Категория: Authors

Brusnikin Pavel Mihajlovich

e-mail: pavel.brusnikin@ic.irkut.com

Place of study: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Status: 3rd year postgraduate student

Place of work: Integration Center branch of Irkut Corporation, Moscow, Russia

Post: Category 3 engineer

Scientific major: Information-measuring and control systems; System analysis, control and data processing, avionics systems

Important publications:

  1. Titov A. G., Neretin E. S., Dudkin S. O., Brusnikin P. M. Design of onboard data server for the implementation as a part of onboard avionics equipment using concept of integrated modular avionics // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – №1353. – 2019. – 9 p. DOI:1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012012
  2. Titov A. G. Developing the onboard data server for application as a part of radio-electronic equipment employing the concept of integrated modular avionics / A. G. Titov, E. S. Neretin, S. O. Dudkin, P. M. Brusnikin // Trudy MAI. – М.: MAI, 2019. – № 105. – Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=104257.

Rusak Olga Vladimirovna

e-mail: rusakolga@tut.by

Place of work: Educational institution «Belarusian State Technological University» Minsk, Тhe Republic Of Belarus

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: head of the Department of Belarusian Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.01 –Belarusian language

Scientific major: practical and functional stylistics of the Belarusian language; functioning of the means of imagery in a literary text; editing.

Important publications:

  1. Rusak V. U. Expressive syntax / V. U. Rusak // Brief grammar of Belarusian language: reference edition in 2 parts. – Minsk: Belarusian science, 2009. – P. 2: Syntax. – P. 204-232.
  2. Rusak V. U. Modern Belarusian language: theory and practice: textbook for students of higher educational institutions, specialty 1-47 01 01 “Publishing Industry” / V. U. Rusak. – Minsk: BDTU, 2014. – 267 p.
  3. Rusak V. U. On the problem of classification and systematization of the means of expressive syntax // Works of BGTU. Ser. 4, Print- and mediatechnologies. – Minsk: BGTU, 2017. – № 1 (195). – P. 77–83.
  4. Rusak V. U. Rhythm building in lyrical prose (by the material of the poem “Odium” by J.Sipakov) / V. U. Rusak // Works of BGTU. Ser. 4, Print- and mediatechnologies. – Minsk: BGTU, 2018. – № 2 (198). – P. 87–94.
  5. Rusak V. U. Belarusian language (professional vocabulary) Forest management and garden and park construction: textbook for higher educational institutions, realizing programs of “Forest management and garden and park construction” / V. U. Rusak. – Minsk: RIPA, 2019. – 238 p.

Dicheva Elena

e-mail: di4_el@abv.bg

Place of work: University Prof. PhD Assen Zlatarov,  Burgas, Bulgaria

Academic degree: PhD, Ass. Prof.

Post: Associate professor, Chair of Pedagogics and Education Methods, Faculty of Social Sciences

Areas of scientific interest: family education, interaction of family and social institutions, family consulting and children’s therapy, social and pedagogical, psychological diagnostics,  pedagogical riskology and conflict resolution,  educational rehabilitation work, pedagogics and psychology of  deviant behavior, preventive pedagogics,  comprehensive training of children with special needs, professional training of social specialists and teachers, methods of social work etc.

The most significant publications:

  1. Дичева Е. Оценяването в социално-педагогическата дейност – подходи и критерии // В: „Аспекти на оценяването в образователни и социални институции”. Бургас : Изд. „Либра Скорп”, 2017. С. 77-149.
  2. Dicheva Elena Essentiality of the phenomenon kibersocialization and study of the educatio-nal potential of the modern bulgarian family // In KNOWLEDGE – International Journal. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. 2018. March. Vol. 22.6, P 1727-1732.
  3. Dicheva ElenaThe formation of information culture and security for the use of ICT by adolescents through the interaction of educational and familyenvironment // Annual of Assen Zlatarov University. Burgas. Bulgaria, 2019, v. XLVІІІ book 2. P 41-46.

Savelev Artem Sergeevich


Place of study: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Status: 3nd year postgraduate student

Place of work: OOO «Laboratorija bezopasnyh sistem»

Post: Lead Safety Assessor


Ivanova Anastasia Georgievna

E-mail: moon.salamandra@yandex.ru

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Status: student of Modern Languages Institute, MCPU


Novikov Andrei Sergeevich

e-mail: andrew_nov1@mail.ru

Place of study: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Status: student.

Scientific major:  Informatics, media culture, media education.

Important publications:

Novikov, A.  Female Topic in the Mirror of Soviet Cinema of Sound Period (1931−1991) and Media Education // European Researcher. 2020, 11 (1), p. 31-50. (co-author).

Racheev Nikita Olegovich

e-mail: nikita@seemsemena.ru

Place of study: State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training «Vyatka State Agricultural Academy», Kirov, Russia

Status: Graduate student of agronomy faculty of Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, major “Agronomy” – “Soil microbiology”

Kravchenko Nina Vladimirovna

e-mail: ninakravch@mail.ru

Place of work: Private Educational Institution «English School», Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Post: English teacher

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Don State Technical University», Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Status: 5th year full-time student majoring in Translation Studies at Don State Technical University

Scientific major: eponyms, pragmalinguistics

Important publications:

  1. Kravchenko N. V., Ostrikova G. N. Osobennosti obrazovanija i struktury geologicheskih jeponimov [Tekst] / N. V. Kravchenko, G. N. Ostrikova // NOVAJa NAUKA KAK REZUL”TAT INNOVACIONNOGO RAZVITIJa OBShhESTVA sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 17 chastjah. 2017. S. 14−17.
  2. Kravchenko N. V. Pragmastilisticheskij analiz publichnoj rechi [Tekst] / N. V. Kravchenko // Put’ v nauku. Materialy Vserossijskoj konferencii studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchjonyh. 2016. S. 700–703.

Ostrikova Galina Nikolaevna

e-mail: galina-ostrikova@rambler.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Don State Technical University», Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  Associate professor

Post: professor of Scientific and Technical Translation and Professional Communication Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – Germanic languages, 10.02.19 – theory of language

Scientific major: theory of language, German studies

Important publications:

  1. Ostrikova G.N. Specifika funkcionirovanija jenantiosemichnyh ustojchivyh sintaksicheskih struktur [Tekst] / G. N. Ostrikova // Voprosy kognitivnoj lingvistiki. 2017. №3 S. 148-154. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2017-3-148-154.
  2. Ostrikova Galina N. „Über den Gegensinn phraseologischer Einheiten“. In: Deutsch als Bindeglied zwischen Inlands- und Auslandsgermanistik [Текст] / Galina N. Ostrikova // Beiträge zu den 23. GeSuS-Linguistik-Tagen in Sankt Petersburg, 22.–24. Juni 2015 Hrsg. Sergej Nefedov, Ljubov Grigorieva, Bettina Bock. Sprache und Sprachen in Forschung und Anwendung. 2017. Band 5. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. S. 347–353.
  3. Ostrikova G.N. Kommunikemy s protivopolozhnymi znachenijami v nemeckom jazyke [Tekst] / G. N. Ostrikova // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologija. 2013. №4 (24). S. 26–35.
  4. Ostrikova G.N. O javlenii jenantiosemii v sovremennoj leksikograficheskoj praktike [Tekst] / G. N. Ostrikova // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. Ser. Jazykoznanie i literaturovedenie. 2015. №20 (731) S. 463–468.
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