Категория: Discourse and Text: vectors of research

The manipulative potential of linguistic means in forming the negative image of Russia in German mediadiscourse

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B., Salchak A. A.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the notion «political media discourse», which includes manipulative potential of the political discourse and media discourse. The article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic means used to manipulate the public opinion to form the negative image of Russia in German mediadiscourse.

Key words: political discourse, media discourse, political media discourse, the image of Russia, manipulation.

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On the dynamics of formation of some concepts of building terminology

UDC 81-133 BBK 81.41

Varnavskaya E. V., Varnavsky V. S.

The article presents the results of historical and etymological analysis of words «brick» and «cement» as concepts of construction terminology. The article describes the dynamics of their formation according to synchronous cut in the process of language development. The history of the genesis and evolution of these concepts are considered in association with the general process of formation of building science.

Historical and etymological analysis of terms presented in this study was conducted based on a diachronic approach of terminology research. Attracting new text sources allowed recreating the history of the formation of these terms and linking their past with the present.

Keywords: historical terminology, construction terminology, terminology of the construction discourse, the term evolution.

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Functional characteristics of euphemisms in the political discourse

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Bogatova T. N.

This article is devoted to the examination of the phenomenon “euphemisation” of the units of language in the context of political discourse in German.

During the article, the author sets problems: to study the nature of the euphemism and discourse in wide and narrow sense; to analyse empiric material with the help of the method of the definitional analysis.

Key words: euphemism, groups of the euphemisms, political discourse, method of definitional analysis.

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Specific features and national identities of Russian civil building terminology

UDC 81-133 B81.41

Varnavskaia E. V., Varnavsky V. S.

The present article deals with the key attributes of terminology of civil building discourse. The article presents results of a descriptive analysis of Russian terminological lexicon, discusses national peculiarities and distinctive features of civil building terminology. It is also focused on the Russian specific features of terms, derived from the Slavic derivatives bases.

Keywords: terminology, civil building discourse, professional discourse, terminology of civil building discourse, term, terminology of constructions.

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Paris metro as communicative space

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1-5

Vikulova L. G., Makarova I. V., Melekhina Y. A., Osipovich K. B.

The article is devoted to Paris metro and its communicative areas. The work presents the linguistic research, which reveals the role of the iconic metro stations names in the formation of the world national picture.

Key words: Paris metro, iconic name, axiological landmark, the cultural landscape of the capital.

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German chancellor’s Angela Merkel idiostyle (as seen in the example of New-Year messages)

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B.

The article discusses eleven Chancellor’s New-Year greetings from the linguistic perspective from 2006 to 2016. Special attention is paid to the orator’s idiostyle peculiarities: crosscutting themes, reiterations: Arbeitslosigkeit, Ausländer, Europa, etc.; repetition of words with prefixes mit-, zusammen-, etc. The grammatical peculiarities of the Chancellor’s speech include superlative adjectives, personal pronouns, etc. Euphemisms stand out from the stylistic peculiarities; tautology, metaphors, antithesis, allusion and etc are also used. The politician’s New-Year messages are of affirmative character, notable for pompous language and are politically correct.

Keywords: New-Year message, A. Merkel, crosscutting theme, repetition, euphemism, personal pronoun, superlative adjective, metaphor, pompous language, affirmation.

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Advertizing slogan and linguistic creativity borders

UDC 811.161.1 BBK 81.006

Kozlova E. A., Medvedeva Ju. V.

This article deals with some unexpected solutions to convert the advertising intent to the slogan by breaking ethical and esthetic components of the statement. It shows low efficiency of such language fragments for a certain part of potential buyers of a product or service. It describes the scientific experiment to prove the scientific hypothesis: it analyzes the opinions of youth students’ audience on the selected advertising material. It suggests the criteria of linguistic creativity to make fresh advertising, to save and even strengthen esthetics (artistry) of the expression.

Keywords: linguistic creativity, esthetics, advertising discourse; slogan; precedential language facts.

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The French publishing discourse as an orienting system in reader’s practice

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1-51

Ivanova N. S.

The paper considers one of the genres publishing discourse – le prière d’insérer and represents a linguistic research, where the role of the annotations in the French publishing discourse and the main trends in writing abstracts to the books of different stylistic genres were discovered.

Key words: publishing discourse; prière d’insérer; French classics; modern writer; scientific publication.

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Borrowings in the German language taken in the middle of the XVIII century (in the I. Ya. Lerche diaries)

UDC 930.253 BBK 63.2

Savchenko G. K.

The article introduces the results of the linguistic study of the German traveler and scientist I. Ya. Lerche diary. He lived in Russia in the period between 1731 and 1780. The diaries contain a lot of information on the history of Russia. Also they could be of great interest as a source of the history of Russian and German cultural ties, the history of the Russian and German languages in the XVIII century. The subject of the research is borrowings in the I. Ya. Lerche’s written speech.

Key words: I.Ya. Lerkhe, source studies, the Lower Volga region, borrowings

The research is executed in support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund within the RGNF research project “The history of the Lower Volga region in the I. Ya. Lerche’s manuscript heritage “, project № 13-11-34003 а/В.

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