Категория: 5.9. Philology

English loanwords in the German youth language

UDC 801.3:001.4 BBK 81.002.1

Dr Bernhard Diensberg

Summary/Abstract: In the following we will briefly deal with loanwords from (American) English which occur in the German youth language. A few remarks concerning its origin, its main features and, ultimately, its linguistic status may be called for. From the 18th to the middle of the 19th century there appeared treatises dealing with the so-called Burschensprache (jargon of German students) which may have existed for quite a few centuries earlier. As far as its main features are concerned, the aspect of protest and non-conformism will be taken into account,

as well as the element of credibility, the aspect of playfulness and linguistic innovation and, last but not least, the emotional side of the youth language. Regarding its linguistic register, it should be assigned to substandard since it purposely disregards the grammatical rules of the German Hochsprache (standard language). At the end of this article there will be a selection of recent loans from English. They were gleaned from a little booklet by Hermann Ehmann, entitled Endgeil. Das voll korrekte Lexikon der Jugendsprache (2005).

Key Words: young speakers (social group), non-conformism, protest, emotions, credibility, substandard, innovation, playfulness and colourfulness, loanwords from British and American English, linguistic economy and effectiveness of communication.

* Revised version of a contribution to the scholarly conference entitled ‘Anthropological Linguistics’ at the ‘Volgograd Social-Pedagogical College’ on 31th October 2006.

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Totemism and suggestion in the words of obituaries and condolences

UDC 811.512.122’373.49

Alkebaeva D. A.Esimova Zh. D.Akshalova B. N.

Death is one of the hardest realities in life that everyone has to accept sooner or later. As a human being we have to express our sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief or misfortune, so that he might get out of this sorrow very soon and take responsibilities of the family. Kazakh people knew the concrete power of magic words from the ancient time. Knowing the power of the words, they used it widely in practices like obituaries, condolences.

Key words: taboo, obituary, totem, folklore

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Ferdinand Wrede and Victor Maximovich Zhirmunsky: correspondence on the German dialectology and lingvoetnography

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.20

Puzeikina L. N.

This article is based on a paper, read at the 43rd International Philological Conference at the St. Petersburg State University, timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous German linguist, Ferdinand Wrede. The main area of Wrede’s interest was the German dialectology and dialectography. Being the successor of George Wenker, Wrede had a significant influence on the development of the German dialectological atlas. Wrede’s dialektographical studies had a significant impact on the well-known Russian philologist Viktor Zhirmunsky, who conducted collecting and research activities in German colonies in the USSR in 1920s. Presented in the paper, fragments of two scientists’correspondence refer to this period and reveal the origins of some V. M. Zhirmunsky’s ideas concerning research in the German settlements in the USSR.

Key words: V.M. Zhirmunski; epistolary heritage; correspondence; dialectology; German dialects; German colonies in Russia; Ferdinand Wrede; Der Deutsche Sprachatlas; DSA

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Methodical bases of the formation of primary school pupils’ communicative competence in the Buryat language

UDC 371 BBK 74.2(2Рос.Бур)

Sodnomov S. Ts.

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности формирования коммуникативных умений учащихся начальных классов, при этом особое внимание уделяется анализу методологических подходов бурятских лингводидактов по проблеме развития речи младших школьников на бурятском языке.

Ключевые слова: младший школьник, речь, устная речь, развитие речи, методологические основы, умение, коммуникативные умения, методические исследования, формирование.

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Ниитэлэл бага наһанай һурагшадай харилсаанай шадабари бүрилдүүлгын онсодо зорюулагданхай, тиихэдээ онсо анхаралаа буряад лингводидактнуудай эхин һургуулиин һурагшадай хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгын ажалнуудай шүүмжэлгэдэ зорюулагданхай.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: бага наһанай һурагшад, хэлэлгэ, аман хэлэлгэ, хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэ, методологическа үндэһэнүүд, шадабари, харилсаанай шадабари, методическа шэнжэлэлгэнүүд, бүрилдүүлгэ.

