Категория: # 1, 2022

Formation of goal-setting action in buryat lessons

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_196

Sonombal Th. Sodnomov

Annotation. The paper deals with the problems of forming goal-setting action in Buryat lessons. In the author’s opinion, the problem is especially acute in Buryat lessons as a lot of students consider this subject unnecessary and the knowledge of the Buryat language not prestigious. An analysis of the practical activities of teachers shows that the goals of educational activities are mostly set and formulated by the teacher himself. Ignorance of the lesson goals as well as the goals of studying the educational material make students weary, unwilling to learn the language, and also reduces their working capacity.

The author suggests specific techniques that can be used in Buryat lessons at the stage of goal setting. The proposed techniques increase motivation, help students accept the goals of the lesson.

Key words: Buryat language, modern lesson, goal-setting, educational process, formation, standard, universal learning activities, ability, lesson goal, lesson objectives.

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Author’s preface as a promotional text

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_141

Olga I. Korolenko

Abstract. This article is devoted to author’s preface to works of art. A preface can be considered as a promotional text that helps a reader to choose a composition. The article discusses the communication strategies used by authors to provide a deeper understanding of the main text of the work. The self-presentation of the author, as the creator of the work, is clearly expressed in the texts of the preface. The article identifies the language means of self-naming of the author.

Keywords: author, author’s Preface, linguistics, French, fiction, publishing discourse, promotional text, communicative strategies for author’s self-naming.

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The concept of «personality» in contemporary sociology (based on the example of the binominal anthroponyms)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_208

Irina A. Nelaeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of the concept “personality” in modern sociology based on the example of anthroponyms imitating binominal nomenclature and created according to the Latin model «homo + adjective». As our study has shown, these lexical units can represent not only a unified system, but through different configurations form subsystems, used later for analysis in humanities disciplines such as ethnography, philosophy, theology, psychology, pedagogy and others. The analysis of binominal anthroponyms in scientific texts on sociology, devoted to the concept «personality», showed that thanks to their informative density in each of them we can implicitly / explicitly observe, first, the mutual influence of the macroworld (society + [nature]) and the microworld in a particular personality; secondly, the manifestation of the passive and/or active personality in society; thirdly, the reflection of traditional and innovative perceptions of personality; and fourthly, they highlight the problems associated with a particular personality and ways of solving them.

Keywords: personality, binominal anthroponyms: homo societatis, homo hierarchicus, homo sociologicus, homo socialis, homo socius, homo academicus, homo parochius и homo clausus.

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Semiotic image of a precedent personality in european cultural space

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_113

Valeriya A. Rayskina

Abstract. The study has been undertaken to present the semiotic image of Michel Montaigne (the XVIth century humanist, philosopher, politician, and writer) perceived as a precedent personality of French linguoculture. This semiotic image is constructed via the study of Michel Montaigne`s iconic portraits in various genres: pictorial portraits, engraving, sculpture, bust, stamps, medals, and coins images. Fine works of art are considered as a semiotic system, and as an image-text, that performs the following functions: informational, aesthetical, axiological, and emotional. Portrait is defined as a lingo-socio-cultural phenomenon, consisting of culture-meaningful visual and verbal signs. The material basis for the work represents a collected portrait gallery including 34 images of Michel Montaigne created between 1578 and 2012. The purpose of the study is to model a complexe semiotic image of the precedent personality (Michel Montaigne) in diachrony. Our created semiotic image is composed of visual and verbal features with semiotic functions, and also includes connotative component that complements this precedent image.

Keywords: semiotics, semiotic image, semiotic functions, precedent personality, precedent image, portrait, verbal portrait, linguoculture, humanism, Renaissance.

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To the question on the great power diplomacy with chinese characteristics for a new era

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_129

Anna V. Boyarkina

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of a new diplomatic course of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The purpose of the article is to show the evolution of the new foreign policy doctrine of the PRC – Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. This idea is being implemented by President Xi Jinping after the 18th National Congress of the CPC, held in 2012, which marked a new period in the development of China’s foreign policy and diplomacy. The theory of Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics is mainly founded on the legacy of Chinese culture and traditional concepts.

This study is based on the theoretical approach of the Chinese School of International Relations. The subject of the study is the diplomacy of a great power with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Consideration of each large-scale concept or idea will allow a multifaceted description of the new course of Xi’s foreign policy since his coming to power and to the present.

It is concluded that the conceptual foundations of Chinese foreign policy in the new era are global, transcontinental cornerstone points that transform the system of international relations of a new type. In a broader sense, these concepts are seen as China’s contribution to international relations theory. A distinctive feature of Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era is its targeted content for each region of the world.

Key words: China, Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, Community with a shared future for mankind, New type of international relations, Belt and Road Initiative.

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