Категория: 2.9. Transport systems

Necessity for regional aviation development in Russia

UDK 351.814.33 BBK 65.37(5Тад)

Knyazhskiy A. Yu.

Plyasovskikh A. P.

Shatrakov N. A.

State of the air transportation industry in Russia and abroad is considered in the article, market trends are identified. Most of the aircraft used in Russia are manufactured abroad. Over the past decades the number of airfields has decreased significantly and the volume of traffic and the number of flights has decreased tenfold. It is proposed to develop regional aviation and modify aviation infrastructure to improve the competitiveness of air transport companies. The cost of tickets can be significantly reduced by laying direct flights between the regions while now flights between many regions can be carried out only through Moscow despite the fact that the passenger traffic is enough for a separate flight.

Keywords: regional aviation, transport, air transportation, infrastructure, air traffic management.

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Reduction –based increase of robustness of a neural-net model of gas-turbine engine monitoring

UDK 621.438, 004.855 BBK З363.3, 32.813, 22.18

Novikova S. V.

Kremleva J. Sh.

The article presents a technique of increasing the robustness of a neural-net model of gas-turbine engine monitoring during stand tests due to decreasing the number of insignificant links in the neural network (neural network reduction). The technique is based on converting the problem of neural network learning into that of multi-criteria optimization which includes the error minimization criterion and the criterion of minimizing the absolute values of the weight links of a neural network. The latter requirement leads to reveal of insignificant links which can be deleted without any loss of accuracy. As a result, the ability of the model to summarize increases greatly, robustness increases as well, the calculation error of monitored parameters decreases.

Key words: model robustness, neural networks, stand tests, monitoring of a gas-turbine engine, reduction of a neural network.

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A proposal to modernize the SSJ 100 onboard maintenance system

UDK 629.7.05 BBK 39.56

Cavvina A. M.

The need for an onboard maintenance system on modern civil airplanes is caused by the increasing number of flights and the reducing parking period.  The operation speed of an onboard maintenance system greatly influences the efficiency of aircraft operation, the time to reveal and eliminate a failure being considerably reduced. The flight safety increases as well. The economic expenditures of airlines for additional ground service vehicles are reduced.

Key words: onboard maintenance system, maintenance, SSJ 100, Superjet.

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The automation systems of surveillance and control of aerodrome traffic and air traffic management based on ADS-B

UDK 351.814.33 BBK 39.57-5

Knyazhskiy A. Yu.

Plyasovskikh A. P.

Shcherbakov E. S.

An equipment of functional augmentation automatically dependent surveillance-broadcasting are encouraged to include in the automation systems of surveillance and control of aerodrome traffic and automation systems of air traffic control. This augmentation to the equipment complexes allows estimating the error of the coordinates issued automatically by dependent surveillance – broadcasting and to compensate in case of its slow changing. The information from the satellite radio navigation system is not taken into account in case of a rapid change in the error characteristics which are not allowing for sufficiently accurate compensation.

Keywords: SRNS, ADS-B, error, aircraft movement, air traffic control, automation.

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Analysis of the existing networks of operational communication system and their efficient development based on ip technology

UDK 654.02  BBK 39.278

Halikov A. A.

Urakov O. Kh.

The article discusses the existing networks of operational communication system using IP technology and analyzes the efficiency of their use in railway transport, in the Joint Stock Company Uzbekistan Temir Yollari (UTY JSC). In addition, conceptual fundamentals of IP – telephony technology are presented on the development of efficient methods for transmitting data using digital communication systems of on-line dispatcher control, ensuring the continuity of the process of controlling the movement of railway transport.

Keywords: research, result, railway, IP-technologies, operational communication system, dispatch communication.

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Improving the estimation procedure of the residual operation life of a bypass turbojet

UDK 629.5.03-843.8 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Y.A.

Hodackij S.A.

The article presents general approaches to forming an estimation procedure of the residual operation life of the bypass turbojets operated on civil aircraft for long periods of time by taking actual operating conditions into account. With the example of D-436-148 aircraft engine having the standard control program the authors analyze how the size of turbine-blade tip clearances influences the rate of exhaustion of a bypass turbojet module – the gas turbine. A fraction of moving blade damage on takeoff is proposed to be used as a parameter defining the rate of exhaustion of the gas turbine.

Key words: gas-turbine engine lifetime, turbine-blade tip clearances, durability of moving blades, creep.

