ΠšΠ°Ρ‚Π΅Π³ΠΎΡ€ΠΈΡ: Air traffic monitoring and management systems

Current state and prospects for development of systems for planning airspace management. Part 1

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_Β 

Alexander Yu. Knyazhsky

Sergey V. Baushev

Abstract. In the general air traffic management system, one of the main functions is performed by the airspace planning (ASP) subsystem, which carries out preliminary (strategic), daily (pre-tactical) and current (tactical) planning with the required quality indicators, the values of which depend on the location and tasks of the aerodrome.

The paper is the first part of the review of existing airspace planning systems. The purpose of the study is to review and comparatively analyze existing air traffic models. Currently, the following air situation models are known: network, probabilistic, load dynamics, expert, air situation development, potentials, entropy. The paper provides an overview of them, identifying their advantages and disadvantages. These models are used to predict air traffic intensity, calculate the shortest routes, form the order of departures and arrivals of aircraft. However, the increase in requirements for airspace capacity and the need to ensure a high level of air traffic safety, with restrictions on aircraft flight parameters, fuel consumption and other indicators of air traffic service quality creates a problematic situation, which, at present, has not been resolved in the existing airspace planning systems. The use of existing models in high-intensity air traffic leads to a significant increase in average fuel consumption, which is why they need to be improved.

Keywords: air situation models, airspace planning, ASP, air traffic safety, fuel consumption, trajectories.

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Assessment of the mobile positioning accuracy in cellular networks

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Alexander A. Kozich

Abstract. The paper considers the prospects of using existing cellular communication networks to create an integrated communication, navigation and surveillance system (iCNS). The main attention is paid to the problem of using iCNS to solve a navigation problem. Classical methods for solving the problem of positioning unmanned aircraft are considered, for which expressions are given that allow estimating the accuracy of positioning. The methods unique to cellular communication networks and their main features are also considered. A methodology for conducting field experiments to assess the accuracy of positioning of a subscriber terminal is presented, and the results obtained for a city of regional subordinance are compared to the results of an experiment in a large city. The prospects of using existing cellular communication networks to solve CNS problems have been determined.

Keywords: cellular communication, base station, unmanned aircraft, iCNS technology, positioning methods, positioning accuracy.

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Mathematical model and application of the A-star algorithm to optimize ATS routes in the area control center Ho Chi Minh airspace

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang Quan

Vladimir N. Nechaev

Vyacheslav B. Malygin

Abstract. The optimization of air traffic service (ATS) route networks is an effective approach to improving the structure of airspace, increasing its capacity, and reducing air traffic congestion. This paper presents a mathematical model and a method for optimizing ATS route networks based on the A-star algorithm, applied to the area control center Ho Chi Minh (ACC HCM) airspace. The ACC HCM airspace (one of the two ACC airspaces in Vietnam) ranks among the leading airspaces in Southeast Asia in terms of both size and workload. The objective function of the model is to minimize the total length of each ATS route within the studied airspace by systematically addressing specific constraints and optimizing the spatial configuration of ATS routes to ensure the most efficient passage within the given parameters. The calculation results demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach in increasing the airspace capacity, reducing air traffic congestion and operating costs, while maintaining the required level of safety.

Keywords: mathematical model, A-star algorithm, optimization of the ATS route network, air traffic, ACC HCM airspace, minimization of the total length of ATS routes.

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Mathematical model for validating ADS-B messages on the airfield surface

DOIΒ 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_93

Alexander P. Plyasovskih

Artem V. Koposov

Alexandra A. KatrichevaΒ 

Abstract. The article proposes a mathematical model for validation of messages of automatic dependent surveillance of broadcasting type (ADS-B). The relevance of the study is due to the growing requirements for the security and reliability of information systems, as well as the need to ensure the integrity and reliability of transmitted information in the context of modern threats. The paper presents the main components of the model, including information sources, data transmission channels and error detection mechanisms. The proposed model describes the processes occurring in the ADS-B systems, taking into account artificial and natural interference that affects the reliability of surveillance information, allows you to predict the actions of intruders trying to violate the integrity of the ADS-B systems, and to predict the operation of the ADS-B system under interference, provides the possibility of developing effective methods to validate ADS-B messages in the terminal area. Thus, the presented mathematical model for validating ADS-B messages serves as an important step towards improving the reliability of information systems and protecting critical information from unauthorized access and distortion.

Keywords: ADS-B, time difference, model, validation.

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Analysis of the principles of processing navigation information and constructing the working zone of a multi-position surveillance system

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_76

Dmitry Y. Urbansky

Abstract. The use of modern surveillance equipment in accordance with ICAO recommendations is aimed at improving the efficiency of air transportation, increasing the capacity of airspace and airfields, and improving the safety of flights and ground operations. The introduction in the Russian Federation of a multi-position surveillance system (MPSS) based on automatic dependent surveillance of the broadcast type (ADS-B) is intended to facilitate the implementation of state and regional aviation development programs in terms of creating conditions for improving flight safety, availability and quality of air navigation services for airspace users. Therefore, the analysis of the principles of constructing a working area and processing navigation information in a multi-position surveillance system for improving the accuracy of aircraft position-fixing is an urgent research task. An approach to improving the efficiency of the MPSS operation when processing information in conditions of noise and interference has been considered. Analysis of the results of modeling the proposed algorithm based on the discrete Kalman filter shows high accuracy of estimating the planned coordinates of an aircraft. Specialized software has been developed to automate the process of calculating and constructing working areas of a multi-position surveillance system.

Keywords: multi-position surveillance system, multilateration technology, automatic dependent surveillance, Kalman filter, working area, location, least squares method.

