Категория: 5.9. Philology

Field research of Mongolian Buryats dialects

UDC 811.512.31: 81`282.4 BBK 81.2 Бур – 67

S. Mönkhsaikhan

The article gives an overview of the research of Mongolian Buryats dialects. Field materials, accumulated by Mongolian scientists between the years of 1960 to 1980 in Dornod, Khentii, Selenge, Khövsgöl and Bulgan provinces have been considered. Expedition research data on the Buryat language, memorized in the Fund of national literature and folklore, Institute of language and literature of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia have been reviewed. The author thinks that research data characterize: 1) the dialect of Onon-Ulz Buryats; 2) the dialect of Eg-Üür Buryats; 3) the dialect of Selenge Buryats; 4) the dialect of Khamnigans and Barguts. The author states that although field research materials on Buryat dialects are sufficiently considered in scientific publications, nevertheless some of them, in particular, expedition data, accumulated between the years of 1976 to 1977 in Khövsgöl, Bulgan, Khentii and Dornod provinces have not been discussed in a scientific community.

Key words: Buryat dialects; field research; dialects of Aga, Khori, Selenga, Tunka and Kudara Buryats; dialects of Khamnigans and Barguts

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С. Мөнхсайхан (Монгол улс, ШУА-ийн)


Монгол улсын ШУА-ийн Хэл зохиолын хүрээлэнгийн ахмад эрдэмтэд 1960‑80 оны үед Монгол орны өнцөг булан бүрт хүрч монгол хэлний бараг бүх аялгууг судалсан байдаг бөгөөд тэрхүү хээрийн шинжилгээний ангийн тайлан эдүгээ ХЗХ-ийн “Дуун ухааны сан хөмрөг”-т хадгалагдаж байна. Тэдгээр цуглуулсан материалаас буриад аялгууг судалсан шинжилгээний ангийн тайланг тус өгүүлэлд танилцуулсан байна.

Гол үгэс: буриад аялгуу; хээрийн шинжилгээний байцаалт; ага, хори, сэлэнгэ, худара болон түнхэнэй буриадуудай нутаг аялгуу; хамниган ба баргачуудай нутаг аялгуу

To the history of Buryat dialects studying

UDC 811.512.31 BBK 81.64.2

Zambulaeva N. G.

The author gives a historical review of the study of Buryat dialects classification that enables determining territorial, tribal and geographical approaches to their differentiation. The author notes that each new Buryat dialects classification made progress, specified a certain stage in the development of the Buryat dialectology and showed the need of scientific data using for the Buryat language teaching in dialect environment.

Key words: Buryat language, dialect, dialect, classification, dialect phonetic peculiarities, dialect grammatical peculiarities, dialect lexical peculiarities

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Some peculiarities of a character’s artistic image development in the text of literary work (on the material of the novel “The Narrow Corner” by W. S. Maugham)

UDC 81.25 BBK 81.432.1

Verbitskaya O. M.

The present work investigates created by the writer fictional world which is so similar and at the same time dissimilar to the real one and thus containing the author’s vision of the world hidden in literary images. The article thoroughly explores the main character’s image formation mechanism.  The investigator studies interaction of various language means in the process of the main character’s image development. Therefore an artist faces an extremely difficult task to reach the aesthetic perfection of all literary images under creation. Only under this condition both the principal heroes as well as the conflict tying them in one knot will be able to realize the author’s concept, to prove to the reader the fairness of the idea for the sake of which a piece of literary work is actually created. The article throws fresh light on linguistic and stylistic means of holding the reader in suspense and character’s development. The work also focuses its attention on the role of different types of cohesion in achieving the harmony and integrity of the main character’s image. The article is recommended to the specialists in the field of text linguistics.

Key words: literary image, the author’s concept, text cohesion, experienced speech, thematic progression, pragmatic aspect of the text

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Functional phonetics: prosodic methods of text expressive reading

UDC 811.512.122’36

Akymbek S.

The actual problems of functional phonetics are considered in this article. The object of the research is particularly the problem of a common function of intonation components in speech. Such intonation components as speech melody, rhythm, pausation, stylistic colouring and expressiveness play a special role in all areas of speech stylistics. The intonation research from this point of view gives us the opportunity to draw scientific conclusions about cognitive and esthetic value of human speech.

It is noted in the article that scientific-theoretical problems of the object of the functional phonetics research are many-sided; their solving is a main aim of the modern Kazakh linguistics. The nature of speech, and especially the function of sound is very difficult. Therefore consideration of word phonetics as an intellectual, psychophysical, psycholinguistic and esthetic phenomenon became the main purpose of the current article.

Key words: intonation, prosodic methods, associative experiment, stylistic colouring, syntagma, rhythm

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The Athonite debate about God’s Name within the scope of the worldview and spiritual life of Russia of the XX-XXI c.

UDC 81-119 BBK 81.2

Postovalova V. I.

The paper describes certain landmarks in the history of the Athonite debate about God’s Name in the XXth c. and its conceptual bases. The Athonite debate gave rise to the development of the Russian theolinguistic thought and underlay the ontological conception of language as well as the realistic philosophy of the name. The paper explores the question of how the ideas of the name and a prayer can evolve within the framework of the synergetic-personalistic paradigm. Boundaries and possibilities of the rationalization of the spiritual experience are also discussed.

Key words: Hesychasm, clever making, Jesus’s prayer, God’s Name (the Name of God), name-glorifying and name-fighting, energy, hypostasis, synergetic-personalistic paradigm.

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Grammatical category of the Passive Voice in Kazakh and Russian languages

UDC 811.512.122’36 BBK 80

Imambaeva G. E.Alkebaeva D. A.Ahmetova A. B.
The article examines grammatical category of the Passive Voice in Kazakh and Russian languages in a comparative viewpoint.

Key words: Voice category, grammatical category, Passive Voice category, Kazakh linguistics, Voice category of Russian language

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