Shtyrlov Yuri Vladimirovich
Place of study: Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Status: graduate student
Specialty in accordance with the nomenclature of academic fields (Code of the Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6 – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment
Scientific major: air navigation, aircraft operation, design automation.
Important publications:
- Simulation program for the operation of on-board equipment for short-range navigation RSBN-85 / I. I. Gareev, M. T. Smulko, Yu. V. Shtyrlov [et al.] // Informatics, modeling, design automation (IMAP-2021): XIII International scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists, dedicated to the memory of the head of the department “Computer Engineering” Petr Ivanovich Sosnin: collection of scientific papers, Ulyanovsk, November 22-23, 2021 / ed. N. Vojta. – Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2021. – P. 87-91.