Категория: # 3, 2017

Data processing and exploratory data analysis

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

Aircraft maintenance procedures imply doing different work of logistic, organizational and technical and technological character. Their common issues are those of surveillance objects and processes for the purpose of numerical data collection, processing and exploratory data analysis before using for taking decisions. The urgent issues of mathematical and instrumental support for processing and exploratory data analysis within the operating company and under teaching in educational establishments of civil aviation are discussed in this regard.

Key words: sample, binary sequence, data processing, filtering, exploratory analysis, stationarity of sample values, outlier analysis, statistical criteria.

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Implicit meanings in a communicative triade: epistemic aspect

UDC 81’1 BBK  81.2-5

Sludneva L. V.

The article deals with some mechanisms of verbal and non-verbal behavior of a speaker aimed at excluding from communication its side participants. The focus is made on epistemic aspect of interpreting and understanding implicit meanings.

Keywords: implicit meanings; communicative triade; proper addressee; side participant of communication.

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The linguistic peculiarities of German Grimm’s fairy tales film adaptations

UDC 821.112.2 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Нем.)

Merkurjewa V. B., Shadrina A. L.

The article studies the linguistic peculiarities of a film adaptation as a film text and as a secondary text. On the basis of the analysis of German Grimm’s fairy tales film adaptations the lexical means that change the genre and the style of a fairy tale in the adaptation and correctly convert the original text of the story into a film text are defined. The linguistic features of the source text preserved in the secondary text are also specified.

Key words: creolized text, film text, secondary text, film adaptation, fairytale film, Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

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Thesis, antithesis and synthesis in Alexander Blok’s poetry

UDC 81.00 BK

Danilenko V. P.

This article is dedicated to the analysis of A. A. Blok’s poetry from the viewpoint of how the thesis («mad love»), the antithesis («disgust’s relation with life») and the synthesis of his poetry are represented there. The latter concept was universal in pre-revolutionary Block’s poetry and was considered to be revolutionary, Christian and Eurasian one in his post-revolutionary poetry.

Key words: Alexander Blok, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, love, disgust, poetry, «Twelve», «Scythians».

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The structural-semantic peculiarities of animalistic phraseologisms describing a human’s appearance and character in Russian and Korean

UDC 81.2 BBK 81.2(Кор.)

Antonova A. B., Kim Jiyeon

The Russian and Korean animalistic phraseologisms indicate national peculiarities. Most phraseologisms describing a human’s appearance and character in Russian and Korean linguocultures are comparative units which structurally consist of an adjective, conjunction as and a noun – zoonym. Russian and Korean comparative phraseological units can have both equivalent and nonequivalent zoonymic components.

Key words: phraseological unit, linguoculture, zoonym, comparative unit, to symbolize, the Russian language, the Korean language

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To the question of exploitation of diesel locomotives UzTE16М3 on the track section Marokand — Navoi JSC “Uzbekiston temir yullari”

UDC 629.42:629.4.054, 625.28 BBK 39.235

Ablyalimov O. S.

The article presents the results of studies of the analysis and justification of efficiency of use of the main (train) three-unit diesels UzTE16М3 on the hilly-mountain area of Marokand – Navoi of the Uzbek Railways in the movement of freight trains with stops and without them at thestations en route, siding lines and separate stations. The obtained parameter values of the main indicators of the transport operation of the tested locomotives UzТЕ16М3 will be quite helpful for engine driver-instructors and specialists of the shop operation of the locomotive depot Samarkand, Bukhara in estimating the traction properties of track sides of a path profile and effectiveness of the operational activities of the mentioned real railway part of the JSC “Uzbekiston Temir Yullari”.

Keywords: research, result, freight train, movement, locomotive, railroad, track section, operation, condition, direction, speed, rolling stock, analysis, hilly and mountainous, estimation, station, submit, average, track side, profile.

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