Категория: Aeronautics

Peculiarities of using a mobile pseudolite for increase of positioning accuracy on aircraft landing *

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_14

Oleg Nikolaevich Skrypnik

Roman Olegovich Arefyev

Natalya Gennadyvna Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva)

Tatyana Yuryevna Portnova

Abstract. The authors study accuracy characteristics (dilution of preсision) of an integrated navigation-and-time field in the terminal area created by GLONASS with its mobile pseudolite augmentation. A mobile pseudolite is placed onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The purpose of the article is optimization of UAV flight path which will provide the best aircraft positioning accuracy. The problem of finding an optimal track for the UAV was solved using Hooke-Jeeves method for an aircraft approaching along a flexible track. The article presents the results of the conducted experiments as the UAV optimal flight paths and their charts built according to DOP values for cases of using stationary and mobile pseudolites. Practical recommendations on the choice of optimization criteria are given, and the conditions for using a mobile pseudolite placed on board an unmanned aerial vehicle are determined.

Keywords: pseudolite, mobile pseudolite, unmanned aerial vehicle, Position Dilution of Precision, GLONASS, optimization of flight trajectory, integrated navigation and time field.

* This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 19-08- 00010 A).

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Analysis of problems arising during the flight on four-dimensional navigation routes in civil aviation and determining the basic ways of their solution

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_37

Alexander Sergeevich Budkov

Abstract. The work is devoted to the analysis of problems during the flight on four-dimensional navigation routes in civil aviation, determining the minimum necessary requirements for a decision support system that would provide a solution to these problems, as well as developing a methodology for searching an optimal four-dimensional route.

Key words: civil aircraft, four-dimensional navigation, flight management system, decision support system.

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Analysis of avionics automation verification means used in the modern civil aircraft development

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_30

Sergei Alexandrovich Diachenko

Artem Sergeevich Savelev

Abstract. The paper describes the analysis results of the existing automated means used in civil aircraft avionics verification. The main solutions on the market and their advantages, disadvantages are considered. Based on the analysis results, it is found that a promising direction in this type of means development is to provide testing automation of graphic and aural information within the hardware-in-loop verification (including bench tests). The task is relevant not only for the aviation industry, but also for any technical objects using a human-machine interface (space industry, automotive, shipbuilding, etc.).

Key words: analysis, automation, verification, software, civil aircraft, avionics, computer-aided design system, flight safety.

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Development of methodology for managing the information field inside the cockpit onboard a civil airplane

Ivanov A. S.

Neretin E. S.

The authors proposed a methodology for managing the information field inside the cockpit onboard a civil airplane which allows the crew’s workload to be reduced due to applying a unified approach to controlling all indication elements. 

Key words: civil airplane, cockpit, ergonomics, onboard equipment.

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The Earth’s vortex field and its application areas

Danilenko N. V.

The article deals with the issues of circulation of the Earth’s environments in the area of its rotation relative to pole axis NS. The research of circulation of the Earth’s environments is based on the Biot-Savart law in its simplest form on the basis of an infinitely long vortex which has found wide application in airfoil aerodynamics, gas dynamics and in hydrodynamics. When applying the Biot-Savart law to the Earth’s material environments in its daily rotation we found a dependence of circulation of speed Г of the elementary particle under study with its relative height (depth) ±Н relative to the Earth’s averaged surface and geographical latitude.  The essence of this dependence is presented in a mathematical expression of physical parameters of our planet. The obtained intensity of circulation of speed Г of the Earth’s environments is converted in non-dimensional criterial parameters.  On their basis the vortex characteristics for the Earth’s environments are proposed. Their classification is given.  The authors developed a package of consequences of the vortex characteristics and proposed a working process of little known vortex phenomena of geophysics in terms of vortex dynamics of freely balanced environments of a planet of “Earth” type. The consequences of the vortex characteristics of the Earth’s environments and peculiarities of the working process of geophysical phenomena on the Sun are proposed.

Keywords: daily rotation, circulation of the Earth’s environments, vortex characteristics, consequences of the vortex characteristics of the Earth’s environments.

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Use of microcontrollers for modernization of analog units of aviation equipment systems

Mishin S. V.

The article presents the materials confirming the possibility and explaining the algorithm of partial modernization of on-board equipment analog units on the example of Mi-8 helicopter de-icing system. The proposed solution makes it possible to reduce weight and cost, increase reliability of complex technical systems operation.

Key words: modernization, aviation equipment, digital control unit, microcontroller.

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Ranging analysis of analitical and probabilistic methods of complex system state prediction

Brusnikin P. M.

Dudkin S. O.

Neretin E. S.

The paper deals with analytical prediction methods, probabilistic methods and artificial neural network methods used for solving the problem of predicting the state of onboard complex systems, in particular mathematical modelling, operator method, method of predicting an univariate time series, method of potential functions,  zone method and integrated-point method.

Key words: civil aircraft, integrated module avionics, onboard maintenance system, distributed architecture, onboard radio equipment, predictive models.

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Method for determining the fail-safe performance of critical equipment at the stage of system engineering

Savel’ev A. S.

Neretin E. S.

Djachenko S. A.

Bersutskaya O. D.

Ivanov A. S.

To ensure the safety of flight operations is a priority for civil aircraft designers. In this connection, in parallel with the development, the assessment of safety takes place, both at the level of an aircraft and at the level of its separate system.  The present paper is devoted to the analysis of potential problems which can arise during procedures of assessing the system safety on the example of onboard equipment and ways of their elimination. The paper is the first in a circle of articles devoted to developing a strategy of the model-based approach to safety assessment.

Key words: engineering, civil aviation, onboard equipment, safety assessment, reliability, model-based approach.

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Development of decision support system architecture for solving a 4-D navigation problem

Budkov A. S.

Neretin E. S.

The work is devoted to the analysis of problems in performing the four-dimensional routes, as well as the development of the architecture of a decision support system for simplified procedures of flying in emergency situations during the flight. The developed architecture allows the crew to be provided with the necessary information for decision making in instrument meteorological conditions as well as in conflict situations with other air traffic participants.

Key words: Civil aircraft, integrated modular avionics, flight management system, 4-D navigation, decision support system.

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Justification for requirements for new trapped vortex combustors of aircraft engines

Skorobogatov S. V.

Design and production of aircraft gas-turbine engines and their components is a high-scale and complex process. As separate branches of science develop, technological innovations are implemented and feed-back of their use is received, the design-and-production chain gets more complicated as well. On the one hand, this gives an opportunity to improve the product due to implementation of new ideas and approaches in its design, on the other hand, this brings about growth in the knowledge-intensity and increases the cost of the final product. In its turn, need for improvement of the product is required by the system of continued airworthiness with its standards improving over time as well.

Key words: combustor, aircraft gas-turbine engine, operational requirements, method of justification for requirements, airworthiness.

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