Категория: Authors

Ishenina Anna Sergeevna

e-mail: anna.ishenina@ yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University”

Post: Senior Lecturer of  English philology department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  Postgraduate, 10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics.

Important publications:

  1. Ishenina, A. S. Cognitive model of the situation of imagination in modern English // Tomsk state pedagogical university bulletin. 2018. No. 4 (193). P. 115-121.
  2. Semenova, T. I., Ishenina A. S. Epistemic meanings of imagine class verbs // Tomsk state pedagogical university bulletin. 2019. № 9 (206). P. 9-15.


Fedorova Ekaterina Anatol”evna

e-mail: ekfedorova@gmail.com

Place of work: Ministry of Economic Development of the Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences

Post: Head of Project Management Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Khabarovsk Territory

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  Economics and National Economy Management

Scientific major: entrepreneurial development, development of municipal service industry, state and municipal economic regulation

Important publications:

  1. Fedorova, E. A. Jekonomicheskaja politika mestnyh organov vlasti // JeKO (Jekonomika i organizacija promyshlennogo proizvodstva). 2007. № 8 (398). S. 61-68.
  2. Fedorova, E. A. Sovremennye prioritety municipal’noj jekonomicheskoj politiki // Mestnoe samoupravlenie na rossijskom Dal’nem Vostoke. Habarovsk: DVNCMS. 2007. Vypusk 5 (21). S. 23-29.
  3. Fedorova, E. A. Kak razvivat’ predprinimatel’stvo v municipal’nyh obrazovanijah / E. A. Fedorova, M. A. Polichka, N. P. Polichka. Habarovsk: DVNCMS, 2017. S. 116.
  4. Fedorova, E. A. Social’noe proektirovanie predostavlenija bjudzhetnyh uslug v social’noj sfere: osnovnye riski / E. A. Fedorova, M. A. Polichka, N. P. Polichka // Social’nyj proekt: razrabotka, realizacija, ocenka, praktika // Volgograd: Centr grazhdanskogo obrazovanija, 2018. S. 67-40.

Ugolkov Sergei Vjacheslavovich

e-mail: uglkvserg@mail.ru

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Military Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post:Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics, SUAI,

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 20.01.08 Logistic services of the armed forces

Scientific major: organization of transportation and management in a single transport system; intelligent transport systems

Important publications:

  1. Ugolkov, S.V. Tehnika transporta, obsluzhivanie i remont: ucheb.-metod. posobie / S.V. Ugolkov, A.V. Summanen. SPb.: GUAP, 2019. 103 s.
  2. Ugolkov, S.V. Tehnologija transportnyh processov: Metodicheskie ukazanija po vypolneniju vypusknoj kvalifikacionnoj raboty po napravleniju 23.03.01 «Tehnologija transportnyh processov» / S.V.Ugolkov, V.A. Fetisov, N.N. Majorov, N.A. Slobodchikov. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGUAP, 2020. 106 s.

Maiorov Nikolai Nikolaevich

e-mail: nmsoft@yandex.ru

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: Director of the Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation and Systems,

Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics SUAI

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):05.13.12 Design Automation Systems

Scientific major: theory of transport processes, simulation of transport systems and processes, intelligent transport systems

Important publications:

  1. Maiorov, N.N. Improvement of the quality of the sea passenger terminal based on methods of forecasting / N.N. Maiorov, V.A. Fetisov // Naše more (Our Sea). 2018. Vol 65. No 3. pp. 135-140.
  2. Maiorov, N.N. Research of Marine Ferry Systems Based on Discretization pf Processes and Simulation Ferry Market Based on CIRCOS Intensity Graph/ N.N. Maiorov, V.A. Fetisov, Srećko Krile // Naše more (Our Sea). 2020. Vol 67. No 1. pp. 45-52.

Novolodskaya Natal’ya Sergeevna

e-mail: indigos@mail.ru

Place of work: the East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages and Speech Culture

Scientific major: deviancy, penitentiary deviancy, language training, German Dialectology, Text Linguistics.

Important publications:

  1. Novolodskaya N. S. Agressija kak osobaja cherta povedenija nesovershennoletnih v penitenciarii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. №6. S. 334-335.
  2. Merkur’eva V. B. Dialekt v nemeckojazychnyh skazkah (aktual’nost’ issledovanija i primery interpretacii) / V. B. Merkur’eva, N. S. Novolodskaya // Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaja serija. Serija: Filologija. Zhurnalistika. 2020. №20.  S. 163-167.
  3. Novolodskaya N. S. Gendernye osobennosti prestupnogo povedenija // Social’nye processy v sovremennom rossijskom obshhestve: problemy i perspektivy Materialy IV Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Otv. redaktor O.B. Istomina. Irkutsk: Izdatel’stvo IGU, 2020.  S. 282-285.


Nezhkina Larisa Yur’evna

e-mail: n.l.y@mail.ru

Place of work: the East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical sciences

Academic status:  Assistant professor

Post: assistant professor of the Department of philosophy and humanities and social sciences

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – general education, history of pedagogy and education.

Scientific major: personality psychology, pedagogy.

Important publications:

  1. Nezhkina, L.Yu. Koping-povedenie sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del // Evrazijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. № 3 (142). S. 280-281.
  2. Nezhkina, L. Yu. Izuchenie psihofiziologicheskogo sostoyaniya sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del // Evrazijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2019. № 2 (129). S. 293-394.

Shipitsyna Roxana Enokovna

e-mail: roxy4k@mail.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University»

Status: postgraduate student

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.9.4. – Transportation process management

Scientific major: road freight transportation, methods for optimizing cargo transportation planning.

Important publications:

  1. Shipitsyna R. E. Aspects of organizing the implementation of a plan for the transportation of goods by machine shipments in cities, created when solving a transport problem of linear programming / E. E. Vitvitsky, R. E. Shipitsyna // World of transport and technological machines. – 2023. – № 3-3(82). – P. 46-53.
  2. Shipitsyna R. E. Comparison of the results of applying methods for solving the transport problem of linear programming / R. E. Shipitsyna, E. E. Vitvitsky // Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language. – 2021. – № 2. – P. 6-23.

Kazantseva Elena Michailovna

e-mail: kazancev2003@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of the Department of Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by field and level of education)

Scientific major: content of modern language education

Important publications:

  1. Kazantseva, E. Students’ Digital Competence Formation in the Context of Implementing the Requirements of the Federal State Education Standards / E. Kazantseva, O. Kolmakova, A. Kazantseva, N. Sverdlova // Integrating Engineering Education and Humanities for Global Intercultural Perspectives / Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 25-27 March 2020. Vol 131. pp. 611-620.

Semenova Tatiana Ivanovna

e-mail: tisemenova54@ mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University”, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status: Full professor

Post: Professor of English philology department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: cognitive linguistics,  discourse analysis, pragmalinguistics, semiotics .

Important publications:

  1. Semenova T. I. Knowledge management in news discourse: a sociogognitive view // Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2020.Vol.19. No. 5. pp. 122-132. – DOI 10.15688/jvolsu2.2020.5.11. – EDN EIHIQJ.
  2. Semenova T. I. Epistemic properties of discourse // Cognitive Studies of Language. Cognitive and discursive paradigm in linguistics: current problems and research methodology. Yekaterinburg, 2020. Volume 2(41). pp. 739- – EDN NHSJJF.

Chapaykina Anna Aleksandrovna

e-mail: achapajkina@bk.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State Transport University», Irkutsk, Russia

Status: senior lecturer, department of foreign languages

Scientific major: discourse and text: research vectors. Cognitive linguistics problems


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