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Assessment of the possibility to implement the surveillance process in the regional centers of the air traffic management system of the Russian Federation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_96

Vyacheslav V. Erokhin

Boris V. Lezhankin

Dmitry Y. UrbanskyΒ 

Abstract. Air traffic management (ATM) in regional air traffic control centers is determined by the availability of surveillance equipment that uses the radar principle of determining the coordinates of aircraft. The responsibility zones of the airspace are vast territories where the placement of radar surveillance equipment forming a single control field is not economically feasible. The presence of local areas of space with no air traffic surveillance significantly reduces the safety, regularity and efficiency of flights. The introduction of new technologies that require significantly lower economic costs needs an assessment of the possibility to use them in the relevant regional ATM centers. Therefore, an urgent scientific task is to study the possibility of using multi-position surveillance systems (MPSS) as an assessment of the accuracy characteristics and locations of system elements. The obtained research results can be applied when placing MPSS ground stations to achieve high performance indicators of the surveillance system and air traffic management as a whole.

Keywords: multi-position surveillance system, multilateration, receiving station, working area, location.

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The time-optimal synthesis technique flight paths of an unmanned aircraft

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_134

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Ekaterina V. Kurylenko

Abstract. The article considers the method of synthesis of an optimal UAV flight path and an algorithm of the flight control system. The system and algorithm are designed for four-dimensional (4D) trajectory-based operations (TBO) in the context of the CNS/ATM and PBN concepts, which will increase the operational efficiency of the UAV navigation and piloting processes. The paper presents a mathematical model of the control object and algorithms for forming a time-optimal flight path. An assessment of the proposed methodology is also presented by verifying and validating the system software using simulation modeling. The results obtained demonstrate the functional capabilities of the control system to create time-optimal profiles of trajectories that meet operational requirements.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), control system, optimal flight path.

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Synthesis of an algorithm for estimating parameters of a multiposition surveillance system and research of filtering divergence

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_78

Vyacheslav V. Erokhin

Boris V. Lezhankin

Dmitry Y. Urbansky

Abstract. The accuracy of aircraft position measurements directly affects flight safety and is one of the most important tactical characteristics. The introduction of new advanced surveillance tools, such as multi-position surveillance systems (MPSS), can significantly increase the level of flight safety, as well as improve the efficiency of airspace use. The authors consider the task of improving the quality of MPSS functioning and increasing the accuracy of estimating the aircraft coordinates. The accuracy of position-fixing is determined by the error in measuring the time of signal arrival under the influence of noise and interference. Random disturbances must be taken into account to ensure high-quality MPSS operation. This is achieved by applying the methods of Kalman filtration theory. Therefore, to solve the problem of estimating the MPSS state variables, it is proposed to use a Kalman filter (KF). The effectiveness of using the Kalman filter depends on the adequacy of mathematical models and real processes. Model inaccuracies associated with the functioning of navigation systems lead to KF divergence. The paper presents the results of theoretical studies and simulating the MPSS functioning processes based on the implementation of the KF algorithm.

Keywords: Kalman filter, divergence of the filtering process, estimation algorithm, multi-position surveillance system, random disturbances, aircraft.

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Simulation of ADS-B data confirmation with temperature correction when estimating flight altitude on local air lines (part 2)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_90

Andrey S. Kalintsev

Abstract. In the first part of the article, the author proposed a modified method for confirming the ADS-B data, which estimates and compares the aircraft flight altitude: barometric altitude (received from a barometric pressure altimeter) and geometric altitude (received from a GNSS receiver). In the presented work, application of the modified technique for confirming the ADS-B geometric altitude data is simulated. When simulating, real data were used which were received from the ADS-B ground station located at the Mezen aerodrome. Real values of pressure and temperature were used. The methodology takes into account the values of quality indicators of ADS-B data. For one flight on local airlines, an excess of the permissible interval was shown (GNSS data, according to the methodology, are not confirmed). The result obtained is consistent with the geometric vertical accuracy parameter GVA. To verify the modified method of the temperature determination according to geometric and barometric altitude, the obtained temperature data are compared with the values of the ECMWF forecasting model. The average RMSE value for 11 flights was 1.58ΒΊΠ‘. For climbing aircraft the maximum RMSE value was 1.93ΒΊΠ‘, for landing aircraft, maximum RMSE = 2.7Β°C.

Key words: flight safety, ADS-B, model, local airlines, barometric altitude, geometric altitude, TAS, IAS.

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Using the TDOA method for validation of broadcast automatic dependent surveillance

DOIΒ 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_50

Alexander P. Plyasovskih

Artem V. Koposov

Vladislav Yu. Davidenko

Abstract. The paper considers the possibility of using the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) method, which can be applied to confirm the reliability of information coming from multiple sources. TDOA method can be applied to validate the information received from several ground automatic dependent surveillance stations of broadcast type (ADS-B). The paper is aimed at studying the TDOA method and its application to ADS-B stations. This method makes it possible to use the ADS-B as the only means of surveillance at the airfield. Currently, according to ICAO recommendations, ADS-B stations are not allowed to be used as a stand-alone surveillance aid due to the problems related to the possibility of distorting a signal or introducing some false information into messages, so the operation of this type of stations is possible only together with other means of surveillance, such as multi-position surveillance systems (MLAT) or secondary surveillance radar systems (SSR) thus increasing the cost of organizing surveillance on the airfield. Thus, the relevance of the work is related to the need to find an alternative method of confirming the validity of an ADS-B message.

Key words: ADS-B, validation, spoofing, time difference, hyperbole.

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