ΠšΠ°Ρ‚Π΅Π³ΠΎΡ€ΠΈΡ: # 4, 2016

Preparing future teachers to work with parents

UDC 378 BBK 74.58

Kochergina O. A.

The article is devoted to one of the most important issues of modern higher education. The author shows the necessity of professional training for future teachers to work with parents, its specific character and main directions. The article is intended for university lecturers.

Key words: family, family education, interaction of family and school, the specificity of professional training.

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An ecological approach in linguodidactics of professional education

UDC 378.147:811.11/.13:61 BBK 74.484.72

Musokhranova M. B.

An ecological approach actualizing the relationship between the appropriate culture and the idea of professional know ledge continuity the content of which is predominantly expressed by Greco-Latin terms has been presented in this article.

Keywords: term, terminogenesis of medicine, terminological literacy, ecological approach.

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Cybersecurity students in internet space and the problem of family media education

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the problems of the younger generation of interaction with the modern Internet space. Analyzes the main hazards and risks associated with the presence of students in the virtual space, discusses aspects of media education, which in modern conditions is one way of familiarizing the younger generation to a full understanding of media information for the safe use of media resources.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, cyber security.

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Some aspects of creative thinking development in the process of foreign language teaching

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.19

Trubina Z. I.

Today, intellectually and creatively developed professionals who are ready to work in a constantly changing society are highly demanded.

Foreign language lessons provide a great opportunity for the education of creative students, due to the fact that they have a communicative and research focus, that provide students with the ability of self-searching and application of new knowledge, and also shape the experience of creative activity.

Choosing new methods of teaching a foreign language and introducing them in their practical work, teachers should take into account their features to achieve better results. Literature analysis revealed the following conditions: individual approach to students; favorable climate in the classroom, without criticism that will be the basis for independence of students’ judgment; careful selection of educational material (especially texts) that meets students’ interests; systematic use of active methods of teaching foreign languages.

Such teaching methods like creative exercises and laboratories, projects and gaming techniques, and also the use of modern information technologies can be considered as a priority in teaching foreign languages. These methods are aimed at active intellectual and creative activity, formation of skills of self-organization, as they are based on the problematic situations that students may encounter in their daily lives.

Positive emotions caused by such methods of study contribute to students’ cognitive, communicative and creative activity, which in turn effectively influence the process of learning foreign languages.

Keywords: foreign language; creative thinking; methods of teaching.

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