# 3, 2024

Air transport security

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_6

Evgeniy Yu. Starkov

Nikolay I. Nikolaykin

Elena Ed. Sigaleva

Galina P. Stepanova

Annotation. The article provides statistical data on passenger turnover of air transport in comparison with other types of transport in Russia, as well as flight safety indicators over the last decade. The leading types of events leading to aviation accidents have been identified. It has been revealed that the cause of many of the negative aviation events that have occurred are violations of the functional state, loss of performance and errors of crew members, which are facilitated by the conditions of the person’s environment.

The authors study the variability of heart rhythms, reflecting changes in the psycho-emotional state of a person during noise. The results of the study confirm that a change in the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system of the human operator. This indicates the development of stress under the influence of noise.

The authors demonstrate the importance of counteracting the negative effects of noise on aviation personnel to improve flight safety and reduce injuries and propose to use otoprotection with an oxygen-argon gas mixture to concentrate the attention of the crew in extreme situations.

Key words: air transport, aviation accidents, human factor, noise, otoprotection, argon.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_21

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The need for this study arose against the background of the analysis of numerous publications, standards and identification of contradictions affecting vital problems of assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality of work and services in the air transport industry. The analysis of theoretical and practical approaches in the studied area was carried out for solving the main task which is the development of correct terminology and practical introduction of the conceptual apparatus into new methodological approaches to creation and implementation of an integrated safety management system for an aviation service provider.

Keywords: product quality, aviation service provider, safety, integrated system.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_33

Denis A. Evsevichev

Abstract. The article examines the fatigue of flight personnel and members of the air traffic control service as a risk factor affecting flight safety. The proposed software solution based on the random forest method makes it possible to identify the state of fatigue in an aviation specialist after passing a series of tests evaluating a decrease in performance based on existing symptomatic attributes. The introduction of the presented solution into flight safety management systems at aviation enterprises will improve the corresponding reliability indicators of both pilots and air traffic controllers.

Key words: fatigue, assessment, statistics, machine learning, binary classification, random forest, automation, program.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_45

Polina I. Benyaminova

Oksana G. Feoktistova

Abstract. The article discusses various methods of risk assessment in the field of of process safety at an airline. The purpose of the study is to determine the most appropriate risk assessment method to increase the level of safety at work and reduce the probability of dangerous situations. When analyzing the methods for detecting and identifying hazardous events and negative situations, we have highlighted the most effective ones. Based on this, the authors have created diagrams such as the “tree of incidents” and the “tree of events” has been developed for the event: industrial injury. The article considers the matrix method as one of the most common methods in the practice of professional risk assessment.

Key words: airline, risk, occupational risk, labour precaution, accident tree, event tree, noise, dangerous occupational factor, harmful factors.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_59

Nikolay P. Malisov

Abstract. In the International Civil Aviation Organization, an important area is the development of new approaches to constructing and maintaining effective aircraft flight paths. Developing a flight control system capable of not only stabilizing the position, but also accurately tracking the trajectory for an aircraft is a rather complex task. In this paper, an algorithm for generating trajectory tracking control is proposed based on the methods of optimal control theory (OCT) using optimal filtering theory (OFT) approaches to estimate the trajectory motion parameters. The formulation of an autonomous optimal control problem is considered. In the paper, the flight route maintenance quality indicator is formulated as minimizing the deviation of the actual flight path from the specified one. The expediency of implementing the proposed approach is confirmed by the methods of simulation statistical modeling. To test the validity of the proposed approach, a simulation modeling of a typical flight path tracking under expected operating conditions was performed. Analysis of the results obtained during the simulation modeling shows that the deviation of the controlled flight path parameters from the specified values does not exceed 5 m. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm for tracking a specified flight path and its stability to external disturbances.

Keywords: aircraft, flight path, Kalman filter, optimal control, optimal filtering, global navigation satellite system, trajectory control system.

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Air traffic monitoring and management systems

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_76

Dmitry Y. Urbansky

Abstract. The use of modern surveillance equipment in accordance with ICAO recommendations is aimed at improving the efficiency of air transportation, increasing the capacity of airspace and airfields, and improving the safety of flights and ground operations. The introduction in the Russian Federation of a multi-position surveillance system (MPSS) based on automatic dependent surveillance of the broadcast type (ADS-B) is intended to facilitate the implementation of state and regional aviation development programs in terms of creating conditions for improving flight safety, availability and quality of air navigation services for airspace users. Therefore, the analysis of the principles of constructing a working area and processing navigation information in a multi-position surveillance system for improving the accuracy of aircraft position-fixing is an urgent research task. An approach to improving the efficiency of the MPSS operation when processing information in conditions of noise and interference has been considered. Analysis of the results of modeling the proposed algorithm based on the discrete Kalman filter shows high accuracy of estimating the planned coordinates of an aircraft. Specialized software has been developed to automate the process of calculating and constructing working areas of a multi-position surveillance system.