Functional pecularities of using modern German mood-related gestures

UDC 811.11-112 BBK 81.0

Sazonova A. A.

This article is devoted to a study of using functional peculiarities of modern German mood-related gestures. The results of the gestures analysis including the details of their usage situations have been shown.

Key words: function, mood-related gestures, classification, nonverbal communication

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Theoretical bases of psychological mechanisms of development of tolerance personality in psychology

UDC 159.923.5 BBK 88

Falunina E. V. , Falunin V. F.

This article considers a problem of defining psychological mechanisms of development of tolerance personality in psychology. The concept «psychological mechanisms» as a content category used for describing a process of intrapersonal changes and individual mental transformations is determined on the basis of scientific works analysis. The definition of tolerance as a personal quality is given. The mechanisms of its development are proved.

Key words: psychological mechanisms, tolerance as a psychological phenomenon; psychological mechanisms of tolerance development

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Borrowings in the German language taken in the middle of the XVIII century (in the I. Ya. Lerche diaries)

UDC 930.253 BBK 63.2

Savchenko G. K.

The article introduces the results of the linguistic study of the German traveler and scientist I. Ya. Lerche diary. He lived in Russia in the period between 1731 and 1780. The diaries contain a lot of information on the history of Russia. Also they could be of great interest as a source of the history of Russian and German cultural ties, the history of the Russian and German languages in the XVIII century. The subject of the research is borrowings in the I. Ya. Lerche’s written speech.

Key words: I.Ya. Lerkhe, source studies, the Lower Volga region, borrowings

The research is executed in support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund within the RGNF research project “The history of the Lower Volga region in the I. Ya. Lerche’s manuscript heritage “, project № 13-11-34003 а/В.

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Verbal communication culture of the modern youth (based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units)

UDC 811.512.122’37 BBK 80

Smagulova G. N.

The article gives an overview of the modern youth verbal communication culture based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are more than 130 nationalities. Russian language is a means of international and intercultural communication. The language of modern youth is developing in the bilingual conditions. There are problems of the Russian and Kazakh bilingualism, its studying and distribution of state language, particularly in the process of family education. The ethnic language is a basis of any culture.

Key words: verbal communication culture, phraseological units, bilingualism, ethnic language

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Functions of the phraseological units in dramatic texts (based on the B. P. Purbuev’s plays)

UDC 809.423-3 BBK 81.64.2-33

Tagarova T. B.

The article studies the use of the phraseological units in dramatic texts in a stylistic aspect based on the plays of the Buryat writer B. P. Purbuev. The article discusses the substantive phraseological units as expressive and evaluative units. There is the connection between phraseological units functioning and the comedy genre peculiarities. Buryat phraseological units expresses ethic, esthetic, intellectual, utilitarian attitude.

Key words: the Buryat language, phraseological units, connotation, emotional and expressive, negative attitude

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Тагарова Т. Б. (Эрхүү, Росси)


Тус ниитэлэл соо элитэ бэлигтэй буряад уран зохёолшо Б. П. Пурбуевай зүжэг соохи тогтомол холбуулалнууд оршон тойрондо гү, али хүнэй зан абарида, байха байдалдань ямар сэгнэлтэ үгэнэб гэжэ зураглагдана. Тиин үзэгдэжэ байhан зүжэгүүдтэнь тогтомол холбуулалнуудай булингинь яряанай найруулгада хабаатай, буруушааhан сэгнэлтэтэй байна гэжэ тобшологдоно. Хүнэй ямар талануудынь сэгнэгдэнэб гэжэ мүн шэнжэлэгдэнэ.

Түлхюур үгэнүүдынь: зүжэг, тогтомол холбуулал, эмоционально-экспрессивнэ сэгнэлтэ, яряанай найруулга, буруушааhан, коннотаци

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