Категория: Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

The hermeneutic analysis of the Soviet play films of the perestroika era (1985-1991) on the school theme*

UDC 791.43/.45 BBK 85.374.3

Chelysheva I. V.

This article presents an analysis of the feature films about the school, created by domestic filmmakers in the period from 1985 to 1991. It reveals that the period of perestroika entered the history of gaming cinema as complex and ambiguous, accompanied by a tense situation in the society, the emergence of new problems, fundamental changes in the life of the population of the country, etc. The films on the school theme reflect the departure from the old ideological canons, the policy of restructuring and glasnost, the fall of the iron curtain, the sharp impoverishment of a large part of the population, highly increased number of unemployed, and criminalization.

Keywords: hermeneutics, analysis, media text, media criticism, film, schoolchildren, characters, image, media literacy, media education.

This article is written by Grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 “School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”, performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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Hermeneutic analysis of the Russian documentaries films (1991-2017) on school and student topic*

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina

This article presents the results of the hermeneutic analysis of the Russian documentaries films (1991-2017) on school and student topic. It gives the characteristic features of a documentary on the school and student theme 1992 – 1999: the positive message of the documentary to education; the accentuation on the problems of education and their solution not to blame teachers, their pedagogical methods, but demonstrate the finding guide for solutions to educational activities, etc. Since 2000 documentaries films appear not often. They are shot by request of various state or commercial organizations and invested by sponsors. Their characteristics include the negative message of modern education; pedagogical staff of schools and universities; the reforms or the Soviet heritage; chronological statement of the facts, demonstration of following new educational standards by head teachers and teachers.

Keywords: hermeneutic analysis, documentaries films, school, university, students, pupils, teachers, reform, Russia.

* This article is written by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 “School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”, performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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Hermeneutical analysis of Russian feature school films (1992-2017)*

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Gorbatkova O. I.

The article is devoted to hermeneutic analysis (including: analysis of stereotypes, ideological analysis, identification analysis, iconographic analysis, plot analysis, character analysis, etc.) of Russian feature school films (1992-2017). The generalized hermeneutic analysis is based on the technologies developed by C. Bazalgette, A. Silverblatt, and U. Eco, on the theoretical approaches of N. Khrenov, M. Zhabsky, taking into account the leading concepts of media education: media agencies, media / media text categories, media technologies, media languages, media representations and media audiences. The author comes to the conclusion that the Russian school films (1992-2017) have these trends:

– the educational process has gone beyond the strict framework of maintaining rigid communist landmarks: education began to be humanistic and differentiated;

– schools as an educational institution (with school weekdays, corridors, classrooms, rows of desks, a school board, teachers and students) practically did not exist in the films of the first years after the collapse of the Soviet Union;

– the western system of “school cinematographic values” is fully supported since 1999;

– significant problems arising in the characters based on the opposition of  extraordinary teachers and students with the simplicity, grayness of the collective, classmates;

– problem areas (disappointment and fatigue, professional burnout of teachers, pragmatic cynicism of students, teenage aggression and cruelty, obscene lexicon, non-observance of moral and ethical norms, rules of conduct, etc.) were clearly revealed;

– students have the different images (negative and positive);

– the appearance of students and teachers has become more liberated and free;

– the screen images of some teachers were not ideal  (irresponsible, aggressive, corrupt, not distinguished by a high level of intelligence, not respected by society);  there is a lack of prestige of the pedagogical profession in the eyes of students and the public;

– film stories about school are immersed more often in the genre of comedy and  melodrama, with  entertaining character.

Keywords: hermeneutic analysis, media text, cinematography, film, Russia, school, teacher, schoolchild, characters.

* Исследование выполнено за счёт финансовых средств гранта Российского научного фонда (РНФ, проект № 17-18-01001)» в Ростовском государственном экономическом университете. Тема проекта: «Школа и вуз в зеркале советских, российских и западных аудиовизуальных медиатекстов». Руководитель проекта А. В. Федоров

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The study of television media texts in the writings of O. F. Nechay

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Sosnovskaya Zinaida

This article analyzes the works of famous Belarusian media educator O. F. Nechay about television media texts, their types and functions. According to the represented object, media texts are divided into the game message, documentaries and animated films. O. F. Nechay gives a systematic classification of types and genres of television arts according to the purposes of the Communicator; topic of television messages; target audience; principles of imaginative solutions, used artistic conventions.

Key words: Belarus, O.F. Nechay, television, classification, types, genres, functions, goals, audience.

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Developing of media education in the USA

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with the media education in the American society. It summarizes its history, highlighting three significant shifts. It analyzes the conditions demanding to form media literacy of Americans, some researchers’ works to develop media educationаl movement as a whole.

Key words: media education; media literacy; USA; mass media.

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Comparative analysis of information literacy and media competence in Georgia and Moldova: main trends

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Chelysheva I. V.

The article presents a comparative analysis of the theoretical and practical components of the development of information literacy and media competence in Georgia and Moldova. It gives the problems of the introduction of media education in the educational process of schools and universities. The author explores the possibilities and prospects of building a media center in the upbringing, education and development of the younger generation in the education.

Keywords: media education, media literacy, distance learning, media centers, media competence.

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Research of media preferences of adolescents

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina, Dr. Irina Chelysheva

The article presents the results of determining of teenagers’ media preference. It gives the most popular in the teenage environment of mass media: Internet, television, mobile phone, cinema, press, photo/video and the priority themes: youth, love and historical, the main motives of contact with media: the desire to get new information, listening to your favorite music and searching information and materials for study.

Key words: adolescents, media preferences, survey, compositions, analysis, mass media.

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The formation of media competence of students through modern musical-aesthetic development

UDC 37 BBK 74.200.544.3

Vorobieva I. E.

Modern pupils from early childhood are in close interaction with video, cellphones, video players; new caregivers of the modern generation are so-called “parallel school”, virtual communication environment through media. The Internet for the most young users are the main source of information not only in the preparation of different tasks, but also for their free time. For this reason, figurative and virtual views of pupils about contemporary reality prevail over the intellectual. This article describes a focus group – pupils of the musical aesthetic studio and allows understanding more precisely pupils’ media competence, their tastes, hobbies, main reasons and frequency of using media, musical competence, through monitoring, oral conversations, debates, creative tasks.

Key words: pupils; media competence; focus group; media culture.

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Students’ research work as a tool to form media competence of the secondary language personality

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with the issues of students’ research work in order to form media competence of the secondary language personality. It gives its relevance and necessity to organize it. It describes its forms, directions, principles, methods and stages.

Keywords: students’ research work, media competence of the secondary language personality, forms, directions, principles, methods, stages.

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Modern trends of media education in Belarus

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Sosnovskaya Z. M.

The article deals with the issues of media education development in Belarus, proving that it is based on the continuity of the concepts and ideas of the Soviet period, and the use of innovation. As key concepts of media education the researchers of Belarus allocate cultural, aesthetic, practical, sociocultural theories of media education, theory of critical thinking development. The activities of media educators aim to achieve the following goals: the development of critical thinking of the audience; the aesthetic education of children and youth through mass media; the development of the social space of media culture.

Key words: media education, Belarus, cultural, aesthetic, RKM theories, pupils, students.

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