Категория: #1, 2017

Computer aids of descriptive statistics as initial analysis and selection of predictive distributions for observed processes

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

Рассмотрены математические подходы к первичному анализу статистических данных по наблюдаемым процессам и подбора для них адекватных теоретических распределений, а также оценке параметров подобранных распределений. Представлен обзор авторских компьютерных средств (инструментов) решения перечисленных задач описательной статистики. Рассмотрены основные интерфейсные решения по инструментам и показания по их применению в образовательной, инженерной и исследовательской практиках.

Ключевые слова: наблюдаемый процесс, описательная статистика, статистические показатели, эмпирическое распределение, закон теоретического распределения, критерии проверки гипотез.

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The main theories of media education

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Bubnova Ju. A.

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of media education. Today, there are at least eleven concepts of media education in our country and abroad. It gives a short characterization of the main media education theories, such as: injection” (protective), practical, ideological, semiotic, cultural, aesthetic (art), theological, environmental, ethical, and theories of development critical thinking and the source of «satisfaction of needs».

Key words: theories of media education; goals; strategy; audience; media competence.

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Bipolar mindset in Herman Hesse’s «Health-resort visitor»

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

This article is dedicated to the gnoseological analysis of the best H. Hesse’s autobiography. One of the central “protagonists” is a bipolar mindset. It was typical of the author.

Key words: H. Hesse, «Health-resort visitor», the fight between contradictions, thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

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Stages of Mary Richmond’s professional life in the context of socio-historical dynamics

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Julia A. Paschenko, Marina P. Tselykh

The article is devoted to the periodization of Mary Richmond’s professional life. It gives three stages of her professional formation: Baltimore period (1888-1900), Philadelphia period (1900-1909) and New York period (1909-1928). It shows the features and characteristics of each of the selected periods.

Keywords: social work, social welfare, vocational training, periodization, case method.

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The results of media education experiment with students of Taganrog institutes

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina

In the article we presented the results of the indicators of media competence of students of Taganrog State Institute of Management and Economics and A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute where we held the formative experiment, based on the synthesis of media criticism and media education in the future teachers’ training. Summarizing the results, we relied on re-testing, interviews, written and creative works, the results of practice-oriented tasks. This study revealed a positive trend in the experimental group of students of A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute and stagnation phenomena among the students in the control group of Taganrog State Institute of Management and Economics.

Key words: university students; media criticism; testing; comparative analysis; media education; media competence.

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The development of an integrated approach to media education system of aesthetic education and upbringing in the second half of the twentieth century

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the problem of the genesis of the national aesthetically oriented media education in the second half of the twentieth century. The author presents the main approaches to the integration of media education components in the system of aesthetic upbringing and education.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, aesthetic education, integrated approach.

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