Категория: Reviews

The review on the monograph by Karpukhina V.N. Under the “joking roger” of postmodernism: axiology of intertexts by Boris Akunin (Barnaul: asu publishing house, 2020. – 152 pp. ISBN 978-5-7904-2454-0

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_233

Anastasia V. Kolmogorova

Abstract. The review presents an analysis of the monograph by V.N. Karpukhina, dedicated to the complex game of intertexts in the works of B. Akunin. It is emphasized that the monograph under review makes a significant contribution to the study of linguistic means of implementing a linguoaxiological strategy in the artistic discourse of postmodernism.

Key words: review, B. Akunin’s texts, fiction discourse, intertext, lingvoaxiological strategy.

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Library of educational organizations as a space of legal education

UDK 02 BBK 78

Churasheva O.L.

The review characterizes the relevance and social significance of such activities of the library of an educational organization as legal education of students. The structure and content of the monograph are analyzed in detail. The program «School centers of  legal information» developed by the author is characterized. The assessment of the scientific level of the monograph, as well as the practical importance of the publication for teachers and specialists in the field of library and information activities are given.

Key words: legal education, a library of an educational organization, school library, monograph.

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A new manual of English lexicology

UDC 811.111 BBK 81.002.1

Diensberg B.

The article represents a book review of a recent edition titled «Borrowed Words. A History of Loanwords in English» of Philip Durkin, Deputy Chief Editor with the ongoing revision of the Oxford English Dictionary. The structure and the content of Dr. Durkin‘s book are attentively analysed and localized in the context of the predominant trends in the field. It is argued that the publication under discussion provides a complete and a reliable information about borrowed words in English.

Key words:  English lexicology, borrowed words, history of English vocabulary, handbook, book review.

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