Категория: Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

About usefulness of applying of distence learning in additional professional education

UDK 378.046.4 BBK 74.40

Vishniakova A. A.

The article are presented the results of using distance learning technologies in the field of additional professional education, highlights the features of distance learning, problem areas, it is concluded that it is advisable to use distance learning in additional professional education.

Keywords: education, distance learning, additional professional education, Moodle system.

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The use of the case method in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students

UDK 377.5 BBK 74.560

Babayan A. V.

The article deals with the problem of the case method using in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students. The experience of case method using in teaching the discipline “Management” to the vocational education students of Pyatigorsk State University is summarized. The essence of this method is revealed, the stages of work on the case method and the variants of results are described, and the educational potential of the case method application is exposed. The case method is argued to be focused on the development of thinking; develops students’ interest in learning, positive motivation, encouraging self-learning and professional activity, formation of self-education skills.

Keywords: case method, management, student, secondary vocational education, study, teaching.

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Development and use of exercise machines for welders’ training

UDK 378.1; 371.3 BBK 74

Kozyrev N. A.

Kozyreva O. A.

The authors define theoretical opportunities of development and use of exercise machines for welders’ training. The concepts “program and pedagogical support of didactic courses”, “program and didactic support of didactic courses”, “pedagogical conditions for welders’ personified training with the use of an exercise machine ” are defined. Pedagogical conditions for welders’ personified training with the use of an exercise machine are specified. Objective results of professional activity are theorized, practice of use of exercise machines for welders’ training is illustrated, qualitative results of exercise machines use activities for welders’ training are shown.

Keywords: model, program and pedagogical support, exercise machine for welders’ training, pedagogical conditions.

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Autumn school “Сritical understanding of history – the strengthening of democracy” in Germany

UDK 373.24 BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V.

The article presents the experience of participation of a Russian media pedagogue in the autumn school “Critical understanding of history – strengthening of democracy” organized by Moldova Institute Leipzig and the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt). Participation in the autumn school allowed the author to realize a number of scientific interests: to identify current trends in the understanding of Holocaust issues by researchers from Germany, Colombia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia; to find out what media are used by teachers from different countries in the lessons on the Second world war; to expand knowledge and skills in understanding, interpreting historical facts of the Soviet past, including through the analysis of media content.

Key words: history, media content, textbooks, schoolchildren, historians.

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The problem of professional image as the object of scientific research

UDK 378.2 BBK 74.58 Ts 349

Tselykh M. P.

The paper analyzes different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of image. Various attitudes describing the phenomenon of image are discussed: substantial (interpretation of the term) and ontological (procedure) status, explaining the process of its formation. The need for the applied research is stressed in order to find tools and resources to construct a positive image of the social pedagogue /social worker in Russia.

Keywords: image, professional image, social pedagogue, social worker, imagology, social and pedagogical activity.

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On the improvement of the system of further education

UDK 35.08 BBK 74.40

V.A. Komkov

O.V. Kotlyarova

The paper presents the results of the research aimed at studying the educational needs of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Vladimir region. The main hypothesis is focused on the need for the deformation of the system of further education. A set of measures aimed at the breakthrough development of the system of professional retraining and advanced training is presented as the rational solution of the problem.

Ключевые слова: further education, professional development, professional retraining, lifelong education.

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Organization of work with young people: current trends in development, enriching and expanding educational content and strengthening image support (by means of the example of taganrog institute named after A.P. Chekhov, branch of the Rostov state university of economics, Russian federation)

UDK 316.77:001.8 BBK С55.325.1:С55.57с

A. Ju. Goloborodko

I. V. Chelysheva

Key vectors and prospective development paths of “Organization of work with young people” training program are discussed in the article. The uniqueness of the master program “Organization of Work with Young People in the Sphere of Culture and Mass Communication” consists in the active inclusion of the media educational component in the system of training future masters, providing theoretical and practical training of students for professional activities. The authors also presented the organizational components of high school graduates vocational guidance with the inclusion of the media education and media culture study.

Keywords: organization of work with young people, media education, master study, media schools.

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Pecularities of person-centered approach to students support at the stage of adaptation in new educational environment

УДК 378 ББК 74.48

O. A. Molokova

The article deals with the necessity to consider students support at the stage of adaptation in the conditions of humanization of education based on humanistic psychological approaches. The most consistent and developed of these approaches in pedagogical practice is the person-centered approach which is able to act as the theoretical and practical basis of this kind of support. The article discusses the peculiarities of supporting students in terms of the person-centered approach in comparison with the traditional (pragmatic) approach.

Keywords: adaptation of students, person-centered approach, students support.

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Academic training, job training and pre-diploma practice: the place and role in the training of the future specialists in land and property relations

UDC 377 BBK 74.560

Kozulina L. M.

In the article the author shares his experience of the practical training in the specialty 21.02.05 Land and Property Relations in the «Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction» (SBPEI «ICAT and RC»). 

The author convincingly proves that all types of practice are the most important component in the system of secondary vocational education.

Keywords: professional education, practical training, SBPEI «ICAT and RC», FSES, professional unit, professional competence, shared competence, academic training, job training, pre-diploma practice.

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The impact of the internet on the communicative competence of the student

UDC 37 BBK 74.202.5

Savchenko I. V.

The article analyzes the impact of the Internet on the student’s communicative competence. It is emphasized that communicative competence becomes the main one in the modern information society, its variable component composition is considered.

Keywords: Internet, world network, communicative competence of the student, variable component structure, thinking, knowledge, communication.

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