Категория: Authors

Korolenko Olga Igorevna

E-mail: olgakfr@mail.ru

Place of work: Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Post: senior lecturer of the Department of French and Lingvodidactics

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.00.00 – Philological sciences

Scientific major: Linguistics, Language Theory, French Academy

Important publications:

  1. Vikulova, L. G. Dama with a sword in the French Academy: Language competence and communicative leadership / L. G. Vikulova, O. I. Korolenko // Social and humanitarian sciences in the Far East. 2020. – T. 17. №. 1. P. 159-164. – DOI 10.31079 / 1992-2868-2020-17-1-159-164.
  2. Vikulova, L. G. Academic discourse: the diachronic vector of communicative practices of the XVII-XVIII centuries (France) / L. G. Vikulova, O. I. Korolenko // Discourse as a universal verbal interaction matrix. M: Lenand, 2018. P. 133-160.


Rayskina Valeriya Alexandrovna

E-mail: rayskinav@mail.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow City University”

Academic degree: Ph. D of Philology

Post: Associate Professor of Romance Philology department, Institute of Foreign languages

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.19 – Language theory

Scientific major: linguistic axiology, diachronic linguistics, linguistics of discourse, historiography

Important publications:

  1. Rayskina V. A. Historiography as a subject of conceptual and axiological analysis (based on sources about Michel Montaigne) // Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics. № 3. P. 172-183.
  2. Rayskina V. A. Axiological verbalization means in modern scientific historical discourse // Science Journal of Moscow City University / dir. par E. G. Tareva. М: MCU, 2021. № 2 (42). P. 75-83.

Boyarkina Anna Vladimirovna

E-mail: aboyarkina@gmail.com

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Far Eastern Federal University», Vladivostok, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Political science

Status: Associate Professor Academic Department of English language, Chair of Chinese studies, Oriental Institute-School of Regional and International Studies

Scientific major: International relations, Chinese diplomatic concepts

Important publications:

  1. Boyarkina, A.V. Xi Jinping’s concept of Community with a shared future for mankind: from idea to practical implementation: Monograph / V.F. Pecheritsa, A.V. Boyarkina. Vladivostok: Far Eastern University Publishing House, 2020. 224 p.
  2. Pecheritsa, V.F., Boyarkina, A.V. China’s soft power: Changing priorities // Espacios. 2017. Vol. 38, Issue 47. P. 1-14. https://www.revistaespacios.com/a17v38n47/a17v38n47p04.pdf (Scopus)

Ziyazieva Liliya Rashitovna

E-mail: liliyazr@mail.ru

Place of study: Gorno-Altaisk State University, Russia, Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaisk

Status: graduate student

Scientific major: benchmarking technologies in education, independent work of students, the formation of students’ readiness for independent work

Important publications:

  1. Ziyazieva, L. R. Model of formation of students’ readiness for independent work by means of benchmarking technology // World of science, culture, education. 2021. No. 2 (87). P. 34-37.
  2. Ziyazieva, L. R. Influence of benchmarking technology on the process of self-training of students // Bulletin of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies. 2021. No. 2. Volume 10. P. 18-

Prom Natalia Alexandrovna

E-mail: natalyprom77@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Volgograd State Technical University”

Academic degree, academic title: Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

Position: Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Specialty in the Nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 02.10.19 – Theory of language (philological sciences)

Scientific major: media linguistics, genre theory, stylistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics

Important publications:

  1. Prom, N.A. (2020). Actualization of reality in media discourse: characteristics, types, ways of expression: monograph / N.A. Prom; Prof. V.I. Karasik (ed.). Volgograd: PrinTerra-Design. 188 p.
  2. Prom, N.A. (2020). Fact vs. media fact: comparative analysis of conceptual models / N.A. Prom // Scientific dialogue. No. 5. Pp. 132-145. https://doi.org/10.24224/2227-1295-2020-5-132-145 (Web of Science)

Litvintceva Anna Andreevna

E-mail: alitvintseva@gmail.com

Place of study: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology

Scientific major: political linguistics, German political discourse.

