E-mail: bobrin.misha@yandex.ru
Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Moscow, Russia.
Post: Leading engineer of the laboratory for training avionic specialists on aviation simulators at the Department of technical operation of radio electronic equipment of air transport.
Status: the applicant at the Department of technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engines.
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Aeronautical navigation and aircraft operation.
Scientific major: aircraft health management system, aircraft flight safety management system, automatic control system of aircraft hydraulic systems, operational pressure-tolerant zone
Important publications:
- Bobrin M. A., Shestakov I. N. Control of hydraulic systems with the help of onboard computer complex of the aircraft / M. A. Bobrin, I. N. Shestakov // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2023. – № 3 (40). – pp. 120-127.
- Bobrin M. A., Klyomina L. G., Shestakov I. N. Intellectual system of automatic control in flight of the aircraft hydraulic system / M. A. Bobrin, L. G. Klyomina, I. N. Shestakov // Fifty-eighth Scientific Readings devoted to the development of scientific heritage and ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovsky. – Kaluga, IP Streltsov I.A., 2023. – pp. 341-344.
- Bobrin M. A. Creation of a system for controlling the technical condition of the hydraulic system / M. A. Bobrin // Civil aviation at the present stage of development of science, technology and society : Collection of abstracts of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian civil aviation, Moscow, 18-19 May 2023. – Moscow: Publishing House of N.E. Zhukovsky Academy, 2023. – 236-238.
- Bobrin M. A. Development of the system for controlling the technical condition of hydraulic systems and flight safety of aircraft / M. A. Bobrin // XX Scientific Readings on Aviation, dedicated to the memory of N. E. Zhukovsky: Collection of abstracts to the 100th anniversary of Civil Aviation of Russia, Moscow, 13-14 April 2023. – 14-24.
- Bobrin M. A. Determination of the range of hydraulic system parameters changes during aircraft operation for use in the system of automatic control and management of flight safety / M. A. Bobrin // XVII Scientific Readings on Aviation, dedicated to the memory of N. E. Zhukovsky: Collection of abstracts to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the world’s first higher educational institution of aviation profile – VVIA named after Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky, Moscow, 9-10 April 2020. – 23-34.