Категория: Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

On the results of research of the problem of communication in professional activity and training specialists for it

UDC 651.51 BBK 74.58

Monzhiyevskaya V. V. 

The article presents the results of studies of communication problems in professional activity and training specialists for it by the staff of the East Siberian Center of problems of pedagogical science and education. Considering scientific approaches to the research, essential characteristics of communication in professional activity, the author defines business and professional communication as well as communicative competence.

Keywords: scientific approaches; business communication; professional communication; communicative competence.

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Using method of correlation pleiades for improving learning efficiency

УДК 378 ББК 221

Mindeyeva S. V.Berdnik L. O.

The article describes an example of improving the educational process in a technical university by the example of the discipline «Econometrics». The authors present a method of correlation pleiades which is not widely used in this discipline. An example of using the method of correlation pleiades to identify the relationship between eight parameters is considered. The threshold limitation was introduced to study the relationship between the parameters which makes it possible to divide the pleiad into more trivial ones.

Key words: educational process, econometrics, correlation pleiad, correlation coefficient, chain, star, network.

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Horizons and borders of contemporary education

UDC 378.14.015.62 BBK 74.58

Adolf V. A.Adolf K. V.

The article suggests a variant of constructing the horizons and boundaries of modern education by means of the identification of social and pedagogical problems associated with the implementation of the competence approach. It defines the role of education in the professional socialization of young people. It is proposed to accept interdisciplinary – convergent learning based on the implementation of a subject-oriented approach. It is based on the idea of clarifying the professional tasks arising from the characteristics of the graduates’ professional activities in accordance with Higher Education Federal State Educational Standards through the content of labor activities and functions. The authors suggest the presented option makes it possible to carry out a substantive concretization of the theoretical-methodological, psychological-pedagogical, practical, socio-cultural training of students during learning the appropriate programs.

Key words: education, training, competence, readiness for professional activity, professional socialization of the youth.

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Linguistic competence of the future law enforcement officer in the sphere of computer anglicisms

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.48

Yevdokimova M. G.

The article deals with the question of the linguistic competence of the future law enforcement officers in the field of computer technology in English. Computer crimes, like other types of crime, characterize the behavior and the modus operandi of the offender. The specialists owning computer anglicism can not only more effectively combat computer crimes, but also prevent them. To reveal the knowledge of the slang of computer anglicisms the cadets in the control and experimental groups of the ESI of the MIA of Russia participated in an experiment while translating the technical text. The results of the experiment showed that the experimental group could give a more competent translation than the unprepared group did.

Key words: linguistic competence computer crimes, computer anglicisms, conduct of a criminal

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Professional education: in search for new forms and methods in social work education

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Tselykh M. P.

The article deals with the issue of the search for new forms and methods of social work education. The author proves the need for the analysis and synthesis of modern and historical experience to update the ways and means of education. The author shows the use of case-study method in the training of American social workers at the stage of genesis of the profession. Special attention is paid to the use of innovative methods in the modern professional education.

Keywords: social pedagogy, social work; professional education; forms and methods of education.

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Specialist on social programs: history and perspectives of training

UDC 378 BBK 74

Bolshedvorskaya M. V.

The article gives a general description of the “social partnership” phenomenon, the analysis of qualification requirements for specialists who solve the problems of social partnership in the field of labor relations and the possibility of training such specialists in higher education.

Keywords: social partnership; professional standard; educational standard; competence; specialist in social programs.

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Analysing of the effects of experimental work on the theme «Developing students’ life-purpose orientations in a technical college»

UDC 371.321 BBK 74.00

Savel’eva D. V.

The organizations of vocational secondary education are an environment where the students receive not only special knowledge and skills, but also a certain worldview, life attitudes, related with their future professional activity. The problem of life-purpose orientations is the reason of experimental work. This issue is caused by the reform of educational system, where the vocational organizations play an important role. At present their main purpose is to develop the future specialist both a subject of his own education and a subject of his own life strategy.

Key words: experiment, life-purpose orientations, college students, fiction.

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Organizational and methodical aspects of personnel education for school libraries

UDC 021.3 BBK 78.34

Churasheva O. L.Tretyakov A. L.

The authors of the article make an attempt to highlight the issues of organizational and methodological support for personnel education for school libraries. They also describe the tendencies of development of higher education in the Russian Federation and characterize the innovative pedagogical activity of the Library and Informational faculty of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Art. The article highlights a new programme of the faculty “Communication activity of public and school libraries”. The organizational and methodological foundations of the two disciplines taught within the programme are presented by the authors. They also note the need for a more detailed study of the development of the innovative educational landscape of higher schools in modern Russia.

Keywords: personnel education, school library, higher education, organizational and methodical aspects, professional competence, innovative activity.

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Threpsology as a necessary component in future trainers education

UDC 37.037.1 BBK 75.0

Odintsova V. I.

This article proves the feasibility of the discipline “Threpsology” which is implemented while preparing bachelors in direction of training “Sports training”. It allows students to acquire knowledge about the basics of nutrition; skills to create proper eating behavior during the training process and competitions; competence in endoecological safety of sports nutrition. The article works out the content of one of the course themes: “The results of the food additive “New Life 1000″ usage basing on a balanced diet”.

Keywords: students, sports training, general threpsology

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