Категория: # 4, 2024

Application of one-factor and three-factor analysis of variance in the study of technological processes

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_34

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The article provides an overview of the applicability of statistical methods for assessing the results of production processes in various industries. The authors emphasize the effectiveness of the system approach implemented in the methods of analysis of variance, which contributes to technology improvement and allows the influence of each factor and their interaction to be studied in detail. In addition, the results of the analysis of variance can be integrated into the quality management system, which makes it possible to continuously monitor and adjust production processes, and prevent deviations in the output parameters of various parts. The paper provides an example of applying the analysis of variance in the study of technological processes of pressing the components from various materials in designing, manufacturing and controlling the quality of defense and industrial products.

Keywords: analysis of variance, statistical methods, experiment, technological process.

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Mathematical model for validating ADS-B messages on the airfield surface

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_93

Alexander P. Plyasovskih

Artem V. Koposov

Alexandra A. Katricheva 

Abstract. The article proposes a mathematical model for validation of messages of automatic dependent surveillance of broadcasting type (ADS-B). The relevance of the study is due to the growing requirements for the security and reliability of information systems, as well as the need to ensure the integrity and reliability of transmitted information in the context of modern threats. The paper presents the main components of the model, including information sources, data transmission channels and error detection mechanisms. The proposed model describes the processes occurring in the ADS-B systems, taking into account artificial and natural interference that affects the reliability of surveillance information, allows you to predict the actions of intruders trying to violate the integrity of the ADS-B systems, and to predict the operation of the ADS-B system under interference, provides the possibility of developing effective methods to validate ADS-B messages in the terminal area. Thus, the presented mathematical model for validating ADS-B messages serves as an important step towards improving the reliability of information systems and protecting critical information from unauthorized access and distortion.

Keywords: ADS-B, time difference, model, validation.

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Methodology for automatic assessment of the convergencing aircraft hazard in the event of separation intervals violation

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_18

Alexander P. Plyasovskih

Artem Yu. Vinnikov

Vladimir Yu. Topilin

Abstract. The article proposes a method for automated high-precision assessment of the danger of approaching aircraft in case of violation of established separation standards on a continuous 100-point scale. The technique is a step-by-step search for the maximum hazard of approaching aircraft from the moment of the beginning of the violation of separation intervals to the end of the conflict situation. The main criterion for assessment is the linear functional dependence of the values of the minimum distances between aircraft, weighted in the established separation standards. A 100-point assessment will allow for the comparison and comparison of potential hazard between different facts of violations of separation standards, the severity of the threats and risks to flight safety contained therein.

Using “perceived hazard” as a reference points allows assessing the level of flight safety even in the absence of violations of separation intervals for the selected reporting period. The analysis of the estimates obtained using the methodology will help to take timely preventive measures to eliminate potential threats even before the occurrence of real aviation events.

It is advisable to use this methodology in solving the tasks of automating the assessment of practical skills of air traffic control personnel and creating an automatic flight safety management system.

Keywords: normalized coordinate system, normalized distance, violation of separation intervals, hazard of convergence, methodology for assessing the hazard of convergence.

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Artificial intelligence in writing scientific articles – a positive or a harmful factor?

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_6

Ljudmila A. Ivanova

Abstract. The article touches upon the problem of active use of artificial intelligence tools in scientific activity. Positive and negative aspects of their application in the process of writing scientific articles are in the focus of the author’s research quest. The article argues whether artificial intelligence is a useful tool in the hands of a researcher, the author of scientific articles, due to the automation of routine tasks, or is a harmful factor.

Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), scientific activity, scientific article, automation of writing, research quality, ethical issues, text generation.

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Spatial orientation and flight image: modern approaches to pilot training

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_78

Artem A. Fedorov

Abstract. The article examines the key aspects that ensure effective piloting, such as spatial orientation and flight image. Modern methods of pilot training including technological solutions and cognitive training are described. Emphasis is placed on the importance of an integrated approach to skill development to enhance flight safety and efficiency. The practical significance of the work lies in the need to constantly update and adapt pilot training programs in light of technological progress and changes in the aviation industry, which will contribute to the creation of a safer and more reliable air traffic control system of the future.

Keywords: spatial orientation, flight image, sensory systems, situational awareness, Euler angles, quaternions, psychophysiology, virtual reality, cognitive skills, flight simulators, stress management.

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Development of alternative ways to maintain the serviceability of PT6A engines based on the airline data

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_44

Dmitry E. Strokov

Evgenia A. Achkasova

Oksana G. Boyko 

Abstract. The authors constructed a mathematical model for changing the parameters of an aircraft engine for use in the ECTM (Engine Condition Trend Monitoring) system, which will allow for the maintenance of foreign-made aircraft under sanction restrictions based on the airline data.

