Категория: 2.9. Transport systems

Computer aids of descriptive statistics as initial analysis and selection of predictive distributions for observed processes

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

Рассмотрены математические подходы к первичному анализу статистических данных по наблюдаемым процессам и подбора для них адекватных теоретических распределений, а также оценке параметров подобранных распределений. Представлен обзор авторских компьютерных средств (инструментов) решения перечисленных задач описательной статистики. Рассмотрены основные интерфейсные решения по инструментам и показания по их применению в образовательной, инженерной и исследовательской практиках.

Ключевые слова: наблюдаемый процесс, описательная статистика, статистические показатели, эмпирическое распределение, закон теоретического распределения, критерии проверки гипотез.

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Structural estimation of compressor and turbine rotor blades of aircraft gas-turbine engines

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Ju. A., Hodackij S. A.

В статье приведена методика прочностного расчёта рабочих лопаток компрессоров и турбин авиационных ГТД с использованием программы FEMAP.

Рассмотрены допущения, принимаемые при расчёте. Последовательно рассмотрены этапы расчёта. Приведено изменение напряжений по перу лопатки.

Ключевые слова: статическая прочность, напряжения, расчёт.

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Cargo securing on the military trucks – transportation experiment

UDC 629.118 BBK 39.0

M. Vlkovský, H. Vlachová

Brno, the Czech Republic

The paper deals with results of the performed transportation experiment and their interpretation. The aim of the transportation experiment is to find out the size of inertial forces in section of ordinary road (I. and II. class roads) in the Czech Republic with regard to cargo securing during transportation. The paper further deals with importance of knowing inertial forces for selection of fastener and way of fixation and also advantages, resp. disadvantages of using normatively set acceleration coefficients.

Key words: transportation experiment; cargo security; inertial forces; acceleration coefficients

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Článek předkládá výsledky provedeného přepravního experimentu a jejich interpretaci. Předmětem přepravního experimentu je zjištění velikostí setrvačných sil na vybraném úseku běžné komunikace (silnice II., resp. I. třídy) v České republice s ohledem na upevnění nákladu při přepravě. Článek dále rozebírá význam znalosti setrvačných sil pro volbu upevňovacího prostředku a způsobu upevnění a výhody, resp. nevýhody využití normativně stanových hodnot koeficientů zrychlení.

Klíčová slova: přepravní experiment; zajištění nákladu; setrvačné síly; koeficienty zrychlení.

Tools for regression analysis and forecasting of processes in air-technical systems

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The paper reviews the approaches of adequate regressions selection for observed processes and their use for solving practical problems of interpolation, extrapolation of factor analysis. The issues of forming the predictive models for the observed processes on the base of combining the parabolic regression, autocorrelation function and harmonical weight are considered. The paper reviews the author’s means of computer solutions of approximation, interpolation and extrapolation problems oriented toward educational process at engineering higher educational establishments and operating organizations of civil aviation.

Key words: observed process, regression analysis, double and multiple regression, linearization of nonlinear functions, least square method, forecasting of processes, confident limits of forecasting

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Evaluation of effect of size of wear particles (accumulated on filter element) on the intensity of their x-ray fluorescence when diagnosing the oil system of aviation GTE

UDC 621.452.3:53.082.56 BBK 39.55:22.345/.346

Stepuk T. D., Pavlinsky G. V.

The article gives the assessment of the aviation engine technical status based on intensity of the flush x-ray fluorescence from its filter element. The evaluation rests on dependence of x-ray fluorescence analytical signal on the size of metal particles in the flush. The number of the large particles characterizes the level of wear of the engine.

Key words: x-ray fluorescence; aviation engine technical status; flush from filter element; impact of the size of particles on intensity; wear processes.

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Simulating of air transport systems with the aid of markov-process apparatus

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The article presents the author’s packet of tool skins for an ECM enabling to simulate technological processes in air transport systems during aircraft maintenance. The tool skins implement mathematical models as a base for different Markov processes.

The presented tools of mathematical modeling are supposed to be useful along with the educational process for operating organizations which are interested in the issues of optimization and management of technological processes.

Key words: mathematical model, air transport system, Markov processes, Markov sequences, Markov chains, reproduction and death processes, mean-value dynamics method.

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Optimization tools for air transport waiting systems

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The author considers ECM tools enabling to solve the problems of optimizing the structure and operating modes of civil air transport systems. The tools are mathematically rested on the apparatus of the waiting theory. The tools functionality provides modeling the multi-channel and  separated,  opened and completed waiting systems, waiting systems without queues or with the various queuing disciplines, waiting systems with different sources and characteristics of service requests. 

The tools for multi-aspect modeling of waiting systems are supposed to find application not only in the educational process, but also in the real experience of civil air transport systems.  

Key words: air transport system, waiting theory, request flow, request servicing mode, waiting system

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Computer technique of simulating the operation processes of air transport systems

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The article presents the mathematical approach to simulating the operation processes of complex organizational and technical systems (such as aviation enterprises) as well as the review of functional capabilities and main interface solutions on the simulating tools package. The tools enable to expand the range of problems to be solved for analysis and optimization of waiting systems typical for aviation enterprises.

The simulating tools are supposed to find application not only in the educational process, but also in the real experience of operation and research organizations of civil aviation. 

Key words: air transport system, simulating, random number generator, generation of flows with the desired distribution law, waiting system.

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Off-road transport and cargo security

UDC 629.118 BBK 39.0

Martin VlkovskýKateřina PochobradskáPavel Foltin

The paper deals with cargo security in regards to specific (off-)road conditions and normative assumption. The importance to know real size of inertial forces for the securing cargo is discussed. On an illustrative example, based on relevant technical standards, the possible deviations of real size of the inertial force (acceleration coefficients) with presumed are compared.

Key words: off-road transport; material handling, cargo security; inertial forces; acceleration coefficients

Martin Vlkovský, Kateřina Pochobradská, Pavel Foltin

Brno, Česká republika


Článek se zabývá zajištěním nákladu v souvislosti se specifickými podmínkami při silniční přepravě (i mimo komunikace) a předpoklady uvedenými v technických normách. Rozebírá význam znalosti setrvačných sil pro volbu fixačního prostředku a způsobu upevnění. Na ilustrativním příkladu jsou porovnány možné odchylky skutečných hodnot setrvačných sil (koeficientů zrychlení) s předpokládanými, které vychází z příslušných norem.

Klíčová slova: terénní přeprava; manipulace s materiálem; zajištění nákladu; setrvačné síly; koeficienty zrychlení.

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Isolines altitude difference and azimuth difference grid of two luminaries in the given longitudinal range

UDC 527 BBK 39.471.4

Markov S. I.

The article deals with the calculation and construction of isolines of altitude difference and azimuth of two luminaries. It determines the nature of crossing of isolines of altitude difference and azimuth and value gradient of these navigation parameters. It analyzes the conditions of satisfactory and unsatisfactory observation.

Keywords: Isolines, altitude of difference, azimuth of difference, gradient.

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