Категория: Authors

Sushii Tatiana Sergeevna

E-mail: sushiits859@mgpu.ru

Place of study: Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of Department of English Language and Linguistic Didactics

Scientific major: teaching foreign languages, information and communication technology, virtual museum, foreign language education.

Important publications:

  1. Sushii T. S. «Virtual museum» as a means of developing students’ socio-cultural competence in the process of teaching foreign languages / T. S. Sushii // Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogue: Digital Communications. Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, 29 March – 02 April, 2022. / Editorial board: L.G. Vikulova (ed.) [and others]. – Moscow: LLC «Languages of the Peoples of the World», 2022. – p. 452-456.
  2. Sushii T. S. The technology «Virtual museum» in teaching foreign languages / T. S. Sushii // Nauchnyj start-2022 : Collection of articles by undergraduates and postgraduates. Editorial board: L.G. Vikulova (ed.) [and others]. – Moscow: LLC «Languages of the Peoples of the World», 2022. – p. 252-255.

Nguyen Thi Linh Phuong

E-mail: phuongntlp@vaa.edu.vn

Place of study: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Status: 3rd year postgraduate student

Place of work: Vietnam Aviation Academy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Post: Lecturer – researcher 

Important publications:

  1. Nguyen P. A review of Hybrid/combined methods for trajectory optimization of flight vehicles / Nguyen // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – 2021. – Vol. 1958. – P. 012032. DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1958/1/012032.
  2. Neretin E. Using Data-Driven Approach in 4D Trajectory Prediction: A Comparison of Common AI-Based Models / E. Neretin, M. Nguyen, P. Nguyen // In: Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. – Singapore: Springer, 2023. – 125-133. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3788-0_11.
  3. Ngo N. Developing a Decision Support Tool for Air Route Planning System / N. Ngo, E. Neretin, P. Nguyen // In: Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. – Singapore: Springer, 2023). pp. 113-124. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3788-0_10.
  4. Neretin E. S. An Analysis of Human Interaction and Weather Effects on Aircraft Trajectory Prediction via Artificial Intellegence / E. S. Neretin, P. T. L. Nguyen, Q. N. H. Nguyen // 2022 XIX Technical Scientific Conference on Aviation Dedicated to the Memory of N.E. Zhukovsky (TSCZh). – Moscow: 2022. – pp. 85-89. DOI 10.1109/TSCZh55469.2022.9802458.

Nguyen Nhu Man

E-mail: nguennm@mai.ru

Place of work: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: Associate professor at the Department of «Flight navigation and information-measuring complexes»

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 05.13.01 – system analysis, control and data processing (aviation branch)

Scientific major: Information-measuring and control systems; System analysis, control and data processing, avionics systems.

Important publications:

  1. Kostiukov V. M. Development of an algorithmic method for improving the landing safety of a damaged heavy transport aircraft / V. M. Kostiukov, V. C. Tran, N. M. Nguyen // Engineering journal: Science and Innovation. – 2022. – № 2 – DOI 10.18698/2308-6033-2022-2-2151.
  2. Trinh V. T. An anthropocentric approach for solving the problem of optimal automatic landing flare / V. T. Trinh, N. M. Nguyen, N. T. Dang, Q. A. Nguyen // News of higher educational institutions. Aviation technology. – 2018. – № – P. 71-79.
  3. Kostiukov V. M. Research on the motion accuracy of a heavy unmanned aircraft with a measuring-computational complex based on a baro-inertial system / V. M. Kostiukov, N. M. Nguyen // Bulletin of the Moscow Aviation Institute. – 2012. – Vol. 19, № 1. – P. 102-114.