Important publications:

  1. Litvintceva А.А. Idiodiskurs Christiana Lindnera v parlamentskom diskurse i osvetschenie ego v SMI // Electronnoje izdanie setevogo rasprostranenija. Transformatcia mediasredy v XXI veke: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentcii (Moscow, 24.04.2019); М.: RGGU, 2019. S. 370-375.
  2. Litvintceva А.А., Merkurijeva V.B. Novogodneje poslanie 2020 Kantclera FRG i ego kritika (lingvisticheskiy i lingvokulturologicheskiy aspekty) // Sovremennoje kulturno-obrazovatelnoje prostranstvo gumanitarnykh i sottcialnykh nauk [Text]: Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentcii (08.04.2020); Saratov: Izdatelstvo «Saratovskii istochnik», 2020. – S. 654-662.

Kardanova-Biryukova Ksenia Sufianovna

E-mail: kardanova-birukovaks@mgpu.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow City University”

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Academic status: Associate professor

Post: Head of Chair of Linguistics and Translation Studies

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.19 – Theory of Language

Scientific major: psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, theory of language, methodology of scientific research, communication studies

Important publications:

  1. Kardanova-Biryukova, K. S. Framing communication by Russian native speakers: universal and individual features // Cognitive research into language. 2021/ Vol. 3 (46). 806-810.
  2. Kardanova-Biryukova, K. S. Communication as an interdisciplinary research object // Vestnik of MSLU. Humanities series. 2021. Vol. 2 (844). Pp. 24-34.
  3. Ivanova, A.E., Kardanova-Biryukova, K.S. Designing Russian-language version of the international tool to assess early-age reading skills // Educational Studies. №4. Pp. 93-115. (SCOPUS)
  4. Kardanova-Biryukova, K. S. Associative Experiment as a Tool to Construct Dictionary Entries // Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress “Lexicography in Global Contexts” – Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Department of Humanities, 2018. Pp. 675-683. (SCOPUS)
  5. Kardanova-Biryukova, K. S. Specifics of communicative behavior of Russian speakers in interpersonal communication: experimental research // Vestnik of Volgograd State University. Linguistics series. 2018. Vol. 17. № 1. Pp. 85-97. (Web of Science)

Tataurova Darya Miсhajlovna

E-mail: darya.tataurova@mail.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State University», Irkutsk, Russia.

Status: 4th year рost-graduate Student, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, Institute Of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.19 – Theory of Language

Scientific major: constitutional intertext and its basic notions, constitutional discourse, Russian, English.

Important publications:

  1. Tataurova, D. M. (2019). Jevoljucija intertekstual’nogo koncepta grazhdanin v Konstitucijah Rossijskoj Sovetskoj Federativnoj Socialisticheskoj Respubliki i Rossijskoj Federacii [Evolution of a special concept «Citienship» within the Russian Consitution intertext]. Mir nauki. Sociologija, filologija, kul’turologija. [World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies]. №10, 4: 7. [Electronic Resourse]. URL: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/07FLSK419.pdf (in Russian)
  1. Tataurova, D. M. (2020). Semanticheskaja variativnost’ termina national i ego sinonimicheskij rjad v britanskom konstitucionnom intertekste [Semantic Variation of the Term National and its Synonymic Range in British Constitutional Intertext]. Politicheskaja lingvistika. [Political Linguistics]. № 4(82): 102-

Shevchenko Yuliya Vladimirovna

E-mail: ygolodova@mail.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Nizhnevartovsk State University», Nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Status: post-graduate student of Department of philology, linguodidactics and translation

Scientific major: discourse analysis, text analysis, communication strategies

Important publications:

  1. Shevchenko, Y. V. Spetsifika sub”ektov nauchnoi kommunikatsii: lingvisticheskii aspekt // Aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnykh nauk: Vserossiiskaia nauchno-prakticheskaia konferentsiia / Otv. red.: Pogonyshev D.A. Nizhnevartovsk: NVGU, 2021. S. 666-670.
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