Категория: Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

Media education vectors in the CIS countries: forecast for the future

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Fedorov A. V.

Levitskaya A. A.

The authors’ comparative study of media literacy education development in the CIS countries suggests that in the foreseeable future the development of media education in the CIS countries will continue to be dominated by socio-cultural and practice-oriented models (to a greater extent, this is typical for Russia) and models related to the reliance on the theory of critical thinking development and the protective theory of media literacy education (to a greater extent, this is typical for Ukraine and Moldova, for example) and their corresponding tasks. Ukraine is likely to develop a trend of ideologization of the media education process that has emerged (starting from 2014) and attempts to make media literacy education a propaganda and counter-propaganda tool.

Most likely, a small increase in the number of dissertations on the material of preschool and specialized secondary education institutions is possible in the CIS countries. Research by scientists on trends in synthesis between media education and journalism (including media criticism) will continue.

On the whole, our forecast regarding the intensity of research on media literacy education in the CIS countries is optimistic: our content analysis of dissertation research in the CIS countries allows us to predict a further increase in the number of studies (mainly at the expense of regional research teams), one way or another related to the problems of media education, media literacy, media competence.

Keywords: media education, CIS countries, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, media literacy, media competence.

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The role of media education in the training of political technologists: the experience of southern federal university

UDK 378.147 BBK 74.58

Titarenko I. N.

The article analyzes the role of media education in the training of political technologists, including such profiles as “Advertising and Public Relations in Politics” and “Political Management and PR-technologies”, implemented in Southern Federal University. The experience of the university in the development of media competence within these profiles is considered.

Keywords: media education, political management, political technologists, mass media, media competence

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Media-educational model based on the material of television of perestroika period in the USSR

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

In the period of perestroika, the scope of understanding of the QMS potential begins to expand. Media teachers began to use not only cinema in the classroom.  But if such media materials as the press, photography and radio had already been used in the educational process before, television became a distinctive feature of the perestroika period in the USSR. The paper covers the views of G. Ya. Vlaskina and O. F. Nechay and presents a generalized media educational model based on the material of television for schoolchildren. Media teachers relied on the rich content of Soviet television programs. The purpose of the media educational model is the following: cultural education, the formation of schoolchildren’s aesthetic ideals; conceptual basis – the synthesis of aesthetic and cultural media theory with some elements of ideological one.

Keywords: media education, television, TV program, metatext, O. F. Nechay, G. Ya. Vlaskina, media educational model, purpose, tasks, methodology.

* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of a grant from The Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in the domestic media education of the period of perestroika”, carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Prerequisites for reforming the educational system in the USSR perestroika period

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

The article deals with the regulatory framework (which acted as prerequisites), which initiated the reform of the educational system and media pedagogy (as a branch of pedagogical knowledge) in the USSR during the period of perestroika. The reform tasks assumed that the issues of education, training and career guidance of students will be solved comprehensively. However, the integrated approach was not reduced to the simultaneity of the solution of this triune problem, nor to the equivalence of its sides. The main link was educational work. Also, the task of countering the ideological processing of Soviet youth in the mass media of capitalist countries required a solution. An important role for solving these and other problems was assigned to new forms and methods of education, so film/media education received prerequisites for its intensive development and transformation in accordance with the demands of society in the USSR during the period of perestroika.

Keywords: reform, regulatory framework, USSR, education, upbringing, goals, tasks, media education.


* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of a grant from The Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in the domestic media education of the period of perestroika”, carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Specific features of media-educational activity in the period of perestroika

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

Gorbatkovа O. I.

The article provides the activities of teachers in the field of media education during the perestroika period in the USSR. The study allowed us to formulate the specific features of media education: the backlog of theoretical and methodological foundations of domestic media education from the” challenges “of the time, world trends and experience; “incompatibility” of some theoretical provisions with existing in the period of time practical experience of media teachers; the possibility of referring to Western concepts of media education, which are able to expand the boundaries of understanding the media text, its contexts.

Keywords: media pedagogic, media education, theory, specificity, transformation, USSR, the period of “perestroika”.

* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in Russian media education of the period of “perestroika” performed at Rostov State Economic University. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Methodological bases of interethnic tolerance of student youth in the russian and english-language media education of the post-soviet period

UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva I. V.

The paper presents methodological approaches to the study of the problem of interethnic tolerance of students in Russian and English-language media education of the post-Soviet period. The problem of tolerance, interethnic dialogue, and fostering the culture of interethnic interaction invariably remain in the focus of scientific discourse. Studies of this problem are carried out by philosophers, sociologists, ethnologists, educators, psychologists, culture experts, political scientists. The versatility of research is determined by a great deal of approaches and concepts of models construction with a focus on various aspects of this phenomenon.

Key words: tolerance, interethnic tolerance, media culture, media education.

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Historical aspects of the development of ideas of inter-ethnic tolerance in Russia

UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva  I. V.

The development of inter-ethnic tolerance of students, raising respectful attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups and nationalities, their customs and traditions is an actual problem of modern society, the solution of which largely determines the nature of intercultural communication in modern society. Fostering a culture of interethnic communication in this regard is an important task of modern universities. The article analyzes the problems of cultivating the culture of interethnic communication of students in the media as a factor of inter-ethnic tolerance of an individual from the point of view of identifying the main prospects for media education.

Key words: culture, interethnic communication, interethnic tolerance, students, media education.

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Hermeneutic analysis of the film «Four hundred blows» (1959) by F. Truffaut on media education classes with students

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 85.374.3(3)

Salny R. V.

The article describes the results of a hermeneutic analysis of F. Truffaut’s film “Four Hundred Blows” (1959). The film was a debut of a director where he tells the story of a teenager (Antoine Doinel), reflecting largely the author’s own way of living. Following the logic of V. Dilthey that a work of art as a cultural phenomenon must be achieved, experiencing and understanding it as a kind of “vital whole”, the analysis of the picture was based on immersing students in the sociocultural and historical atmosphere of France from the 1940s – 1950s. A series of questions were developed by A.V. Fedorov and A. Silverblatt for hermeneutic analysis of media texts to penetrate the artistic and semantic dimension of the film. They allowed to find links between historical and cultural subtexts and author’s motives, describe and clarify the behavioral patterns and worldviews of F. Truffaut’s contemporaries and his characters, reveal not only their psychological properties, but also interpret the multidimensional content of the whole artistic meaning of the film.

Keywords: hermeneutic analysis, F. Truffaut, «Four Hundred Blows», cultural context, France 1940s – 1950s, movie.  


*Support and acknowledgement

This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 “School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”, performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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Theories and approaches to tackling the issues of interethnic tolerance in english-speaking countries

UDK 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Mikhaleva G. V.

The article analyses the problem of educating citizens in matters of interethnic and intercultural tolerance in English-speaking countries. The author examines contemporary foreign theories and approaches to promoting interethnic culture of citizens.

Key words: interethnic tolerance, interethnic culture, media education, English-speaking countries, discrimination.

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The national media education methodology of the «perestroyka» period

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina  E.V.

The main changes with their significant impact on modern media education in Russia occurred during the years of “perestroika” are examined in the article. They allowed expanding the methodological foundations of media pedagogy. Such a methodological basis transformation was based on the existing objective prerequisites: practical results were often ahead of the theoretical foundations; the USSR’s withdrawal from isolation in relation to Western studies. The changes laid down in the period of “perestroika” became the basis for modern media education in our country.

Key words: reforms, history, theoretical foundations, methodologic, USSR, media education, «perestroika».

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