Категория: Authors

Gabeev Sergey Valeryevich

E-mail: kafedra.upik@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State State-owned Educational Institution of Higher Education «East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», Irkutsk, Russia

Post: senior lecturer of the Department of criminal law and criminology

Scientific major: criminal law, criminal executive law, criminology, pedagogy

Important publications:

  1. Gabeev, S. V. Ponyatie i priznaki ubijstva po najmu // Altajskij yuridicheskij vestnik. 2020. № 2 (30). S. 50-54.
  2. Gabeev, S. V. O vzaimosvyazi ugolovnogo prava i kriminalistiki // Kriminalistika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra. 2020. № 1 (13). S. 24-30.

Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna

e-mail: la.nefedova@mpgu.su

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status: Full professor

Post: Head of the department of German language, Institute of Foreign languages

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.04 – German languages

Scientific major: lexicology of the German language, word formation, phraseology

Important publications:

  1. Nefedova, L.A. Foreign language vocabulary of the modern German language (aspects of cultural integration): monograph / L.A. Nefedova. – M.: Moscow Pedagogical State University, 2018. – 184 p. (In Russian)
  2. Nefedova, Lyubov/Oleg Polyakov. On Some Aspects of the Borrowing of Phrases from English into German and Russian // Phraseology in Multilingual Society / Ed. by E. Arsenteva. – Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. – P. 141-155. (collective monograph)
  3. Nefedova, Lyubov. Feste Wortverbindungen als Realienbezeichnungen Deutschlands im russischen Lexikon der deutschen Kultur: Fragen der Lexikographierung von fremden Kulturen. In: Földes, Csaba/Nefedova, Lyubov (Hrsg.): Deutscher Wortschatz – interkulturell. – Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. (Beiträge zur interkulturellen Germanistik; 13). 2019. – S. 243–262. (In German)
  4. Nefedova, L.A. Direct loan and calque as language representation means of a borrowed concept (by the example of the phraseological concept first lady / pervaya ledi in German and Russian) // Language and Culture. – 2018. – No. 42. – P. 118 – 136. DOI 10.17223/19996195/42/7 (In Russian) DOI: 10.17223/19996195/42/7
  5. Nefedova, Lyubov. English Multi-word Expressions as False Friends between German and Russian: Corpus-driven Analyses of Phraseological Units. In: Mitkov, Ruslan (ed.): Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: Recent Advances and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Proceedings of the Conference. – Volume II. – November 13-14, 2017 London, UK: Editions Tradulex, Geneva. – 2017. – P. 154–161.

Mokrova Natalia Igorevna

e-mail: mokrovan@rambler.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 ‒ German languages

Post: Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages № 2

Scientific major: German Dialectology, German language, Songs, eLearning

Important publications:

  1. Mokrova, N. I. Yazikovaya realizatsia esteticheskoy funktsiyi v kel’nskoy dialektnoy rok-pesne (Language manifestation of aesthetic function in Colonge rock-songs), Vestnik IrGTU, № 1 (48). pp. 300-305.
  2. Mokrova, N. I., Pozdyakova, S. Y. Metatekst v pesnyakh na kel’nskom dialekte kak virasheniye yazykovogo soznaniya dialektonositelya (Metatext in the Colonge dialect songs as a language consciousness expression of a dialect speaker), Vestnik IrGTU, № 1 (84). pp. 230-234.
  3. Mokrova, N. I. Urbanolekt kak yazykovoy variant sovremennogo nemetskogo yazyka (Urbanolect as a variety of language in modern German), Molodyeshniy Vestnik IrGTU, Volume 8, 2018. http://mvestnik.istu.irk.ru/journals/2018/04/articles/27?view=0
  4. Mokrova, N., Savinova, Y., Pozdnyakova, S. Electronic terminological mini-dictionary in the context of cognitive and methodological challenges//Proceedings of the 15th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Volume 3): CAROL I National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, April 11-12, 2019, Vol.3, p. 102-106.
  5. Mokrova, N., Savinova, Y. Use of E-Learning Resources in Foreign Language Teaching Process at Technical University //Proceedings of the 16th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Volume 2): CAROL I National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, April 23-24, 2020, Vol.2, p. 470-482.


