Категория: Avionics, aircraft electrical systems, aircraft navigation complexes and methods for their exploitation

The helicopter cockpit training simulator of MI-8t based on the aircraft simulator

UDC 378.162.33 BBK 39.5

V. M. Popov

S. V. Zdrachuk

The application of aircraft simulator X-plane for simulating flight dynamics and Arduino hardware environment for creating control system simulators, instrument and flight navigation equipment during the development of the cockpit of Mi-8T simulator is presented in the article.

Keywords: aircraft simulator, training aircraft simulator, Arduino hardware environment

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Analysis of the influence of aerometric instruments and pitot – static probes faults on flight safety

UDK 629.7 BBK 39.56

A. Shomankov

The main types of failures and faults of pitot – static probes and aerometric instruments are determined and the causes of their occurrence are revealed. The results of the analysis of these faults influence on flight safety are presented.

Keywords: faults, mean flight time between failures, aviation event, difficult situation, probability of occurrence inflight abnormal circumstances, air crash, accident.

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Stochastic discrete mathematical model of aerometric instrumentation control by data of flight recorders

UDC 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shomankov D. A.

The presented mathematical model is based on complexation and evaluation of heterogeneous flight parameters which are registered by data recorders or other concentrators that provide their post-flight processing by linear discrete Kalman filtering algorithms. The presented materials are based on previously obtained scientific results and are a continuation of the paper published in IIAJ «Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language» (2017, № 2, p. 115–125).

Key words: complexation, error estimation, control, controlled state, diagnostic sign, seminatural experiment.

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The gyro stabilization of the unmanned aircraft platform for aerial photography and video surveillance

UDC 531.383 BBK 32.816я431(2Рос)

Popov V. M.

The article presents a control algorithm for the servo drives of the gyro stabilized platform for unmanned aircraft vehicle (PUAV) for aerial photography and surveillance on the basis of the data from the 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope located on the body of the UAV. The implementation of the algorithm using the servo SG90 with a programmable Arduino UNO hardware platform is reviewed.

Keywords: unmanned aircraft vehicle, gyro stabilized platform, micromechanical accelerometer, micromechanical gyroscope.

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Test diagnostics of the windings of electrical machines using the travelling-wave method

UDC 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shejnikov A. A., Belegov A. N.Rozhok A. V.

The authors developed a diagnostic relation which, when applied in measurement data processing algorithms of  test diagnostic systems of the windings of aeronautic electrical machines, avoids the need to store statistic information about the operational parameters of fault-free and faulty windings thus promoting validity and simplification of the diagnostics technique.

Key words: windings of aeronautic electrical machines, test diagnostics, travelling-wave method.

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The mathematical model of aerometric devices errors on the basis of different information integration according to flight recorders

UDC 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shomankov D. A. 

The mathematical model presented in the article is based on the integration of different flight information recorded by the means of objective control and can be used in the systems of optimized evaluation of high-speed flight parameters or technical control of aerometric measuring devices.

Keywords: integration, correlation function, generating filter, errors, optimized evaluation, control, technical condition

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