Samoilenko Elizaveta Vasilevna

E-mail: e.samoilenko@mstuca.aero

Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Post: assistant, department of the Engineering Mechanics and Graphics

Scientific major: protection of gas turbine engine parts from high temperature corrosion

Important publications:

  1. Samoylenko V. M. The effect of suspension parameters on the properties of the coating obtained by the slip method / V. M. Samoylenko, G. T. Paschenko, E. V. Samoylenko, V. V. Shestakov // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2022. – Vol. 25, № 6. – P. 53-61.
  2. Samoylenko V. M. Influence of impurities contained in fuel and air on sulfide corrosion of turbine blades of the gas turbine engine / V. M. Samoylenko, G. T. Paschenko, E. V. Samoylenko, A. A. Gnezdilova // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2023. – Vol. 26, No. 1. – P. 72-80.

Ratenko Oleg Aleksandrovich

E-mail: ratenko.oleg@yandex.ru

Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Sciences in Technology

Post: senior Lecturer, department of the Engineering Mechanics and Graphics

Scientific major: diagnostics of the technical conditions of turbine blades 

Important publications:

  1. Ratenko O. A. Methodology for estimation of residual life of turbine blades of gas turbine engine under high-temperature creep conditions / O. A. Ratenko, Yu. V. Petrov, V. M. Samoylenko // Deformation and Fracture of Materials. – 2022. – № 2. – P. 12-17.
  2. Petrov Yu. V. The method of calculating the minimum creep rate of turbine blades of gas turbine engines based on the degradation of the alloy microstructure / Yu. V. Petrov, O. A. Ratenko, V. K. Kharina // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – 2023. – Vol. 26, № 1. – P. 95-103.

Petrov Yuriy Vladimirovich

E-mail: yu.petrov@mstuca.aero

Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Post: head of Engineering Mechanics and Graphics department

Scientific major: aeroelasticity and design integrity of airframes

Important publications:

  1. Ratenko, O. A. Methodology for estimation of residual life of turbine blades of gas turbine engine under high-temperature creep conditions / O. A. Ratenko, Yu. V. Petrov, V. M. Samoylenko // Deformation and Fracture of Materials. – 2022. – № 2. – P. 12-17.
  2. Ovchinnikov, V. V. Investigation of the influence of elastic dissipative parameters of the under wing pylon-mounted engine suspension on aeroelastic and strength characteristics of the aircraft / V. V. Ovchinnikov, Yu. V. Petrov // Mechanics of Solids. – 2021. – № 1. – P. 119-128.

Bobrin Mikhail Archilovich

E-mail: bobrin.misha@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia.

Post: Leading engineer of the laboratory for training avionic specialists on aviation simulators at the Department of technical operation of radio electronic equipment of air transport.

Status: the applicant at the Department of technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engines.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Aeronautical navigation and aircraft operation.

Scientific major: aircraft health management system, aircraft flight safety management system, automatic control system of aircraft hydraulic systems, operational pressure-tolerant zone

Important publications:

  1. Bobrin M. A., Shestakov I. N. Control of hydraulic systems with the help of onboard computer complex of the aircraft / M. A. Bobrin, I. N. Shestakov // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2023. – № 3 (40). – pp. 120-127.
  2. Bobrin M. A., Klyomina L. G., Shestakov I. N. Intellectual system of automatic control in flight of the aircraft hydraulic system / M. A. Bobrin, L. G. Klyomina, I. N. Shestakov // Fifty-eighth Scientific Readings devoted to the development of scientific heritage and ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovsky. – Kaluga, IP Streltsov I.A., 2023. – pp. 341-344.
  3. Bobrin M. A. Creation of a system for controlling the technical condition of the hydraulic system / M. A. Bobrin // Civil aviation at the present stage of development of science, technology and society : Collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian civil aviation, Moscow, 18-19 May 2023. – Moscow: Publishing House of N.E. Zhukovsky Academy, 2023. – 236-238.
  4. Bobrin M. A. Development of the system for controlling the technical condition of hydraulic systems and flight safety of aircraft / M. A. Bobrin // XX Scientific Readings on Aviation, dedicated to the memory of N. E. Zhukovsky: Collection of abstracts to the 100th anniversary of Civil Aviation of Russia, Moscow, 13-14 April 2023. – 14-24.
  5. Bobrin M. A. Determination of the range of hydraulic system parameters changes during aircraft operation for use in the system of automatic control and management of flight safety / M. A. Bobrin // XVII Scientific Readings on Aviation, dedicated to the memory of N. E. Zhukovsky: Collection of abstracts to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the world’s first higher educational institution of aviation profile – VVIA named after Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky, Moscow, 9-10 April 2020. – 23-34.