Bazarova (Muravieva) Anastasia Evgenievna

e-mail: anastasiae.m@mail.ru

Place of study: Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Status: Master’s student

Scientific major: conceptual metaphor, pedagogic metaphorology, media discourse 

Important publications:

  1. Bazarova (Muravieva) E. Metaphoric representation of the learning process in pedagogical internet-discourse / A. E. Muravieva, E. S. Muchkina // Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language. 2021. № 3. P. 87-102. DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_87.
  2. Bazarova (Muravieva) A. E. Metaphoric representation of learning process in modern English language / E. Muravieva, E. S. Muchkina // Scientific interdisciplinary researches. Materials of II International scientific-practical conference, Saratov, 05 June 2020. Part 2. / ed. by N. V. Emelyanov. Saratov: «KDU»; «Dobrosvet», 2020. P. 220-223.

Muchkina Ekaterina Sergeevna

e-mail: EMuchkina@sfu-kras.ru

Place of work: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Siberian Federal University», Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  associate professor

Post: associate professor of Department of germaiic languages and intercultural communication

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 – Germanic languages

Scientific major: Cognitive semantics, lexicology, ethnolinguistics

Important publications:

  1. Muchkina E.S., Bitner M.A. (2015) Realizatsiya aksiologicheskogo potentsiala etnonimov v tekste [Realisation of Axiological Potential of Ethnonyms in the Text]. Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V.P. Astafieva [Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev]. 3. pp. 173-176.
  2. Muchkina E.S., Magirovskaya O.V. (2020) Issues in regional linguistics and tools of modern linguistic research: Introduction to the linguistic edition of the journal of Siberian Federal University. Journal of Siberian Federal University – Humanities and Social Sciences. 13. pp. 1896-1901.


Ponomarev Nikolai Alexandrovich

e-mail: pn151@yandex.ru

Place of study: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University”, Omsk, Russia

Status: post-graduate student, full-time department

Place of work: ME of Omsk “Electric transport”, Omsk, Russia

Position: Senior Dispatcher of Traffic Service 

Samorodin Georgii Vladislavovich

e-mail: SamorodinGW@yandex.ru

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City Teacher Training University», Moscow, Russia

Status: postgraduate student

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City Teacher Training University», Moscow, Russia

Post: assistant of Germanistics and Linguodidactics department, Institute of Foreign Languages

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages

Scientific major: Media discourse, field theory in linguistics, lexicology

Important publications:

  1. Samorodin, G. V., Sobyanina, V.A. Strukturno-smyslovye osobennosti leksiko-semanticheskogo polya «chrezvychajnaya situaciya» v diskurse SMI Germanii // Sovremennaya nauka: aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki. Seriya: gumanitarnye nauki. 2020. № 6. S. 168-173.
  2. Samorodin, G. V. Verbalizaciya chrezvychajnoj situacii, vyzvannoj koronavirusnoj infekciej, v diskurse SMI Germanii / G.V. Samorodin // Vestnik MGPU. Seriya «Filologiya. Teoriya yazyka. Yazykovoe obrazovanie». 2021. № 1. S. 116-122. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.41.1.12.


Morozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

e-mail: morozovat1@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia», St. Petersburg, Russia  

Academic status: Assistant Professor, The Department of English Language and Cultural Studies

Major areas of scientific interest: the Text Interpretation, the English Grammar, the Methodology of English language teaching.


