Категория: Issues, prospects of development and application of unmanned aircraft systems

The method of experimental evaluation of accuracy of the DJI MAVIC 2 ZOOM navigation system

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_127

Roman O. Arefyev

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Natalya G. Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva)

Abstract. Rapid development of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their application areas requires safe and efficient airspace (AS) for various categories of its users. One of the important tasks when using AS is planning a trajectory and flying the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with account of the accuracy characteristics of on-board navigation systems. The paper presents a methodology for experimentally evaluating the accuracy characteristics of the on-board navigation system of the DJI MAVIC 2 ZOOM quadcopter. The methodology is based on the formation of a UAV desired track, with the help of which it is possible to estimate the deviation error in one of the horizontal coordinates and altitude. The experiments were conducted for real UAV flights at different altitudes and speeds. Semi-natural experiments were conducted with the GNSS SN-3803M signal simulator allowing us to determine the state of operability of the transport complex with a reduction in the number of the working constellation satellites.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), on-board navigation system, GNSS, trajectory accuracy.

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The time-optimal synthesis technique flight paths of an unmanned aircraft

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_134

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Ekaterina V. Kurylenko

Abstract. The article considers the method of synthesis of an optimal UAV flight path and an algorithm of the flight control system. The system and algorithm are designed for four-dimensional (4D) trajectory-based operations (TBO) in the context of the CNS/ATM and PBN concepts, which will increase the operational efficiency of the UAV navigation and piloting processes. The paper presents a mathematical model of the control object and algorithms for forming a time-optimal flight path. An assessment of the proposed methodology is also presented by verifying and validating the system software using simulation modeling. The results obtained demonstrate the functional capabilities of the control system to create time-optimal profiles of trajectories that meet operational requirements.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), control system, optimal flight path.

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Experimental assessment of spatial stabilization accuracy of the DJI Air 2s quadcopter

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_128

Roman O. Arefyev

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Natalya G. Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva)

Abstract. The paper proposes a method for assessing the actual accuracy of spatial stabilization of a DJI Air 2S quadcopter using its video camera and processing the resulting video sequences with a developed software package in the mode of hovering over a reference object. The software package was implemented using the OpenCV library in Python. To register deviations of stabilization systems from a given position, it is proposed to use a reference field with known geometric parameters, information about which is entered into the processing algorithm. The main task of the software package is to identify the boundaries of the reference field and measure the geometric sides in pixels which allows you to determine the center of the field and measure its deviation relative to the center of the image as well as determine the height of the unmanned aerial vehicle flight. In the work the height measurement algorithm was tested. This technique is used to evaluate the accuracy of quadcopter stabilization with various combinations of navigation sensors used for this purpose. A statistical analysis of the obtained results was carried out and conclusions were drawn about compliance with the characteristics of positioning accuracy declared by the manufacturer using optical obstacle avoidance systems and satellite navigation systems.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), stabilization systems, technical vision, GNSS.

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Approaches to design and practice of unmanned aerial vehicles of the airplane type

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_78

Sergey V. Skorobogatov

Dmitry A. Buturov

Abstract. Nowadays unmanned aviation has found wide application in many fields of human activity. Over the last two decades, such technology has moved from the category of military or experimental exotics to something applied and ubiquitous. Occupying more and more new spheres, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) get all the new functions. For their implementation the designers often take quite bold decisions, which are rare in the «big» manned aviation. The article examines the current state of the civilian airplane-type UAVs industry in terms of their design features, as well as the specifics of their application in various sectors of the economy. The authors analyse the principles underlying the choice of this or that aerodynamic scheme of a UAVs on the process of its design. In the context of possible UAVs application scenarios the advantages and disadvantages as well as limitations of a particular UAVs airframe layout, applied engine unit and construction materials are under consideration. Based on a summary of the parameters analysed, it stands out a number of classification features, which can be used as a basis for a comprehensive classification of a wide range of unmanned civil aviation.

Keywords: unmanned aircraft, unmanned aviation system, UAV, UAS, drone, classification, aerodynamic layout, application features, industry analysis.

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The defense model of the optronic equipment of tactical unmanned air vehicles against enemy laser technologies

UDK 623.624.2 BBK 32.95

Glushkov A. N.

Marchenko A. V.

The article presents a developed model of a conflict interaction between optronic equipment and functional-kill laser complexes. The model is based on the representation of the conflict as a semi-Markovian stochastic process with a discrete set of states and mathematical formalization of dependence of probabilities of being the “optronic equipment –functional-kill laser complex” system in their ground states on probability and time characteristics of the conflict parties.   The obtained analytical expressions allow the influence of conflicting parties parameters on the conflict winning probability to be defined.

Key words: optronic equipment, laser reconnaissance aid, conflict interaction, state probability, target drop-out, functional-kill laser complex.

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Mathematical modeling of wind disturbances acting on the vertical channel of an unmanned aerial vehicle

UDK 629.735-519 BBK 39.52C21

San’ko A. A.

Rozhkov I. V.

Smol’skiy D. A.

The paper presents the mathematical dependences of the wind component in the vertical channel on the flight parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle   (UAV), wind strength and features of its modeling. Significant factors of modeling conditions influence on the wind component acting on the UAV in the vertical channel are found.

Keywords: wind, unmanned aerial vehicle, factor experiment, mathematical dependences.

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Wind influence on the angular stabilization system of the unmanned aerial vehicle

UDK 629.735-519 BBK 39.52С21

A.A. Sanko

L.V. Rozhkov

A.A. Sheinikov

The paper presents a mathematical model of the wind, taking into account it’s gusting part and the steady-state wind acting on a short-range unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a related coordinate system in an operator form. A comparative analysis of the effect of wind parameters on the total wind velocity vector acting on the UAV has been carried out. The flight pitch autopilot reaction to the wind is considered. The necessity of taking into account the wind speed in the synthesis of autopilot pitch angle for short-range UAVs in landing mode is proved.

Keywords: wind, unmanned aerial vehicle, wind mathematical model, transmission coefficient, transition process.

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