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The issue of thermal renovation of infrastructure of railway transport is evaluated

UDK 692:[232.4] BBK 38.5

S. S. Shaumarov

The physical impact of the external environment on the formation of the internal microclimate of premises is studied. The mathematical expression of the interaction process with the parameters of the fence outside and inside air is presented. A method for estimating the residual heat-shielding properties of the building envelope on the railways is offered.

Keywords: railroad facilities, air permeability, mathematical model, thermal upgrade.

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Concerning the efficiency of using the 3vl80s electric locomotives on the Kattakurgan – Navoi district of «Uzbekiston railways» jsc

УДК 629.42:629.4.054, 625.28 ББК 39.232

O. S. Ablyalimov

The article presents the investigation results of evaluation of the efficiency of 3VL80s three-sectional main freight electric locomotives (trains) used on the Kattakurgan – Navoi district of Uzbek railways with stop-and-go freight traffic at passing tracks, intermediate stations and interstations. 

The author gives the freight trains traveltime parameters and basic energy indicators of 3VL80S transportation work as numerical values and graphs as well as the regression equations to find the indicator values taking account of  mass variation of freight trains.

The research results are recommended to the specialists of Uzbek railway line-enterprises for developing the complex activities related to the rise of traction and energy efficiency of 3VL80s three-sectional main freight electric locomotives (trains) in organizing freight traffic on the hilly-mountainous Kattakurgan – Navoi district of «Uzbekiston Railways» JSC.

Keywords: efficiency, result, freight train, movement, electric locomotive, district, method, exploitation, speed, calculation, rolling – stock, analysis, hilly-mountainous, point, dependence, substantiation, stage, railway.

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Study of the operation of the 3te10m diesel locomotives on the Kattakurgan – Navoi district of «Uzbekiston temir railways» jsc

UDK 629.42:629.4.054, 625.28 BBK 39.235

O. S. Ablyalimov

The article presents the investigation results of analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of  3TE10M three-sectional main freight electric locomotives (trains) used on the Kattakurgan – Navoi district of Uzbek railways with non-stop freight traffic at intermediate stations, passing tracks and interstations. The basic indicators of transportation work of 3TE10M electric locomotives are shown as tabular dates and curves which were received using the methods of the locomotive-traction theory. The regression equations to find the numerical values of the indicators within the accepted range of mass variation of freight trains are identified.

The research results are recommended to exploitation department experts of the Bukhara locomotive depot for developing the practical activities directed to the rise of energy and fuel efficiency of using the 3TE10M three-sectional main freight electric locomotives (trains) in real conditions of organizing the rail transportation of goods different in composition, type and content on the hilly – mountainous Kattakurgan – Navoi district of «Uzbekiston railways» JSC.

Keywords: evaluation, result, freight train, movement, diesel locomotive, district, method, exploitation, condition, speed, calculation, rolling – stock, analysis, hilly – mountainous, point, dependence, substantiation, stage, railway.

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Evolution of account for human errors influence on collective work features and results

UDK 629.735 BBK 39.5

N. I. Nikolajkin

V. D. Sharov

V. E. Andrusov

The authors analyze the information on the most widespread types of human errors which entailed emergences, accidents in various branches of economy and which led to various negative aviation events in civil aviation. Features of collective work in aviation were revealed and analyzed. It is shown how the problem of wrong actions influence on air-transport activity results is reflected in documents of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Evolution of account for influence of the “human factor” in various groups of air enterprise employees is considered. As the basic principles of flight crew’s collective work management were fulfilled reasonably well, it is expedient to extend these principles at land sites of collective work at air enterprises, down to aviation equipment maintenance crews.

On the basis of information about the incidents which happened to domestic commercial aircrafts from 2011 to 2016 (in which as the reasons the various violations occurred at maintenance were recognized), the examples illustrating “dirty dozen” of factors which predetermined workers’ errors were reviewed.

The article concludes that in organizing the maintenance processes in the modern domestic civil aviation it is important to develop a system of maintenance resources management including formation of skills and increase of staff quality levels. A pressing problem is the need to account for workers’ personal features and their health condition when forming the every shift of production teams as well as expediency of compensation of workers’ overstrain because of a regular employee’s disease. It is noted that the suggestion will allow increasing the branch safety level.

Keywords: aviationcollective work, management, human factor, emergency, accident, aviation incident.

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