Important publications:

  1. Tematicheski-organizovannyj vokabulyar dlya studentov vtorogo kursa = Topic-oriented vocabulary for the second-year students / M. K. Altukhova, V. N. Karlovskaya, A. P. Karpova, T. V. Morozova; Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel’stvo Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena, 2018. 47 s.
  2. Morozova, T. V. K voprosu o tselesoobraznosti dotekstovogo etapa pri analize khudozhestvennogo teksta // Inostrannye yazyki: Gertsenovskie chteniya: materialy konf., 21-23 maya 2002 g. SPb., 2002. S. 107-108.
  3. Morozova, T. V. K voprosu o kriteriyakh otbora literaturno-khudozhestvennykh tekstov dlya zanyatij po analiticheskomu chteniyu na tret’em kurse yazykovogo vuza // Inostrannye yazyki: Gertsenovskie chteniya: materialy konf., 11-13 maya 2000 g. SPb., 2000. S. 126.
  4. Morozova, T. V. Tekst kak ob”ekt issledovaniya na zanyatiyakh po filologicheskomu chteniyu // Lingvisticheskie i didakticheskie aspekty analiza teksta: [sb. st.] / RGPU, S.-Peterb. gos. un-t. SPb., 1999. S. 60-64.


Pigina Natalia Vladimirovna

e-mail: pigina@rambler.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia», St. Petersburg, Russia  

Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philology

Academic status: Associate professor, The Department of German Philology

Position: Associate professor

Specialization according to Code of Higher Attestation Commission:  10.02.04 – Germanic languages 

Major areas of scientific interest: stylistics of the German language, The Text Interpretation

Important publications:

  1. Guz, M. N. Verbal’nyj i vizual’nyj komponent kak otrazhenie pozitsii «svoy – chuzhoy» v politicheskoy reklame = Verbal and visual components as the reflection of the “our own vs the alien” opposition in political advertising / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina // Inostrannye yazyki : Gertsenovskie chteniya : sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena, 2020. S. 60-63.
  2. Guz, M. N. Intertekstual’nost’ kak tekstoobrazuyushchij faktor reklamnogo teksta / M. N. Guz’, N. V Pigina. // Izvestiya Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni A. I. Gertsena. 2019. N 192. S. 89-97.
  3. Guz, M. N. Lingvostilisticheskie osobennosti reklamnoy kampanii firmy IWC / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina // Studia Linguistica. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena, institut inostrannykh yazykov. 2018. Vypusk XXVII : Yazyk i poznanie v sovremennoy nauke. S. 122-137.
  4. Guz, M. N. Diskursivnoe prostranstvo intertekstual’nogo analiza / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina, I. O. Sitnikova // Tekst – diskurs – stil’ v sovremennoy etnokul’ture Germanii : monografiya Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena. 2012. S. 158-183.

Guz Maria Nikolaevna

e-mail: mguz@rambler.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia», St. Petersburg, Russia  

Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philology

Academic status: Associate professor, The Department of German Philology

Position: Associate professor

Specialization according to Code of Higher Attestation Commission:  10.02.04 – Germanic languages 

Major areas of scientific interest: stylistics of the German language, The Text Interpretation, Intercultural Communication

Important publications:

  1. Guz, M. N. Verbal’nyj i vizual’nyj komponent kak otrazhenie pozitsii «svoy – chuzhoy» v politicheskoy reklame = Verbal and visual components as the reflection of the “our own vs the alien” opposition in political advertising / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina // Inostrannye yazyki : Gertsenovskie chteniya : sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena, 2020. S. 60-63.
  2. Guz, M. N. Intertekstual’nost’ kak tekstoobrazuyushchij faktor reklamnogo teksta / M. N. Guz’, N. V Pigina. // Izvestiya Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni A. I. Gertsena. 2019. N 192. S. 89-97.
  3. Guz, M. N. Lingvostilisticheskie osobennosti reklamnoy kampanii firmy IWC / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina // Studia Linguistica. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena, institut inostrannykh yazykov. 2018. Vypusk XXVII : Yazyk i poznanie v sovremennoy nauke. S. 122-137.
  4. Guz, M. N. Diskursivnoe prostranstvo intertekstual’nogo analiza / M. N. Guz’, N. V. Pigina, I. O. Sitnikova // Tekst – diskurs – stil’ v sovremennoy etnokul’ture Germanii : monografiya Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet im. A. I. Gertsena. 2012. S. 158-183.


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