UDK 621.391:621.396 BBK 39.57-5 S66
Skrypnik O. N.
Arefyev R. O.
Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva) N. G.
The Global Navigation Satellite Systems `(GNSS) such as GLONASS (Russia) and GPS (the USA) systems find wide application in different fields including aviation. The growing demands of different users’ groups for accuracy and reliability of positioning can be met by solving a navigational problem with the use of all visible satellites which belong to different systems. This function was implemented in combined GNSS receivers, the research of performance features and positioning error characteristics of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers under different conditions of use and in different operational modes being relevant. The paper contains the results of natural experiments for investigation of positioning accuracy characteristics carried out with Geos-1M receiver. The experiments were performed in urban settings and in open terrain, in GLONASS and GPS operation modes of the receiver as well as in GLONASS/GPS combined mode. The experimental results were analyzed with the help of special software and algorithms of statistical manipulation. The obtained results allow assessing the main statistical characteristics of positioning errors and operational efficiency of the combined GNSS receiver under different conditions and in different operational modes. It can be used in practice for selecting a more efficient operational mode of the combined receiver for given conditions as well as for validating mathematical models of the positioning errors of SNS receivers.
Keywords: global navigation satellite system, GNSS, combined GNSS receiver, positioning accuracy.
*This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 19-08-00010 A).
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