Категория: # 4, 2016

Translinguographic translation as a method of the expert translation (basing on the translations of “Shan Hai jing” and “Erya”)

UDC 81 BBK 81

Khamaeva E. A., Shishmareva T. E., Kremnyov E. V.

The article substantiates translinguographic translation as a method used in the expert translation of texts in the language written with ideographic writing system. The examples from the translations of the treatise “Shan Hai Jing” and the first ancient Chinese Dictionary “Erya” prove that translinguographic translation provides information content and authenticity of the original text in the translated text.

Keywords: translinguographic translation; treatise “Shan Hai Jing”; Dictionary “Erya”; ideographic writing.

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Ways of Buryat language preservation in the modern sprachraum of Baikal region

UDC 811.512.31 BBK 74.26.153Бурят.1(2)-211,0

Kulehova A. M.

The article considers the necessary possible conditions of preserving the Buryat language in the modern sprachraum of Baikal region in the context of subordinative bilingualism.

Key words: the Buryat language, sprachraum, bilingualism, subordinative bilingualism, language environment, learning content, rational methodology, vocabulary enrichment.

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Structural estimation of compressor and turbine rotor blades of aircraft gas-turbine engines

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Ju. A., Hodackij S. A.

В статье приведена методика прочностного расчёта рабочих лопаток компрессоров и турбин авиационных ГТД с использованием программы FEMAP.

Рассмотрены допущения, принимаемые при расчёте. Последовательно рассмотрены этапы расчёта. Приведено изменение напряжений по перу лопатки.

Ключевые слова: статическая прочность, напряжения, расчёт.

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Psychological features of folklore study by primary school children

УДК 371 ББК 74.2(2Рос.Бур)

Sodnomov S. Ts.

This article focuses on the psychological characteristics of the folklore study by primary school pupils, the perception peculiarities of children’s folklore, imagination, speech development in the process of studying and reading folklore texts.

Key words: primary school pupil, folklore, psychological characteristics, development of speech, perception, imagination, new knowledge, methods of performance.

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Содномов С. Ц.


Ниитэлэл бага наһанай һурагшадай аман зохёол ойлгон абаха психологическа онсодо зорюулагданхай, аман зохёол соо хэлэгдэhэн мэдээсэлые зүбөөр ойлгожо ажаябуулгада хэрэглэхэ шадабари бүрилдүүлхэ онсонуудта зорюулагданхай.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: бага наһанай һурагшад, арадай аман зохёол, психологическа онсонууд, хэлэлгэ, хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэ, мэдээсэл, ажаябуулга, мэдэсэ, бүрилдүүлгэ.

Cargo securing on the military trucks – transportation experiment

UDC 629.118 BBK 39.0

M. Vlkovský, H. Vlachová

Brno, the Czech Republic

The paper deals with results of the performed transportation experiment and their interpretation. The aim of the transportation experiment is to find out the size of inertial forces in section of ordinary road (I. and II. class roads) in the Czech Republic with regard to cargo securing during transportation. The paper further deals with importance of knowing inertial forces for selection of fastener and way of fixation and also advantages, resp. disadvantages of using normatively set acceleration coefficients.

Key words: transportation experiment; cargo security; inertial forces; acceleration coefficients

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Článek předkládá výsledky provedeného přepravního experimentu a jejich interpretaci. Předmětem přepravního experimentu je zjištění velikostí setrvačných sil na vybraném úseku běžné komunikace (silnice II., resp. I. třídy) v České republice s ohledem na upevnění nákladu při přepravě. Článek dále rozebírá význam znalosti setrvačných sil pro volbu upevňovacího prostředku a způsobu upevnění a výhody, resp. nevýhody využití normativně stanových hodnot koeficientů zrychlení.

Klíčová slova: přepravní experiment; zajištění nákladu; setrvačné síly; koeficienty zrychlení.

Remarks on the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language*

UDC 811.51 BBK 81.2-03

Novgorodov I. N., Tokmashev D. M., Gainutdinova A. F., Ishkildina L. K.

Abstract: Background. This article is about the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language. Authors come to a conclusion that the Teleut language is more similar to the Kipchak languages according to the Leipzig–Jakarta list.

Materials and Methods. Research materials are the most resistant words (the Leipzig–Jakarta list) of the Turkic languages. The most resistant words were written out of the dictionaries of the Turkic languages. In this study of Teleut, field materials of Denis Tokmashev are used. In this survey, the comparative method is used as the main method.

Results. Words of the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language in comparison with the Oghuz and Kipchak languages are revealed.

Discussions. Teleut as the Altai language dialect was previously considered to belong to the Kipchak languages according to Baskakov’s conception and Siberian group of the Turkic languages that also included the Khakass, Shor, Saryg-Yughur, Yakut, Tuvinian, Altai and other languages according to Mudrak’s opinion. It should be noted that according to the Russian Federation Government Resolution the Teleut dialect was recognized as the separate Turkic language. Authors disagree with Mudrak’s statement and come to a conclusion that the Teleut language is more similar to the Kipchak languages according to the Leipzig–Jakarta list.

Keywords: language, the Leipzig-Jakarta list, Teleut, Oghuz, Kipchak.

*A research was prepared at North-Eastern Federal University within the framework of the project № 14-04-00346 on “The Leipzig-Jakarta list of the Turkic languages” theme supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.

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Tools for regression analysis and forecasting of processes in air-technical systems

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The paper reviews the approaches of adequate regressions selection for observed processes and their use for solving practical problems of interpolation, extrapolation of factor analysis. The issues of forming the predictive models for the observed processes on the base of combining the parabolic regression, autocorrelation function and harmonical weight are considered. The paper reviews the author’s means of computer solutions of approximation, interpolation and extrapolation problems oriented toward educational process at engineering higher educational establishments and operating organizations of civil aviation.

Key words: observed process, regression analysis, double and multiple regression, linearization of nonlinear functions, least square method, forecasting of processes, confident limits of forecasting

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The problem of valued attitude to pedagogical activity in works by N. A. Dobroliubov

UDC 37:[011.31] BBK 74.03

Muraeva O. G.

This article is devoted to the description of the views of N. A. Dobrolubov, the prominent representative of the social and pedagogical movement of Russia of the second half of XIX century, on the topical problem of valued attitude to the pedagogical activity. In this regard the definitions of “valued attitude to pedagogical activity” and “social and pedagogical movement of Russia in the second half of the XIX century” are given, Dobrolubov’s opinion to the conditions necessary for forming of valued attitude to pedagogical activity is studied.

Keywords: valued attitude to pedagogical activity; social and pedagogical movement of Russia; the social significance of pedagogical work; legal and financial situation; pedagogical bent; personal sense of pedagogical activity.

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Contest movement as a form of revitalization of students’ educational-cognitive activity

UDC 378 BBK 22

Mindeeva S. V., Tolstyh O. D.

The article deals with contest movement to intensify the educational-cognitive activity of students. It gives historical information of contest movement, analyzes the theoretical basis of the issue. It describes the experience of the student mathematical contests in the technical university.

Key words: contest, contest movement, mathematical contest, technical university.

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