference “The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment” Mai 23 – 29, 2018. Volgograd State University, Volgograd (ISMGE 2019). available at: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/ismge-19/125912537
  3. Pozdnyzkova, S. Y. E-learning and in-class learning systems for undergraduate engineering students: psychological and pedagogical aspects, Proceedings of the 16thInternational Conference eLearning and Software for Education, CAROL I National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, April 23-24, 2020, Vol.2. available at: https://proceedings.elseconference.eu/

Lydia A. Stanovaïa

e-mail: lida_stan@mail.ru

Place of work: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: Head of the department of Romance philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.05 – Romance languages

Scientific major: history and grammar of the French language, French written traditions (scripts)

    Important publications:

  1. Stanovaïa L. A. Istorija francuzskogo jazyka. M.: Vysshaja shkola, 2001. 463 s.; Izd. 2-e ispr. i dop. M.: Vysshaja shkola, 2005; Izd. 3-e ispr. i dop. M.: Jurajt, 2013-2019. Soavtor – Skrelina L.M.
  2. Stanovaïa L. A. Teoreticheskaja grammatika francuzskogo jazyka. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, 2012. 386 s. Soavtor – Skrelina L.M.


Saltymakova Mariya Andreevna

e-mail: maria-islu@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Baikal State University», Irkutsk, Russia.

Post: International Department officer.

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State University» (chair for Romano-Germanic philology), Irkutsk, Russia.

Status: 3rd year postgraduate student

Scientific major: contact linguistics, theory of nomination, Russian-Germans’ language.

Important publications:

  1. Saltymakova M. A. The Notion of “Heimat” based on memorial written by Russian-Germans// Annual of International Association of Researchers of History and Culture of Russian-Germans. 2018. № 4. P. 219-226.
  2. Saltymakova M. A. Nomination of the Notion of “Heimat” with Lexeme “Alt” in the Context of the Essays by Russian Germans. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Philology. Journalism, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, P. 393-397 (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/1817- 7115-2020-20-4-393-397.
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