Категория: 2.9. Transport systems

The research of screeners’ visual searching for prohibited items with the use of eye-tracking technology

UDC 658.71.08; 519.87 BBK 39.5

A. K. Volkov

The research results of screeners’ visual searching for prohibited items and substances using Eye-tracking technology are presented. The results of applying the multivariate statistics methods to improve the reliability of the classification of students based on the analysis of their eyes activity are described. The criterion of competence formation in visual search is proposed. The possibility of applying Shewhart control charts to assess the statistical stability of visual searching was studied.

Keywords: screener, visual search of prohibited items, professional training, cluster analysis, Shewhart control charts.

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The helicopter cockpit training simulator of MI-8t based on the aircraft simulator

UDC 378.162.33 BBK 39.5

V. M. Popov

S. V. Zdrachuk

The application of aircraft simulator X-plane for simulating flight dynamics and Arduino hardware environment for creating control system simulators, instrument and flight navigation equipment during the development of the cockpit of Mi-8T simulator is presented in the article.

Keywords: aircraft simulator, training aircraft simulator, Arduino hardware environment

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Transportation work effectiveness analysis of the 3te10m diesel locomotives on the Kattakurgan – Navoi road section of uzbek railway

UDC 629.42:629.4.054, 625.28 BBK 39.232

O. S. Ablyalimov

The results of the substantiation of the parameters of the transportation work of three-section trunk (train) freight locomotives 3ТЭ10М on the real hilly-mountain section of the railway during the movement of freight trains without or with stoppings at intermediate stations, rail junctions and separate points, as well as assessing the haulage properties of the station – to – station track profile are presented. As a criterion for the aforementioned assessment, the given values of total and specific diesel fuel consumption for train haulage in quantitative and monetary calculations are proposed, taking into account the values of the train travel time in haulage mode and specific diesel fuel consumption per trip accompanying the transportation process. The results of research using the methods of the theory of locomotive haulage, taking into account the maximum values of the main indicators of the fuel and energy efficiency of using the 3TE10M diesel locomotives in the form of tabular data and characteristic curves were obtained. The results of the research are recommended for practical use by train drivers-instructors in heating engineering and specialists of linear enterprises of the locomotive complex of the Uzbek railway network, whose professional and production activities concern energy issues of freight and passenger trains on real hilly-mountain and, identical to them, virtual railroad section.

Keywords: assessment, result, freight train, movement, diesel locomotive, railway track, area, method, operation, condition, direction, stage, speed, calculation, railway equipment, analyses, hilly – mountainous, point, divide, average, dependence, substantiation, quality, stage, profile, railway.

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Influence of GTE rotor vibrations on technical condition of inter-shaft bearing

UDC 004. 588 BBK 74.5

Yu. A. Karavaev

S. A. Khodatskiy

A significant number of aircraft engines taking out early from operation are associated with inter-shaft bearing failures. Possible causes of such failures are violations of their lubrication and cooling conditions. The article presents the results of experimental studies to assess the effect of reducing the performance of the oil tube with bending vibrations of the rotor on the thermal state of the inter-shaft bearing.

During the turbofan engine operation, its shaft co-performs bending vibrations due to the imbalance of the rotor. In this case, the oil tube, placed inside the engine shaft, will also make bending vibrations, which can be one of the reasons for reducing oil consumption through the oil tube with a significant level of vibrations. In this case, the working temperature of the inter-shaft bearing may increase significantly.

Keywords: aircraft engine, inter-shaft bearing, vibration velocity, bearing temperature, GTE oil system parameters.

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Comparative analysis of a mathematical model of the turbine gas temperature sensor of the turbocharger of a helicopter gas-turbine engine based on regres-sion analysis and neural networks

UDK 629.7:681.324 BBK 39.551-01-07 S21

A. A. San’ko

A. A. Shejnikov

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of mathematical models of the turbine gas temperature sensor of the turbocharger of a helicopter gas turbine engine based on regression analysis and on a multilayer neural network. The inexpediency of using a multilayer neural network as a mathematical model of a gas temperature sensor is proved. The optimal type of the mathematical model of the gas temperature sensor is selected by the criterion of the minimum error of the output parameter calculation.

Keywords: gas turbine engine, rotor, mathematical model of gas temperature sensor, helicopter, neural network.

