Категория: # 2, 2018

Geo-heliomagnetic influence on a human body and air transportation safety

UDC 629.7;629.95; 656.085.22 BBK 39.5

Nikolaykin N. I.Pozheluyeva Z. V.Starkov E. Yu.Tsetlin V. V.Savchukov S. A.

The article analyzes statistical information on air transportation growth and the number of aviation incidents over the last 10 years against the present global challenges for development of the world civil aviation. The growth of air transportation intensity draws special attention to danger decrease by reduction of “a human factor” influence. The statistical data analysis of all Russian aircraft types showed that incidents and accidents happened more often to airplanes, including general aviation planes, aerostats, autogyros, ultralight planes. The examples of typical aviation incidents for the last decade connected with the crew’s actions are given. On materials of official investigations, their reasons are analyzed.

It is shown that flight operation safety requires the development of new methods of its assessment, formation of theoretical fundamentals of continuing airworthiness and accidents prevention. A human is the most adapting part of aviation system, but he is the most open for the external impacts that can influence his behavior.

The article describes procedure and results of the experiment in which, by means of laboratory ionomers, the change of oxidizing properties of specially prepared (cleared) water placed in a standard electrochemical cell was registered within a day. It is shown how geo-heliophysical environmental perturbations influence some water properties which are authentically registered in experimental cells. The article concludes that there is their certain influence on a person’s behavior and also on his possible behavior deviations.

Keywords: flights safety; aviation incident; human factor; heliophysical factors; geophysical factors; danger

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The educational capacity of the mathematical olympiad in technical universities

UDC 378 BBK 22.1

Mindeeva S. V.Tolstyh O. D.

The article analyzes the educational capacity of the mathematical Olympiad at the Technical University. The authors consider a comprehensive approach to training students of technical universities to participate in the Mathematical competitions through the experience of the Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering. This article will help teachers to organize  mathematical Olympiad in high school, and students to prepare qualitatively for the Olympiad.

Keywords: technical University, mathematical Olympiad, non-standard problems, Olympiad collection, educational сараcity.

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M. E. Saltykov-Shсhedrin on the enlightenment function of literature

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

Followers of the theory of art for art emphasize the esthetical function of art. Not denying the importance of this function, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin paid much more attention to its enlightenment function. That is why he ranked literature together with science.

Keywords: M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, the theory of art for art, science, art, literature, spiritual ideals.

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Specialist on social programs: history and perspectives of training

UDC 378 BBK 74

Bolshedvorskaya M. V.

The article gives a general description of the “social partnership” phenomenon, the analysis of qualification requirements for specialists who solve the problems of social partnership in the field of labor relations and the possibility of training such specialists in higher education.

Keywords: social partnership; professional standard; educational standard; competence; specialist in social programs.

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Spiridon Alekseevich Ivanov – 90 years old

UDC 811.512.157

BBK 81.2


Novgorodov I. N.

The article presents the research of the outstanding philologist of the Yakut linguistics Spiridon Alekseevich Ivanov, who celebrated his 90th birthday. Scientists recorded dialectal features of the Yakut language in the atlas and  studied their origin at the level of phonetics, morphology and vocabulary. The linguist proved the existence of the Yakut language type on the basis of dialectal data in the Middle Ages to south of the present-day borders of Yakutia. Issues of the nature of the Altaic language community and the early differentiation of the various Turkic language types, including Yakut, are considered.

Key words: Linguist, Yakut, linguistics, dialectology, atlas, phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, Middle Ages, Altaistics, Proto Turkic, types.

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