Категория: Farm-oriented education as a sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region

School social partnership and board of guardians as a means of pre-professional students education for entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of agribusiness

UDK 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52 N 503

T. N. Nemirich

The article deals with the problem of  polytechnic content of education, contributing to professional identity of rural students  and involving them in active educational and production processes, obtaining practical experience in the field of agribusiness according to the Concept of development of a continuous agribusiness education in rural territories of the Irkutsk region for the period up to 2020 approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk region and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region of July 18, 2014 No. №85.

Key words: agribusiness education, agribusiness competence, continuous education, rural development, education, training, educational standards, personal results, metasubject results, subject results.

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Agrobusiness-competence of the personality in rural territories of the Irkutsk region (to statement of the problem)

UDC 372.853(075.8) BBK 74.2

Tyksheeva S. C.

The article deals with the issue of agrobusiness competences of the personality according to the Concept of development of a continuous agrobusiness education in rural territories of the Irkutsk region for the period till 2020 approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk region and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region of July 18, 2014 №85-мпр/61-мпр.

Key words: agrobusiness education, agrobusiness competence, continuous education, development of the village, education, training, educational standards, personal results, metasubject results, subject results.

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Farm-oriented school as a condition for the individual efficiency formation

UDC 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52

Nemirich T. N.

The article considers the perspectives of the country school development and discusses the importance of the labour education. The author explains the specific life of the country people which value is agriculture labour. The Kulish school developed a system of labour education according to A. S. Makarenko’s traditions. Such a system made it possible to involve all pupils into a process of the co-operative activity, particularly, into farming.

Key words: labour education, social competence, country school, teenager, industrial activity, the Makarenko’s heritage, farm, employment assistance, ecology, moral culture.

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Farm-oriented education as a sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region

Dear friends!

I’m happy to greet you on the pages of the international informational and analytical journal «Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language» devoted to the development of a system of the continuous farm-oriented education for the country sustainable development in our region. Читать далее

Farm-oriented education as a condition of a country sustainable development

UDC 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52 

Nemirich T. N.

The article considers the experience of farm-oriented education at school № 16 located in the Kulish village, the Chuna district of the Irkutsk region. Such kind of education had a positive influence on the social characteristics of the country. Country school is considered to be an important element of the Russian educational system and has a considerable impact on the formation of the country society.

Key words: farm-oriented education, country social environment, country development, country school, labour education, farming

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The extract of the article has been published in the scientific journal “Magister Dixit” (See Немирич Т. Н. Система трудового воспитания в школе как условие оздоровления социальной среды села// MagisterDixit: электронный научно-педагогический журнал Восточной Сибири.  2011. №1. URL: http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/nemirich.pdf).