The mathematical model was constructed with the regression analysis method on the basis of statistical data of PT6A-114A engines technical operation over a five-year operation period. The proposed solution allows the values of the basic parameters of the PT6A-114A aircraft engine to be obtained, the operator having the opportunity to independently analyze the trends of changes in the engine condition without the ESTM system. The main advantage of the obtained research results is independence of the aircraft operator on foreign engine parameter assessment services. The airline can assess the engine parameters independently. One of the next stages of further implementation of the ECTM system within the airline is the development of software that will automate the process of reading the aircraft engine parameters, conduct their analysis and correlate to the engine operation and maintenance documentation and issue a plan of corrective actions on the engine and its components.

Keywords: aircraft engine, parameters, regression analysis, basic values, maintenance.

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Development of a teacher’s emotional intelligence in the context of additional professional education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_209

Liubov E. Khaludorova

Abstract. In today’s dynamically developing world, the paradigm of additional professional pedagogical education is changing. Much attention is paid to improving the professional competencies of teachers related to the skills of the future, including one of the top skills – emotional intelligence. The article discusses the concept of “emotional intelligence”, its components, features and the possibility of developing these components in the context of additional professional education. The purpose of writing the article is to actualize the need to develop the emotional intelligence of a teacher through the development and implementation of an additional professional advanced training program. The work uses a set of theoretical and empirical research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific literature, study of the level of development of emotional intelligence components, observation. The result was an additional professional advanced training program, the implementation of which demonstrated and confirmed an increase in the level of development of the emotional intelligence components of a teacher. The study concluded that the possibility of effective development of the emotional intelligence of a teacher was revealed as a result of studying, analyzing and solving the proposed educational problems set out in the additional professional advanced training program.

Key words: emotions, thinking, intelligence, emotional intelligence, components, teacher, additional professional education, advanced training, skills, educational task.

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Axiological framework of Mustai Karim’s poetic oeuvre

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_186

Andrey N. Bezrukov

Abstract. The article presents the paradigm of the basic value orientations of the lyrics of the Bashkir poet Mustai Karim. The poetic oeuvre of M. Karim is the property of Russian literature, his works do not lose their relevance in the present. The analysis of the texts provides a basis to identify the most important topics, questions, and problems for the author. It is noteworthy that even in the mode of literary translation, the form and meaningful essence of Mustai Karim’s poems remain almost unchanged. The author’s skill plays a role, his ability to generalize, type, determine the right direction of thought, objectify wisdom. Mustai Karim’s poetry is focused on the most complex categories of existence: real, iconic, and eternal. To convey the truth of life was a kind of paramount task for the poet. It can be stated that his poetic forms have become models of the correct organization of life.

Key words: Mustai Karim, lyrics, axiology, poetic discourse, value concepts.

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Features of the substandard vocabulary in the professional sublanguage of aviation specialists

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_164

Andrey G. Fomin

Anastasia A. Andreyashina

Abstract. The study of the peculiar features of the substandard vocabulary in the sublanguage of aviation specialists is directly related to the establishment of the status of selected language units, which allowed us to classify them into professionalisms, interprofessionalisms, deprofessionalisms, jargonisms, interargonisms. As a result of the analysis of the formal structure of sub-standard lexical units, single-word and compound sub-standard lexical units were identified. The analysis of the semantic structure shows that the sub-standard vocabulary can be divided into monosemantic and polysemantic names. The predominance of monosemantic substandard lexical units can be explained by the tendency to unambiguity of substandard vocabulary, which is characterized by the accuracy of defining the concepts expressed by it. The classification of substandard vocabulary in the professional communication of aviation specialists by lexico-semantic groups allows us to identify a motivational feature, which is the basis of the name of the item. The predominance of metaphorically motivated words is due to metaphorical transfer, which is based on the similarity of the nominated objects with others having common features and characteristics. The functions of sub-standard vocabulary are nominative, as a basic function found in any sub-standard lexical unit, as well as compressive, emotive and human functions, as secondary functions that make the communication process accessible, close to the genre of professional colloquial speech.

Keywords: substandard vocabulary, professionalisms, interprofessionalisms, deprofessionalisms, jargonisms, interjargonisms, sublanguage, game function, emotion function, nominative function, compressive function.

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Application of AviaTekhPom software and algorithms in solving aircraft repair and maintenance tasks

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_4_116

Aleksandr Yu. Yurin

Sergey Yu. Utekhin

Abstract. Repair and maintenance in civil aviation are important processes for providing transportation safety. To improve the quality and efficiency of these processes is possible with the help of information technologies and artificial intelligence methods. At the same time, under the conditions of sanctions restrictions, it is urgent to expand the set of domestic software that implements both the functions of electronic technical manuals and decision support systems. One of these systems is the Aviation Technical Assistant (AviaTekhPom) platform.

The paper issues one of its components – a desktop application that contains the following subsystems: a troubleshooting support that uses both local knowledge base files and interacting with web service databases; an on-board maintenance system (OBMS) file reader; a dump analyzer of non-volatile memory of motor and actuator control electronics (MACE). The authors demonstrate the examples of the use of a desktop application for the RRJ-95 aircraft.

Keywords: AviaTekhPom, intelligent system, diagnostics of aviation systems and complexes, Sukhoi Superjet, desktop application, reading dumps.

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