Keywords: multi-position surveillance system, multilateration technology, automatic dependent surveillance, Kalman filter, working area, location, least squares method.

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Aircraft, aircraft engines and methods of their operation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_103

Gennadiy V. Kovalenko

Ivan S. Muravyev

Ilya A. Yadrov

Abstract. The formalization of the activities of pilots in the controlling of the latest generation aircraft (AC) is experiencing difficulties due to significant changes in the structure of human activity – the operator. For the most complete analysis of the procedure for controlling the activities of pilots when using various levels of automation, it turns out to be not enough to use only the mathematical apparatus of probability theory and decision-making methods in vague conditions. The article presents the result of applying the methods of the theory of the importance of criteria in order to determine the most rational choice of crew members’ activity at various stages of flight and piloting modes of the latest generation aircraft.

Keywords: importance of criteria, evaluation of flight parameters, activity control, degree of aircraft automation.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_117

Anatoly F. Penno

Abstract. Problematic issues related to the operation of the landing gear system of modern aircraft are considered. Some specific requirements for similar systems used on military aircraft are indicated. A constructive solution is proposed in the form of an original development for the use of the energy of powder gases in the emergency landing gear system using the example of the Yak-130 aircraft. The author carried out an analysis of the additional equipment necessary for the operation of the proposed method of extending the landing gear, as well as its impact on the flight performance of the aircraft related to a possible increase in weight as well as changes in the dimensions of the aircraft. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was made about the possibility of using powder charges in the emergency system of an aircraft landing gear.

Key words: Landing gear system, powder charge, extension cylinder, reliability, flight safety.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_134

Vladimir P. Gorbunov

Abstract. The article considers the urgent task of optimizing the use of the existing and promising fleet of aircraft of domestic production within the framework of the creation of a single Far Eastern airline. The data on the assessment of the required number of aircraft of domestic production through a single consolidated order from all airlines of the Far Eastern region analyzed. It is shown that mathematical modeling and optimization methods play a significant role in the optimal design of the number and nomenclature of aircraft in the region, which are successfully used to select the best parameters and characteristics of aircraft or its subsystems at various stages of design, dividing the task into two interrelated models: parametric and operational. A systematic scientific and methodological approach to the external design of aircraft proposed, so it is possible to generate many design options for aircraft, limiting only those parameters that significantly affect the efficiency of the airline’s operation. The result of the study is the fulfillment of the task of optimizing the aircraft model range for subsequent operation in the conditions of the Far North, the Arctic, Siberia and the Far East. The analytical materials obtained allow us to compare the expansion plan of the route air transport network and the calendar plan for the production of aviation equipment for the united Far Eastern airline based on the produced relationship chart between airlines and aircraft manufacturers.

Keywords: mathematical modeling methods, unified Far Eastern airline, model range optimization, unified consolidated order.

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Transportation process management

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_144

Alena A. Vishniakova

Abstract. Analysis of current state of the transport infrastructure of cities as well as scientific studies in the field of transportation management demonstrate high relevance of the research line related to the planning, organization and management of transport flows. Operation of airport landside parking areas is one of issues of interest for this research line. The author analyzes operating practice of a regional airport landside parking area, reveals the current problems of parking, estimates the efficiency of using the landside parking area and develops proposals for enhancing the efficient use of the airport landside parking area.   

Key words: airport, terminal building, landside, entrance, exit, checkpoint, parking, queue, parking spot, congestion, queuing theory.

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Discourse and Text: vectors of research

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_157

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Anna B. Timosheva

Abstract. The article explores axiological strategies as tools of modelling pragmatic effects in popular-science and educational media discourses. The paper highlights the influencing potential of educational and popular science media texts. The empirical material analysis reveals the basic means of realizing the following axiological strategies:  critical, optimizing and futurological.