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The influence of quasi-sinusoidal inhomogenuities on the characteristics of double- and three-hop ionospheric reflections

UDC: 621.371.33 BBK 39.57

A.I. Agaryshev

Nguyen Minh Giang

M.A. Portnov

The article presents the results of researching the influence of ionosperic inhomogenuities on the maximum observed frequency (MOF) and the angles of arriving the radiowaves reflected two and three times from the ionosphere (2F2 and 3F2 modes). The authors present the calculated МOF and angles of arrival of decameter radio waves using the method of equal MUF under conditions of quasi-sinusoidal inhomogenuities. The results of calculations are compared with the results of measurements.

Keywords: maximum usable frequency, maximum observed frequency, inhomogeneity of the electron concentration, characteristics of double- and three-hop ionospheric reflections,  the angles of arrival of 2F2, 3F2 modes.

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Analysis of the influence of aerometric instruments and pitot – static probes faults on flight safety

UDK 629.7 BBK 39.56

A. Shomankov

The main types of failures and faults of pitot – static probes and aerometric instruments are determined and the causes of their occurrence are revealed. The results of the analysis of these faults influence on flight safety are presented.

Keywords: faults, mean flight time between failures, aviation event, difficult situation, probability of occurrence inflight abnormal circumstances, air crash, accident.

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The evaluation of transportation efficiency of the 3vl80s electric locomotives on the uzbek railway district Kattakurgan – Navoi

UDK 629.42:629.4.054, 625.28 BBK 39.232

O.S. Ablyalimov

The author introduces the results of rationale for the transportation work parameters of three-section mainline (train) freight electric locomotives on a real Uzbek railway section with non-stop and stop-and-go freight traffic at passing tracks, intermediate stations and intersections, as well as estimation of the traction qualities and properties of the track profile in this area. The criteria for the estimation are adjusted values of overall and specific electrical energy consumption for traction power in the terms of quantity and money as well as accompanying values of adjusted time taken in traction mode and the specific electrical energy consumption for the trip. The research results were received as tabular dates and graphic arts dependences with the use of methods and techniques of locomotive traction theory and the main parameters of traction-energy efficiency of the considered electric locomotives.

The research results are recommended for practical application by engine-drivers-instructors and thermotechnics engineers as well as by other specialists of line enterprises of the locomotive complex of Uzbek railways with professional and productive activities concerning with the issues of energetics of moving the freight and passenger trains on real or virtual railway sections. 

Keywords: research, result, freight train, movement, electric locomotive, railway track, section, method, exploitation, condition, direction, stage, speed, calculation, rolling stock, analysis, hilly – mountainous, point, divide, average, dependence, rationale, quality,     station-to-station block, profile, railway

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The influence of a crew information support level on safety flights

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Yu. A.Khodatskiy S. A.

The article formulates general approaches to the impact assessing algorithm formation of the crew information support level at the stage of landing gear failures localization on safety flights. The possibility of using these algorithms to assess the functional efficiency of the crew in the process of various aircraft systems failures compensating is shown through the specific flight incidents examples.

Keywords: safety, crew information support, failure localization, a special case.

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Geo-heliomagnetic influence on a human body and air transportation safety

UDC 629.7;629.95; 656.085.22 BBK 39.5

Nikolaykin N. I.Pozheluyeva Z. V.Starkov E. Yu.Tsetlin V. V.Savchukov S. A.

The article analyzes statistical information on air transportation growth and the number of aviation incidents over the last 10 years against the present global challenges for development of the world civil aviation. The growth of air transportation intensity draws special attention to danger decrease by reduction of “a human factor” influence. The statistical data analysis of all Russian aircraft types showed that incidents and accidents happened more often to airplanes, including general aviation planes, aerostats, autogyros, ultralight planes. The examples of typical aviation incidents for the last decade connected with the crew’s actions are given. On materials of official investigations, their reasons are analyzed.

It is shown that flight operation safety requires the development of new methods of its assessment, formation of theoretical fundamentals of continuing airworthiness and accidents prevention. A human is the most adapting part of aviation system, but he is the most open for the external impacts that can influence his behavior.

The article describes procedure and results of the experiment in which, by means of laboratory ionomers, the change of oxidizing properties of specially prepared (cleared) water placed in a standard electrochemical cell was registered within a day. It is shown how geo-heliophysical environmental perturbations influence some water properties which are authentically registered in experimental cells. The article concludes that there is their certain influence on a person’s behavior and also on his possible behavior deviations.

Keywords: flights safety; aviation incident; human factor; heliophysical factors; geophysical factors; danger

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