Категория: Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

Modern active teaching techniques as a means of professional competency assesment

UDC 378.16 BBK 74.58

Veretennikova A. Ye.

The article illustrates the practice of such teaching techniques as: project, “Cadet Portfolio”, argumentative essay in the of MVD higher education institutions teaching process for the assessment of professional, including communicative, competency. Theoretical issues of project based learning and writing process which are the foundation of competency assessment criteria are covered.

Key words: project, portfolio, argumentative essay, types of assessment, critical thinking, communicative competency, writing process, cadet, MVD higher education institutions.

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Training of motor mechanics in the context of the SVE third-generation FSES

UDC 377.131.14:629.083 (094) BBK 033-08я723-1

Nikitina E. A.., Nadtochij S. B.

The article is devoted to the issues of students’ training in specialty 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of automobile transport within the secondary vocational education. Training of motor mechanics in the context of the SVE FSES with the use of context and dual educating technologies contributes to deep possessing professional competences, searching the ways of solving different professional problems in challenging manufacturing situations and, which is the most important, stirs interest in future occupation.

Key words: motor mechanic, secondary vocational education, SVE FSES, context and dual educating technologies, possessing professional competences, professional problems, students, industrial training.

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Records of the results of pedagogical monitoring in organization of educational activities in the modern college

UDC 377.5 BBK 74.214.22

Nikitina E. A., Korobtsov A. Y., Vereshсhakov I. E.

An important part of practical training within the professional module PM.03 “Methodological support of the training process and pedagogical guidance of a group of students in professions of workers (employees)” is organization and carrying out pedagogical monitoring. This allows to create the competencies needed in the future professional activity of training officers.

In the course of many years’ training officers’ work, teachers of the Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction to organize teaching practice of students (specialty 44.02.06 Professional Education) ‒ a huge experience of carrying out pedagogical monitoring with the participation of trainees has been gained. In the process of implementation of the tasks of the pedagogical monitoring, they do not only provide diagnosis, evaluation and forecasting of the pedagogical process, but also they take into account the results of the organization of educational activities in the College. Presentation of the experience of the joint activities through the eyes of students will contribute to the further improvement of the pedagogical process in the field of teaching training officers.

Key words: pedagogical monitoring, training officer, education, teaching, pedagogical culture, vocational training, diagnosis, assessment, forecasting, pedagogical process.

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Contest movement as a form of revitalization of students’ educational-cognitive activity

UDC 378 BBK 22

Mindeeva S. V., Tolstyh O. D.

The article deals with contest movement to intensify the educational-cognitive activity of students. It gives historical information of contest movement, analyzes the theoretical basis of the issue. It describes the experience of the student mathematical contests in the technical university.

Key words: contest, contest movement, mathematical contest, technical university.

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Preparing future teachers to work with parents

UDC 378 BBK 74.58

Kochergina O. A.

The article is devoted to one of the most important issues of modern higher education. The author shows the necessity of professional training for future teachers to work with parents, its specific character and main directions. The article is intended for university lecturers.

Key words: family, family education, interaction of family and school, the specificity of professional training.

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“Pedagogical monitoring” as a subject of scientific study (historical digression)

UDC 378+13 BBK 74.200

Nikitina E. A.

The article under consideration shows the formation of the concept “pedagogical monitoring” in Russia. In our national historical and pedagogical literature there is a large spread of the standpoint according to which the term “pedagogical monitoring” was brought into pedagogy in the early 70th last century. Meanwhile, on the basis of the various sources in XIX – beginning of XX centuries we can see a great use in the literature and pedagogical practice such concepts as “study of pupils”, “study of a child”, “children’s behaviour supervision”, “study of children”, “diagnosis upbringing”, etc.

Key words: pedagogical monitoring, diagnosis upbringing, study of children, methods of study, supervision method, method of natural experiment, pedagogical forecasting.

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Monitoring in work system of the modern industrial training master

UDC 377.5 BK 74.214.22

Lovcov. O. N.

The article deals with the issues of monitoring. Federal state educational standards of secondary professional education, the Federal law “About Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ from December 29, 2012 cause changes in the professional education organizations. They enhance educational content, give new approaches to the organization of teaching and educational process, methods of interaction between an industrial training master and students. Various innovations are studied and approved, the monitoring role raises. The article describes a studying system of students’ good breeding within an academic year in «ИКАТ и ДС».

Key words: monitoring; industrial training master; secondary professional education; diagnostics; good breeding level; work system.

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Independent work of students in the information educational environment

UDC 377.8 BBK 78.234.569

Ivanova K. L.

The article is devoted to the problem of the organization of students’ independent work and the implementation of its control in the conditions of the college educational environment. The components of the information environment, information services, which allow to realize controlled independent work of students in the information-educational college environment are described. The article is also provided information about the specificity of students ‘ independent work in the global educational space.

Keywords: independent work of students, information educational environment, FSES.

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Life-purpose values of the students as a psychological and educational problem

УДК 377 ББК 74

Lapina O. A., Savel’eva D. V.

The article provides an analytical overview of the possible approaches to the understanding of the term «life-purpose values of the future professionals». It describes the trends and prospects of development of relations to the profession by the future specialist within the meaning of life.

Keywords: meaning of life, values, value orientation, life-purpose values, self-educational activity

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