Категория: # 3, 2014

Baikal Peredelkino

UDC 004:[316:008] BBK 74.58:73

Prischepova I. A.

The article presents the experience of civic education and patriotism formation. The ungraded school students studied the history of their village. The village of Baikal can be called a «creative harbor». First writers and artists settled there more than 40 years ago. Both artists and their works made on Lake Baikal are discussed here.

Key words: civic education; moral values; creativity and culture; project activity; Baikal; artists; writers; village; nature; paintings; works.

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The techniques of the epic literature analysis while preparation senior school students for a literature contest (based on the I. Shmelev’s story «Russkaya pesnya»)

UDC 372.882 BBK 74.26

Nikulina I. G.

This article is devoted to the actual problem of teaching the literary analysis at senior school. The author of the article tells not only about specific features of a literary text, but also gives the practical advice on its analysis on the example of the I. Shmelev’s story «Russkaya pesnya».

Key words: analysis, epic work, Literature contest, literary text, external conflict, internal conflict, senior school pupils

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Online learning communities — it is a reality

UDC 378.147.88 BBK 74.05

Evdokimova M. G.

The article deals with the issues of continuous life long education of each graduate by involving him in the online learning communities. One of the conditions for self-education of every student is the choice of appropriate and accessible information and communication technology in e-training.

Key words: life long education; online learning communities; information and communication technology; e-training.

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Psychological and andragogical peculiarities of improving professional skills

UDC 371 BBK 74.4+88.4

Valushina N. M. (Irkutsk, Russia)

In the article the author reviews the theories of the basic andragogical terms and psychological theories influenced andragogy. Some recommendations for organizing teaching adults, including teaching in distance, are given.

Key words: andragogy, adult learner, psychological and andragogical peculiarities of improving professional skills, self-actualization

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A moral example of a teacher as a bearer of peace and tolerance ideas

UDC 371.4 BBK 74

Beloborodova A. E.

The article considers the essence of a new principle of pupils’ moral development and upbringing – «a moral example of a teacher». The substantiation of a new axiological upbringing approach «pupils’ peacemaking upbringing» is given. Teacher’s preparedness for this approach realization is discussed.

Key words: tolerance, peaceableness, peacemaking, peace education, moral education, moral example of a teacher

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The Russian language study in a modern school in the historical aspect

UDC 808.2-02(075.8) BBK 8141.12-0-923

Aksenova S. S.

The main idea of the article is the modern Russian language study at school only in a synchronic aspect as a static system of elements is not sufficient. The current state of the Russian language system reflects its temporal variation (dyachrony). It is expressed in the clarity, asymmetry, graduality and variability of the modern Russian language system. That’s why teaching the modern Russian language at school should be carried out in both the synchronic and dyachronic aspects.

Key words: history of the Russian language, modern state of the Russian language system, clarity, asymmetry, system graduality, system elements variability

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