Категория: # 1, 2020

Interethnic tolerance as a factor of information security of the young generation: media educational aspect of the problem

UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva I. V.

The article presents a theoretical review of the problem of interethnic tolerance as a factor of information security of the young generation. The author emphasizes the use of including media educational methods and technologies in the educational process in order to ensure the information security of youth.

Key words: information security, interethnic tolerance, media education, youth.

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Variants of impersonal poetics as basis of the lyric narration by Irina Astakhova

UDK 821.161.1 BBK 83.3

Bezrukov A. N.

It is impossible to imagine modern Russian poetry without the creative activity of Irina (Ah) Astakhova. Lyric poetry by Astakhova is a form of differentiation of personal and impersonal as well as male and female. Travesty allows the poet to be original and unique to the reader. Thus, the aesthetic, cultural dialogue with the XIX – XX century does not interrupt but mainly intensifies, transforms into a variable poetic space. Poetic patterns of the lyrics by Irina Astakhova depend on the melody of the text, the depth of emotions and the condensation of the social and philosophical.

Key words: Irina Astakhova, modern poetry, lyrical narrative, impersonal poetics, dialogue, author, reader, receptive criticism.

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History of media education in Russia

UDK 372.8 BBK 74.5

Chelysheva I. V.

Berezkina A. D.

The paper is focused on the historical analysis of the key stages in the development of media education in Russia which arouses interest of scientists and the society as a whole, helps understand the significance of objects and subjects studied by media education, know the information space and also predict changes.

Key words: media education, science, developmental stages, educational cinema, radio broadcasting, media text, media pedagogy.

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Problems of civil aviation aircraft maintenance processes in expected operating conditions

UDK 629.7.036.3 BBK 39.15

Kirenchev A. G.

Danilenko N. V.

The article explores the contradictions, problems and methods of maintenance of modern civil aviation aircraft. After increasing the air flow through the engines, a qualitative transition of vortex formation before the air intakes to vortices of blurred intensity was established. New directions for aircraft ground operation when gas turbine engines are running on the ground are suggested. Within the framework of the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Aviation Rules and Airworthiness Standards, the contradictions of aircraft ground operation and their engines are investigated and new additions to the Manual on technical operation and repair of aviation equipment in Russian civil aviation are outlined.

Keywords: vortex formation, the role of the underlying surface, gas turbine power plants, Coriolis force, air intake, technical operation, erosive wear.

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Circulation-vortex method of activating the wing thrust over the underlying surface

UDK 629.735.33.015 BBK 39.15

Kirenchev A. G.

Danilenko N. V.

The article deals with the issue of possible vortex activation of the working process of the wing thrust over the underlying surface. The useful effect of this working process can manifest itself in reducing the aircraft take-off and landing roll in the field of wing vortex interference with the airfield ground. The area of practical use could cover the lifting surfaces of hydrofoil crafts, ram-wing crafts and similar vehicles at low flight altitudes. The vortex activation of the wing thrust is based on the professor N.Ye.Zhukovskiy’s theorem about the wing lift and the mirror effect of the underlying surface proposed by Prandtl. The authors defined the physical and kinematic essence of interference of a linear vortex with a flat underlying surface.  The effect of that kind of vortex interference is represented due to comparison of auto-travel of vortex smoke rings having a different diameter and generated by an identical force pulse. The authors stated the fact of force interaction between a vortex ring and a hard flat wall which forms the basis of the method of vortex activation of the wing thrust capable of reducing the drag. As an object of theoretical research the linear infinitely long vortex of intensity Г = 2p  allowing the mathematical expression of Biot-Savart law to be reduced to the function of vortex velocity св = f (1/(2h)). The kinematic vortex characteristic is represented as a dependence of travel speed on the height of its position above the screen. The article identifies the main consequences of vortex and screen interference and areas of their application.

Key words: thrust, circulation of velocity Г, vortex interference, flat screen, vortex travel, vortex characteristic.

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One of the approaches to designing training for flight students based on the proficiency level and the performance of the flight task

UDK 656.7.071:658.386 BBK 74.570.22

Ustinov V. V.

Nazarov P. S.

The article offers methods and algorithms for recognizing maneuvers and aerobatic figures, scoring the quality of flight task performance, calculating the weight coefficients of the significance of flight parameters included in the evaluation criteria and the weight coefficients of flight elements included in the exercise, evaluating the level of training of flight students taking into account the quality of flight task performance and breaks in flight training.

Keywords: flight safety, flight training programs, training assessment, flight performance assessment, weight coefficients, pattern recognition, probability and statistics, normal distribution law of random variables.

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Efficiency of mastering basic mathematics at the university of railway transport

UDL 378.6 BBK 74.58

Chernyaeva T. N.

The paper studies the issue of improving the efficiency of mastering basic mathematics with the help of the developed training system of specialists. The techniques and methods of teaching students mathematics at the technical university on the basis of competency-based education are described. Each semester subject tests in mathematics for specialists are given.

Key words: efficiency, competences, increased activity, students motivation, rating, levels of training, testing, test assignments.

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Concept as a construct and product of innovative pedagogy

UDK 378.1; 371.3 BBK 74

Yazykova O. V.

Goryushkina O. S.

Kozyreva O. A.

The concept is defined in the work as a category, construct and product of innovative pedagogy. The quality of constructing a concept in the professional development of a teacher is determined by various indicators of successful employment of pedagogical modeling, scientific and pedagogical theorization, and scientific and pedagogical activity. In the structure of the illustration of the choice of the concept by the teacher, the pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of modeling and clarifying the concept of pedagogical activity are determined as the result of scientific and pedagogical research and scientific activity.

Keywords: concept, pedagogical modeling, theorizing, pedagogical activity.

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Automation of verifying the electronic display systems of modern and advanced objects of civil aviation

UDK 681.518.3 BBK 39.56

Mamkin E. M.

Krytsin A. V.

Ilyashenko D. M.

Dyachenko S. A.

Neretin E. S.

The authors analyzed the existing means of automation of verifying the software of aircraft onboard equipment. As the result they developed a software application which automates verifying the electronic display systems of modern and advanced civil airplanes as well as a testing technique for its use. The proposed solution allows reducing time and financial costs of system testing.

Key words: civil airplane, avionics, software, verification, image recognition, neural network.

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Semantic neologisms in the english language

UDK 81’373.43 BBK 81.411.2-3

Nuzhnova E. E.

This article is devoted to the study of semantic innovations – new meanings of some words and word combinations existing in the Modern English language: the ways in which lexical units develop their new meanings, the sources where innovations draw their imagery from and the tendencies in enriching vocabulary are considered.

Key words: neologisms, semantic innovations, lexico-semantic variant, broadening of meaning, narrowing of meaning, metaphorization, terminologization, determinologization.

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