Stepanova Galina Pavlovna

E-mail: gallog15@mail.ru

Place of work:  Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS, Moscow,   Russia

Post: Leading researcher

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Sciences in Medicine

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 3.3.7 – Aviation, space and marine medicine

Scientific major: psychophysiological and physiologicalanal state of a person under various extreme influences

Important publications:

  1. Tsetlin V. Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Aviation Personnel, Their Behavior, and Er-roneous Actions / V. Tsetlin, G. Stepanova, N. Nikolaykin, N. Korepina //  Lecture Notes in Machine Engineering (LNME): Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation .  – 2022. – Рages 383-392.
  2. Tzetlin V.V. MONITORING OF THE EFFECTS OF ISOLATION FACTORS ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE SIRIUS-19 / V.V. Tzetlin, E.YU. Bersenev, G.P. Stepanova, N.V. Degterenkova, D.A. Anikeev // Aviation and environmental medicin. – 2021 V.55 №3 Р.36-44.

Merzlikin Igor Nikolaevich


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Sciences in Technology

Academic title: Associate Professor

Specialty according to the Nomenclature of specialties of scientists (HAC code): 05.22.14 – Operation of air transport

The main areas of scientific research: Aviation safety, profiling, safety in emergency situations, psychology, safety of technological processes and industries.

Important publications:

  1. Merzlikin I. N. Scientific Organization and Labor protection as a Basis of Economic Model Efficiency / I. N. Merzlikin, O. G. Feoktistova, T. G. Feoktistova // Civil Aviation High Technologies. – – № 225. – Pp. 112-117.
  2. Merzlikin I. Features of the formation of the concept of educational work in an educational institution of civil aviation / I. Merzlikin, M. Ivanova, V. Ivanova // E3S Web Conf. Volume 258, 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum “Sustainable Development of Industrial Region” (UESF-2021) Article Number 10024. Number of page(s) 8. Section Training Personnel for Agricultural Industry. DOI https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202125810024. Published online 20 May 2021.

Marchenko Liliia Yurievna


Place of work: State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute for Biomedical Problems Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Post: researcher

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 3.3.7 – Aviation, space and marine medicine

Scientific major: neuroprotection, otoprotection, inert gases

Important publications:

  1. Marchenko L.Yu. Analysis of modern ideas about the neuroprotective properties of inert gases / L.Yu. Marchenko, E.E. Sigaleva, E.I. Matsnev, V.V. Pyatenko // Biomedicinskaya radioelektronika. 2022. V. 25. No. 2. pp. 5 – 23. DOI 10.18127/j15604136-202202-05
  2. Sigaleva E.E., Prospects for using the breathing method with a normoxic oxygen-argon gas mixture for the purposes of noise otoprotection //  E.E. Sigaleva, L.Yu. Marchenko, O.B. Pasekova, E.I. Matsnev, K.V. Gordienko, V.I. Grishin / Aviacionnaya, ekologicheskaya i kosmicheskaya medicina, 2023. V. 57. No. 2, pp. 65-73. DOI 10.21687/0233-528X-2023-57-2-65-73
  3. Sigaleva E.E. “Non-auditory” effects of noise on the human body /  E.E. Sigaleva, O.B. Pasekova, N.V. Degterenkova, L.Yu. Marchenko, E.I. Matsnev // Fiziologiya cheloveka. 2023. T. 49. No. 6. p. 76–83 DOI: 10.31857/S0131164622600677.
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