Категория: #1, 2017

Modern trends of media education in Belarus

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Sosnovskaya Z. M.

The article deals with the issues of media education development in Belarus, proving that it is based on the continuity of the concepts and ideas of the Soviet period, and the use of innovation. As key concepts of media education the researchers of Belarus allocate cultural, aesthetic, practical, sociocultural theories of media education, theory of critical thinking development. The activities of media educators aim to achieve the following goals: the development of critical thinking of the audience; the aesthetic education of children and youth through mass media; the development of the social space of media culture.

Key words: media education, Belarus, cultural, aesthetic, RKM theories, pupils, students.

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The development of speech of younger schoolchildren by means of the native lexical (Buryat) folklore

UDC 371 BBK 74.2(2Рос. Бур)


Sodnomov S. Ts., Sanzhina D. D.

The article deals with descriptive and expressive means of small Buryat folklore genres and features of formation of communicative abilities of primary school pupils in the course of reading and analysis of folklore works.

Key words: junior schoolchildren, folklore, thinking, perception, speech, oral speech, speech development, the meaning of a word, lexical units, ability, communication skills.


Ниитэлэл бага наһанай һурагшадай харилсаанай шадабари бүрилдүүлгын онсодо зорюулжа, тэдэнэй аман хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэдэ буряад аман зохёолой лексическэ аргануудые хэрэглэлгын арга боломжонууд тайлбарилагдана.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: бага наһанай һурагшад, арадай аман зохёол, хэлэлгэ, аман хэлэлгэ, хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэ, шадабари, харилсаанай шадабари, үгын удха.

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Research of the characteristics of the satellite navigation system precision fields by HIL-simulating and mathematical modeling

UDC  621.391:621.396 BBK 39.57-5

Skrypnik O. N.

By HIL-simulating and mathematical modeling the author researched the characteristics of a navigation and timing field created by the GLONASS, GPS satellite navigation systems and the combined system. HIL-simulation experiments were carried out using the hardware and software of CH-3803M simulator and CH-4312 aircraft receiver. The problems of using integrated receivers are revealed. On the basis of a program developed in LabVieW environment the technique of constructing the fields of GLONASS precision in the horizontal and vertical planes using the values of the geometrical factors is proposed.

Keywords: satellite navigation system, GPS, GLONASS, geometrical dilution of precision, navigation and timing field, modelling, precision.

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Linguistic peculiarities of macaronic songs of Germans from Russia

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurjewa V. B., Kaskevich N. L.

The given article defines the concept of «macaronic song» which is traditionally associated with the realm of the comical. The purpose of the article is to point out characteristic features of the mixed colonial songs of Germans from Russia illustrated by the analysis of the songs «Alle Jahr na kaschdyi God» and «Спи, младенец мой прекрасный».

Key words: maсaronic song, Germans from Russia, colonial songs, bilingualism, folklore, interference.

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Stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev

Дондог Улзытуевай шүлэгүүд соохи зэргэсүүлгэнүүдэй найруулга тухай

UDC 894.23(092) BBK 83.3Бу-8

Tagarova T. B.

The article describes the stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev enhancing artistic expressiveness of the poems. Comparisons help to build images, inspired by a picture of the world of the poet-singer of the steppe Motherland, love for mother, women, nature. Comparisons are formed by repetition, parallelism, etc., to create a particularly bright, convex pictures of nature, at the same time expressing philosophical views of the author, distinguished by a deep psychologism and lyricism.

Key words: stylistics; comparison; reference; trope; detailed; simple; repetition; parallelism; philosophy; psychology; love; nature; mother; sea; artistic; image; original; traditional.

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Age characteristics of college students and their influence on the content of life-meaningful orientations

UDC 371.321 BBK 74.00

Savel’eva D. V.

В статье рассматриваются психологические особенности обучающихся колледжа в зависимости от их возраста. Стремление студентов к самореализации и поиска жизненных смыслов профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: смысложизненные ориентации, подростковый возраст, самоопределение, смысложизненная концепция.

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Modern active teaching techniques as a means of professional competency assesment

UDC 378.16 BBK 74.58

Veretennikova A. Ye.

The article illustrates the practice of such teaching techniques as: project, “Cadet Portfolio”, argumentative essay in the of MVD higher education institutions teaching process for the assessment of professional, including communicative, competency. Theoretical issues of project based learning and writing process which are the foundation of competency assessment criteria are covered.

Key words: project, portfolio, argumentative essay, types of assessment, critical thinking, communicative competency, writing process, cadet, MVD higher education institutions.

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The problem of early age children adaptation to conditions of the kindergarten

UDC 004:[373.24] BBK 74.1

Bobyleva A. G.

The article considers the meaning of adaptation, outlines the main stages of adaptation, and studies the factors of a child’s adaptation to the kindergarten requirements. Adaptation means the process of a personal entrance into a new sphere and the adaptation to the demands given. Three stages are regarded. The main factors of a child’s adaptation are as follows: the age of a preschool child; adequacy of home daily schedule to the kindergarten’s work; health; level of personal development; CNS value; communication skills with adults and coevals; activities with objects and pastime.

Key words: adaptation; a preschool child; adaptation stages; a kindergarten, factors and aspects of adaptation.

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The theory of moral education of schoolchildren

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V., Bubnova Yu. A.

The article describes the basic theory of moral education presented in Russian and Western science; levels and components of moral development; factors influencing the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s moral education. We have studied the well-known theory of moral development offered by L. Kohlberg. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the main purpose of the pedagogical process is the comprehensive development of schoolchildren’s personality, where the development of moral sphere is the primary and essential factor. Moral education, according to I. F. Kharlamov, is effective when you include schoolchildren in a variety of activities.

Key words: moral development; theories; L. Kohlberg; I. F. Kharlamov, V. A. Sukhomlinsky; levels; schoolchildren; moral qualities.

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