Категория: Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

Culture creative approach to the problem of media culture in the modern information space

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the culture of the creative nature of contemporary media culture. The author provides an outline of the media culture, its sphere of influence on contemporary socio-cultural space.

Keywords: media, media culture, media reality, cultural studies approach, philosophical analysis.

* Статья написана при финансовой поддержке гранта РГНФ «Стратегии современного британского медиаобразования и его влияние на российскую медиапедагогику», проект № 13-36-01001. Руководитель проекта – И. В. Челышева.

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Media competence is a key priority of linguistic education

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Yu.

The article studies media competence as a goal of media education and a training outcome through the prism of linguistic education. It describes its currentness, gives an analysis of its terms in the pedagogical science.

Key words: competence; media competence; media education; foreign language.

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New ideas to methodological experience of a teacher of music: the development of media literacy of young learners with the help of digital learning resources

UDC 378 BBK 74.26

Khitzova N. G.

The article presents the author’s educational program “Music computica” for young learners of music schools. New experience involves the development of media literacy among young learners with the help of digital educational resources. The importance to integrate media education in teaching music in terms of the exponential growth of new media is emphasized in the article.

Key words: music education, media, “Music computica”, educational resources, critical thinking, music literature, media education, media literacy.

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Media education in the context of cross-cultural communication (on the example of the US mass media)

UDC 37.013.74(045) BBK 74.480.26

Pechinkina O. V.

The necessary prerequisite of successful cooperation with representatives of other nationalities and cultures is not only foreign language acquisition but awareness of cultural diversity of the world, based on the analysis of particular products of human activity as well as the analysis of specific situations of cross-cultural communication. Media texts are the most available sources of such information, and their analysis allows integrating language teaching, cross-cultural communication and media education.

Keywords: cross-cultural communication; media education; media texts; students; media texts’ analysis.

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Mediacompetence as a necessary condition of successful communication in virtual speech environment

UDC 378.225 BBK 74.5

Ivanova L. A., Verbitskaya O. M.

The article deals with one of the most burning issues of modern higher education – media competence’s forming and development in the sphere of foreign language teaching.

Key-words: media education, media literacy, mediatized socializing, foreign language communication, intercultural interaction.

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Place of “media education” concept in categorical system of modern pedagogics

UDC 37.011 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Yu.

This article analyzes the concept of media education in Russian and foreign pedagogical researches. The author studies the period of this concept to appear in the science, formulates the concept and describes its nature based on the analyses of scientific studies of Russian and foreign media teachers.

Keywords: media, education, media education, mass media, movie education.

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Analysis of the scientific and publication activities of Eastern Siberia educators in the field of media education (the beginning of the XXI century)

UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74

Murashkina N. A., Grigoreva I. V.

The article presents the results of the analysis of educators’ scientific and publication activities in Eastern Siberia in the field of media education (at the beginning of the XXI century). The educator’s and researcher’s media education experience is described.

Key words: media education; media teacher; media education – the regional aspect; teaching experience of media education

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Media education practice: forms, methods and approaches of teaching at school and university

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article describes the methodology of media education lessons at school and university. This methodology is based on using a literary analysis, literary imitation, theatrical and in-role performances as well as artistic and imitative creative exercises. The author of the article considers the complex of playing and creative exercises, which structure includes elements both of the media education theory and the media works analysis.

Key words: media education lessons, media education, critical way of thinking, media text, audiovisual media culture, media creativity

* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager — I. V. Chelysheva.

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The main trends in the development of Russian media considering the use of the experience of the British media education: historical and methodological aspects

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the historical and methodological aspects of the Russian and British media education development. The author discusses the main goals and objectives of media education at different stages of development, presents a comparative analysis of the theoretical concepts of media education in Russia and the UK.

Key words: Media education, stages of media education development, the theoretical concepts of media education in Russia and the UK.

* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager ­ I.V.Chelysheva.

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Gaming technology in media education preschoolers

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

Article is devoted to the use of gaming technology in media education. The author presents game tasks and exercises for children of preschool age, which can be used in conditions of pre-school educational institutions.

Key words: media, media culture, media education preschoolers gaming technology

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* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager — I. V. Chelysheva.


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