Key words: axiological strategy, value concepts, popular science, educational discourse, media texts.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_167

Sofiyat A. Atmurzayeva

Abstract. The proposed article addresses the phenomenon of the Viennese urban originals on the example of three personalities with official original status, special entourage, idiolect, idiokinesics and perlocutive impact on the Viennese and generally Austrian public. The aim of the paper is to investigate the Viennese originals’ fate during the National Socialist dictatorship after the “Anschluss” of Austria. The relevance of the article is connected to the development of the methodology of a new direction in Language and Culture Studies – Linguistic Portraiture that is regarded as a kind of archaeology of knowledge about real culturally significant personalities of specific countries. This direction differs from Linguistic Personology in its orientation: it is not aimed at generalizing cultural types reflected, first of all, in the phraseological fund of languages and their literary tradition, but at the study of dissipative groups encompassing personalities that can be regarded as living cultural phenomena, to which urban originals doubtlessly belong. The methods used in the article include systematization, classification, interpretative and contextual analysis, and metacritical analysis of biographical and scientific literature. The article speculates on the specificity of the discourses that took shape around Helmut Qualtinger, Beatrice Triangi and Karl Sesta, drawing on biographical materials, investigative journalism, works on linguocultural studies and texts produced by Viennese originals. The study is an attempt to reconstruct the intellectual discourse of the Austrian capital in the first half of the twentieth century.

Keywords: language and culture studies, urban originals, intellectual discourse of Vienna, Helmut Qualtinger, Beatrice Triangi, Karl Sesta.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_179

Ekaterina O. Tumanova

Abstract. Historical, cultural, political, economic and sporting events that are significant for a particular linguistic-cultural community are fixed in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers and are reflected in their lexical composition. The article is devoted to the description of semantic and stylistic peculiarities of German eonyms, i.e. lexical units whose semantics include allusions to the events in various spheres of life that gave rise to them. The research material is represented by “epithets of the year”, i.e. adjective names from the rating lists of the annual linguistic campaign of the German Language Society in Germany “Word of the Year” for the period from 1971 to 2023. The author has devoted his study to the description of the main characteristics of the selected units. The special stylistic features of eonyms-adjectives testify to their metaphorical character and the possibility of fulfilling the stylistic function of epithets. The article gives a general characterisation of eonyms-epithets in their diachronic aspect. The approach proposed by the author to the study of the linguistic reflection of historical events in German-language discourse is of interest to specialists in the field of linguistic-cultural studies.

Keywords: eonym, adjective, epithet, linguistic reflection, word of the year, the German language, key words of the current moment, linguistic-cultural studies.

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DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_192

Innokentiy N. Novgorodov

Anna A. Vasilieva

Abstract. The article presents the Leipzig-Jakarta list of the Dongxiang language according to the sources of the XXth and XXIst centuries of domestic and foreign scientists. The authors demonstrate the similarity in the vast majority of words, which indicates the stability of the studied list of the Mongolian language in China. At the same time, some part of the words reveal discrepancies in morphology and their semantics. Studying of the phonological system is necessary for further research of the Dongxiang language.

Key words: the Leipzig-Jakarta list, the Dongxiang language, domestic and foreign sources of the XXth and XXIst centuries.

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Theoretical and practical issues of foreign languages teaching

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_212

Anna A. Zankova

Abstract. Individual non-formal online language learning format is becoming more popular around the world. However, it is observed that the theoretical and methodological foundations are currently not fully developed. The article considers the advantages of non-formal individual online teaching Russian as a foreign language to adult learners under the teacher’s guidance, as well as a set of organizational patterns, approaches, and principles of functioning of this educational phenomenon. We have found out that individual non-formal online language learning is based on the following pedagogical organizational patterns: the management of the pedagogical process, the unity of teacher and learner’s activities, the dynamics of the pedagogical process. Effective organization of learning process is one of the current problems of modern didactics; therefore, it is important to consider the theoretical and methodological justifications of popular educational trends.

Keywords: non-formal online language learning, Russian as a foreign language, online format, methodological justification, synchronous online learning, synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication, online teacher.

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Buryat language and literature: theory and methodology

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_226

Sonombal Ts. Sodnomov

Abstract. The problem of preserving the native language still remains acute, especially among children. Childhood is a special period of human development, the child’s active acquisition of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech – phonetic, lexical, and grammatical. Our research shows that the number of preschool children who do not understand and do not speak their native Buryat language is increasing from year to year. A very specific situation has developed that requires analysis and special attention from authorities and educational structures and the general public. The author reflects on this and on the ways and means of preserving the native Buryat language in children’s environment, shares his experience of conducting and the results of experimental activities on organizing a monolingual speech development environment in preschool educational organizations. The author describes the experience of organizing parent clubs to include parents in educational activities.

Keywords: Buryat language, experiment, subject spatial environment, speech environment, monolingual speech environment, language images, children’s speech environment, subordinate bilingualism, sociolinguistic conditions, interactive technologies, parental community, federal educational program of preschool education, federal state educational standard of preschool education.

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