E–mail: cherkashinaei@mgpu.ru
Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russia
Academic degree: PhD in Philology
Academic status: Full professor
Post: Head of Romance Philology department, Institute of foreign languages
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.05 – Romance languages
Research major: methods of teaching foreign languages in higher education, training in a foreign language specialty, lingvodidactics, cultural linguistics, discursive studies of tourist discourse.
Important publications:
- Cherkashina E. I. Implementation of multimedia projects When Training Linguists in the Field of Intercultural Communication // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences: Conference proceedings. London, 2020. Р. 1091-1097.
- Cherkashina E. I. A new approach to optimizing the language training of specialists in the context of the modernization of engineering education // Business. Right. 2020. №. 2 (51). P. 437-442. – DOI 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.51.279. – EDN FAJZJO.
- Cherkashina E. I. A Textbook Model in a Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Tourism Sphere // TSNI 2021 – Textbook: Focus on Students’ National Identity, Moscow, April 20-24 2021. Moscow: ARPHA Proceedings, 2021. P. 228-240. – DOI 10.3897/ap.еe0228. – EDN JVJVWD.
- Slastnikova T. V. Color and color designation in linguistic research / T. V. Slastnikova, E. I. Cherkashina. – Moscow: Languages of the Peoples of the World, 2021. 240 p. – ISBN 978-5-6046262-0-7. – EDN DLSYUC.