Degterenkova Natalia Vasilievna
Place of work: Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Position: researcher
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 19.00.04 – Medical psychology
Scientific major: psychophysiological and physiological state of a person under various extreme influences.
Important publications:
- Skedina M. A. Investigation of cerebral circulation and peripheral microcirculation to passive postural orthostatic test / M. A. Skedina, A. A. Kovaleva, N. V. Degterenkova // Regional blood circulation and microcirculation. – – Т. 17, № 3(67). – С. 115-119. DOI 10.24884/1682-6655-2018-17-3-115-119.
- Tzetlin V. V. Monitoring of the effects of isolation factors on human physiological functions within the SIRIUS-19 / V. V. Tzetlin, E. Yu. Bersenev, G. P. Stepanova, N. V. Degterenkova, D. A. Anikeev // Aviation and environmental medicine. – 2021. – V. 55, № 3. – Р. 36-44.
- Sigaleva E. E. «Non-auditory» effects of noise on the human body / E. E. Sigaleva, O. B. Pasekova, N. V. Degterenkova, L. Yu. Marchenko, E. I. Matsnev // Fiziologiya cheloveka. – 2023. – T. 49, No. 6. – p. 76-83. DOI 10.31857/S0131164622600677.