Категория: Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

Hermeneutical analysis of the film “Monsieur Lazar”*

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 65.5.325.1:65.5.57с

Gorbatkova O. I.

This article is devoted to the hermeneutic analysis of the Canadian film “Monsieur Lazar” (2011), the author analyzed the structure and methods of the narration, reviews of film critics in the historical, ideological and sociocultural context. In the process of hermeneutical analysis of the film “Monsieur Lazar”, the author comes to the conclusion that the story content is not directly related to the key events taking place in the international political life of Canada, however, the socio-cultural, economic, educational tasks are to some extent reflected in the story line of the media text. The film emphasizes understanding the surrounding reality, highlights social, educational, personal (individual, subjective, psychological) problems, interpersonal relationships of the main characters (the relationship of the teacher with the teaching staff, teachers and students, schoolchildren in the class, relations in the family); the problem of moral education of the younger generation, while there is no clear division between “positive” and “negative” characters.

Key words: hermeneutic analysis, cinematography, film, film production, media text, teacher, students, Canada.

* This research was funded by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, project No. 17-18-01001) at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project theme: “School and university in the mirror of Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”. Head of  the project is professor  A.V. Fedorov.

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The hermeneutical analysis of animated films of western countries on school and university subject*

UDC 791.43 BBK 85.373(2)

Katrich A. Yu. (Shahanskaya)

The article deals with specific examples of animated films in Western countries about school and University subjects. It gives there hermeneutic analysis.

The author notes that the vast majority of these media texts are animated series of 1990-2017 produced by the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and others. The plots are usually simple without any deep ideological or instructive subtext, the bulk of them are entertaining, but there are also educational and developmental topics: «Magic school bus» (1994), «Adventures of Jimmy Neutron» (2011) and others.

The most popular animations are those where characters are famous brands of toys, such as «School of monsters» (2010), «Winx Club – winx» (2004-2015), «Barbie: Princess charm school» (2011), etc.  Animated series on the subject of school and University are equally popular. Their main characters are beloved by audiences: “Monsters University” (2013), «School for vampires» (2006-2010), «Casper: scare school» (2006), «School little princesses» (2007), «DC girls are superheroes» (2015), «Hercules» (1998), «The Emperor’s New school» (2006-2008) and others.

The cartoons about unusual school days of ordinary students are less popular: «Allen Gregory» (2011), «Children of class 402» (2010), «Children grew up» (2003), «Sit down, deuce!» (2009), «What about Andy?» (2001-2006), «O’grady School» (2004-2006) and others.

The character types are very diverse; they are fabulous and fictional characters, based on literary works, or drawn characters similar to ordinary students and teachers, placed in the environment of school days.

Key words: hermeneutical analysis, animation, animated film, school, University, pupil, student.

* Support and acknowledgement

This article is supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 «School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts», performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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Foreign media text as a tool to form media competence of the foreign-language personality

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

This article deals with the foreign-language media text as the main tool to form media competence of the foreign-language personality. It researches its nature, typology and genres. It establishes that the media text typology, as well as its definition, is not universal: It varies depending on the classification parameters. It also analyzes pedagogical potential and experience of foreign and domestic media teachers.

Key words: media education; media competence; foreign-language personality; media text; foreign-language media text; media; global information space.

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Organization of students’ social-cultural activity on media culture material

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the modern problems to form social and cultural environment of higher educational institution by media educational components. It presents an analysis of media education integration to the main areas of socio-cultural activity, the introduction of new sociocultural forms of interaction of the educational community with media culture products. It gives various forms and methods of socio-cultural activities on the material of media culture, integrated into the teaching and educational process of modern higher educational institutions.

Key words: media, media culture, media education, social and cultural environment, university, students.

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Methods and technologies to form social adaptation of adolescents based on screen media culture in the boarding institutions

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the issues of methodology and technology of organizing media education classes for teenagers – pupils of Childrens Aid Centers, orphanages, boarding homes, etc. It considers watching, analysis and creative tasks of screen products of media culture in order to form social adaptation of the teenage audience. In conclusion, it gives methodological recommendations for organizing media education classes for the teenage audience.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, adolescents, boarding schools.

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Selfie — dependency or new art?

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the main historical aspects of the development of photographic art, trends and prospects of the study of the phenomenon of self in the context of media education. The author examines the role of the self in the modern younger generation and the potential of the research of this phenomenon.

Keywords: media, media culture, photography, self-media education.

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Program of media club for the elderly in cultural center

UDC 373.24 BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Murykina Elena

The article deals with the organization of the media club as a means of rehabilitation of the elderly people in the cultural center. Media club is one of the forms of social and cultural activity. The author develops a program of the media club for the elderly, and believes that it will allow forming the social status of the elderly, as well as to restore their lost social ties at the macro or micro levels.

Key words: media club, rehabilitation, cultural center, program, methods.

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Scientific-educational center as innovative technological platform for development of media cotent of modern higher education

UDC 378.147 BBK 74.48

Goloborodko A.Chelysheva I.

The article deals with the problems of organization and functioning of the activities of scientific and educational centers. The authors present the innovative processes, perspective directions and tasks for the scientific and educational centers activities based on the technological algorithm to develop media content of the modern university.

Keywords: high school, scientific and educational center, innovation, media content.

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The comparative analysis of image evolution of the pupil in the Soviet and Russian animated films*

UDC 791.43 BBK 85.373(2)

Shahanskaya A. Yu.

This article deals with the hermeneutical analysis of the image evolution of the pupil in a concrete Soviet and Russian animation films. Soviet cartoons represents the pupil as a positive character, or first an underachiever, but as a result followed a correction way. The image of the main character and/or a plot teaches the minor viewer to be honest, hardworking, sympathetic, faithful to friendship, kind, educated, well mannered, strives for knowledge. The negative characters (condemns hooligans and idlers, cowards, etc.) are in the satiric colors.

The modern Russian cartoons quite seldom show an image of the pupil and school. However, there are a number of developing and training animated films today. The few animated films about school and pupils give the main characters who behave freely, assert the rights and freedoms, seldom have highly moral behavior.

A large number of the modern developing animated films of various quality give a message to improve yourself, to enlarge knowledge, but they rarely touch the issues of education, its value, upbringing, principals and morals. Pupils are not common characters of animated film plots.

Keywords: student, pupil, animation, cartoons, school, USSR, Russia, hermeneutical analysis.

* Support and acknowledgement
This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 “School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”, performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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Curriculum of media training for senior preschoolers

UDC 373.24 BBK 74.58:73

Chelysheva I. V., Muryukina E. V., Miroshnichenko D. V.

The article deals with the desirability of classes in the media educational society with the senior preschoolers on the material of cartoons. It gives a thematic plan of media educational classes. The gaming technology is considered to be effective at this age. It allows a child to develop creative thinking, critical attitude to the information. The article identifies pedagogical conditions: favorable microclimate; the considering general competencies and the age characteristics of children.

Keywords: senior preschoolers, media educational society, gaming technology, art, cartoons.

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