Категория: # 2, 2019

Organizational-pedagogical conditions of readiness of teachers in rural schools of Kyrgyzstan to implement the state educational standards of new generation

UDK 372.853. (575.2)(043.3) BBK 74.04(3)

Kurmankulov Sh. Zh.

Joroev A. K.

The article presents important organizational and pedagogical conditions (necessary and sufficient), providing a stable reform of the secondary general education system in Kyrgyzstan. The author uses the competence-based approach to the consideration of pedagogical phenomena, reveals the specificity of both innovative activity and readiness of a rural school teacher. A brief review of the current state of secondary general education system in Kyrgyzstan is given.

Key words: innovation, new paradigm, educational standard, competence, concept, technology of education, educational base, educational environment, traditional lesson, factors.

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Analysis of the existing networks of operational communication system and their efficient development based on ip technology

UDK 654.02  BBK 39.278

Halikov A. A.

Urakov O. Kh.

The article discusses the existing networks of operational communication system using IP technology and analyzes the efficiency of their use in railway transport, in the Joint Stock Company Uzbekistan Temir Yollari (UTY JSC). In addition, conceptual fundamentals of IP – telephony technology are presented on the development of efficient methods for transmitting data using digital communication systems of on-line dispatcher control, ensuring the continuity of the process of controlling the movement of railway transport.

Keywords: research, result, railway, IP-technologies, operational communication system, dispatch communication.

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On methodological approaches to social and cultural projection

UDK 379.8 BBK 77.0

Babayan A. V.

The paper is devoted to the characterization of methodological approaches to social and cultural projection. The definitions, essence and features of the terms “project”, “projection”, “social and cultural design” are revealed. Such methodological approaches to social and cultural projection such as systems, activity, situational, problem (forecast), object-oriented and subject-oriented, anthropological, axiological approaches, the principle of determinism and complementarity are revealed.

Keywords: social and cultural sphere, project, projection, social and cultural projection, methodological approaches, methodological principles.

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Autumn school “Сritical understanding of history – the strengthening of democracy” in Germany

UDK 373.24 BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V.

The article presents the experience of participation of a Russian media pedagogue in the autumn school “Critical understanding of history – strengthening of democracy” organized by Moldova Institute Leipzig and the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt). Participation in the autumn school allowed the author to realize a number of scientific interests: to identify current trends in the understanding of Holocaust issues by researchers from Germany, Colombia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia; to find out what media are used by teachers from different countries in the lessons on the Second world war; to expand knowledge and skills in understanding, interpreting historical facts of the Soviet past, including through the analysis of media content.

Key words: history, media content, textbooks, schoolchildren, historians.

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The french encyclopedia Le petit larousse des enfants de 0 a 3 ans as a social demanded genre

UDK 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

Filippova T. I.

The article is devoted to the encyclopedia Le petit Larousse des enfants de 0 à 3 ans, which was published by one of the most famous French publishing houses Librairie Larousse. The article describes the structure of this encyclopedia, also it highlights its sections and focuses on the analysis of the preface, given that there is information about the recipient and the key aim of establishment of this book.

Keywords: encyclopedia, Larousse, preface, parents, child.

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Analysis of ergonyms of women’s clothing stores in Kirov

UDK 811.161.1 BBK 81.006 K 592

Izotova V. A.

Korotkova A. V.

The paper explores the ergonyms of women’s clothing stores. The authors wonder what caused the choice of words when creating an ergonym, and how effective this choice is. The popularity of foreign ergonyms in this area of naming is noted. The attractiveness of collected ergonyms is verified by experiment (by polling the opinions of representatives of the youth audience). The conclusion is made about the popularity of ergonyms-transliterated Russian words and names of foreign origin in the youth environment, not any, but the most understandable ones that do not require in-depth knowledge of source languages.

Key words: ergonyms, transliterated ergonyms, lingual creative means.

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Testimony as evidence in russian law in XVIII-XIX centuries

UDK 343 BBK 67.408

Sidorova E. Z.

The paper is devoted to the historical and legal analysis of the existence and development of testimony as one of the types of evidence in the criminal law of Russia of the past centuries. The author points out that the legislator mentions the rights and duties of witnesses both in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Nevertheless, the scope of witness rights and obligations in Russian criminal and criminal procedure legislation of the XVIII and XIX centuries was different. The author connects their more detailed regulation with the development of Russian law.

Key words: criminal law, witness, criminal procedure, history of criminal law.

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Criteria of literary development and levels of perception of art work by junior schoolchildren

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The article discusses the criteria for literary development and the levels of perception of art work by children of primary school age at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language.

Key words: primary school, junior schoolchild, criteria for literary development in the Buryat language, levels of perception of a work of art.

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Functional aspects of verbs of communication in the discourse of modern english drama

UDK 81.42 BBK 81.2

Savina I. V.

Krivchenko I. B.

The paper deals with the analysis of the verbs of communication within the discourse of modern English drama. Lingvosynergetic aspects of such verbs in the plays  of  modern authors of English-speaking countries can be seen both in the dialogue of the plays and in author’s remarks. Due to the synergetic potential of the above mentioned verbs the two constituents of the play begin to interact and influence each other.

Key words: discourse of modern English drama, lingvosynergetic approach, verbs of communication.

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The problem of professional image as the object of scientific research

UDK 378.2 BBK 74.58 Ts 349

Tselykh M. P.

The paper analyzes different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of image. Various attitudes describing the phenomenon of image are discussed: substantial (interpretation of the term) and ontological (procedure) status, explaining the process of its formation. The need for the applied research is stressed in order to find tools and resources to construct a positive image of the social pedagogue /social worker in Russia.

Keywords: image, professional image, social pedagogue, social worker, imagology, social and pedagogical activity.

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