Категория: 5.7. Philosophy

The concept of «personality» in contemporary sociology (based on the example of the binominal anthroponyms)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_208

Irina A. Nelaeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of the concept “personality” in modern sociology based on the example of anthroponyms imitating binominal nomenclature and created according to the Latin model «homo + adjective». As our study has shown, these lexical units can represent not only a unified system, but through different configurations form subsystems, used later for analysis in humanities disciplines such as ethnography, philosophy, theology, psychology, pedagogy and others. The analysis of binominal anthroponyms in scientific texts on sociology, devoted to the concept «personality», showed that thanks to their informative density in each of them we can implicitly / explicitly observe, first, the mutual influence of the macroworld (society + [nature]) and the microworld in a particular personality; secondly, the manifestation of the passive and/or active personality in society; thirdly, the reflection of traditional and innovative perceptions of personality; and fourthly, they highlight the problems associated with a particular personality and ways of solving them.

Keywords: personality, binominal anthroponyms: homo societatis, homo hierarchicus, homo sociologicus, homo socialis, homo socius, homo academicus, homo parochius и homo clausus.

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Culture as otherness in G. V. F. Hegel’s philosophical system

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_224

Alexander Vladimirovich Egorov

Abstract. The article examines the concept of culture as otherness of an absolute idea in G. V. F. Hegel’s philosophical system. The author considers G. V. F. Hegel’s philosophical system in terms of panrationalism and as a brilliant cultural phenomenon of the 19th century.

Keywords: philosophy, system, idealism, panlogism, panrationalism, logic, dialectics, process, connection, being, culture.

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Nothing like objective reality

Egorov A. V.

The paper considers the concept of “nothing” as a material objective basis that does not represent an independent form of being. It is revealed in the dialectical process of cognition. Nothing is the common and ubiquitous basis of the material world, which does not exist in an independent autonomous form, therefore we cannot feel it. We feel the formed material form of being. Nothing and something are considered to be philosophical categories characterizing the process of formation and development of the material form of being.

Key words: matter, being, dialectics, philosophy of nothing and something, evolution, objective law.

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Historical portraying of the concept «personality»

UDK 101.3 BBK 87.6

Nelaeva I. A.

The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the initial, universal image of the concept «Personality» from various fields of humanitarian knowledge (ethnography, philosophy, Christianity, psychology).

Key words: concept «Personality», historical and linguistic portraying of a concept, ethnography, philosophy, Christianity, psychology.

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Reflections on the existential “nothing” in a person’s life

UDK 141.32 BBK 71.1

Egorov A. V.

The article deals with the concept of “care” as an integral element of human life, as a factor of personality formation and development. The author proves that care displaces the feeling of being-fear and death.

Keywords: life, man, being, will, fear, abandonment, care, nothing, something, self-affirmation, dialectic.

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Reflections about dialectics of conscience as moral value of an individual and society

UDK 177 BBK 87.7

Egorov A. V.

The article deals with the functional features of dialectics and its role in the formation and the content of conscience development. The author substantiates the necessity of conscience culture in the life of society and an individual as a cultural and moral value.

Keywords: dialectics, dialectics of conscience, conscience, culture of conscience.

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Time philosophy in its diachronism

UDC 10/14 BBK 87

Sinitsyna L. N.

The issue of time in the context of traditional science is discussed in this work. The aim of the study is to analyse the historical perception in relation to the distinguishing features of the belief system of various epochs, which gives an opportunity to understand the social processes of the past and present eras.

Key words: time, culture, historical perception, endophysics, synergetics, germeneutics.

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