Категория: Discourse and Text: vectors of research

Structural cohesionand linguo-stylistical peculiarities of its manifestation in the short story «The Gate of the Hudred Sorrows» by R. Kipling

UDK 81.00 BBK 81.432.1 B 31

O. M. Verbitskaya

The article contains the analysis of the short story «The Gate of  the Hundred Sorrows» by R. Kipling from the perspective of linguistic stylistics and decoding stylistics. A special attention was paid to the linguistic means of actualization of the textual category of cohesion and its suggestive potential. The purpose of the article consists in proving cohesion’s dominant role in subtextual information realization during the process of the author’s message reconstruction.

Key words: cohesion, the textual category, the author’s intention, principles of foregrounding.

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The image of Russia in novel of Henri Troyat «Alesha»

УДК 811.133.1’42 ББК 81.006

O. A. Dubnyakova

V. D. Tikhomirova

The article deals with the phenomenon of the dialogue of cultures in the works of Henri Troyat, as well as the role of the author as an intermediary between different cultures. In addition, the article is devoted to the thematic groups of russianisms as an interpretation of the image of Russia.The article is based on the work of Henri Troyat «Alesha», whose text represents the Russian mentality in the context of French culture.

Key words: Henri Troyat, the image of Russia, bilingual writers, russianisms, thematic groups, the dialogue of cultures.

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Modern german literary fairy tale: theme dynamic and dominant linguistic features

UDK 821.112.2 BBK 83.3 M 523

V. B. Merkurjewa

E. V. Chebanenko

The article deals with the themes of a modern German literary fairy tale which create color of a specific time, moreover there are revealed their pragmatic potential and language means of expression. The material for the study is the latest fairy tales from children’s collections in the German language. The dominant linguistic stylistic features of a modern literary fairy tale include the internationalization (anglification) of the vocabulary, the inclusion of spoken vocabulary in the literary context and emotional markers. Avoiding stereotypes and innovative trends in the 20th century led to a new trend – not to perceive the actions of the characters as an example to follow, since bringing the fairy tale closer to life practically canceled the opposition good-evil.

Key words: folk tale, author’s tale, modern German literary fairy tale, genre features, language means of expression, anglification.

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The components of nonverbal communication in the artistic discourse of the russian german writers

UDK 830-14+408.8 BBK 81.432.4-71

V. B. Merkurjewa

V. A. Antipowa

The article studies the usage peculiarities of nonverbal communication components in the Soviet artistic discourse of the Russian German writers. On the basis of the analysis of examples containing elements of nonverbal communication, the peculiarities of attitude towards the Russian Germans are defined and several types of the relations between Soviet citizens (Russians and Kazakhs), Russian children, Germans from Germany during the Second World War and Russian Germans are identified. The kinesic components in the artistic discourse play an important role as well as the language means of communication. They not only supplement the meaning of verbal communication but also present the information about speaker (writer), his\her social and age features, character traits and other distinctive personality traits.

Keywords: communication, nonverbal communication, artistic discourse, Russian Germans, kinesics, kineme, facial expression, gesture.   

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Listener’s discourse in music reviews

УДК 811.112.2 ББК 81.432.4

V. A. Erman

A. V. Ermakova

The article explores the interdiscursive nature of music reviews which is manifested in interdiscursive relations between reviewer’ s discourse and discourse of music composition/ music event and can also include listener’s discourse. The article investigates peculiarities of listener’s discourse in music reviews by example of German texts and is devoted to the linguistic analysis of various types of discourse markers and functions in music reviews.

Keywords: discourse, music review, reviewer’s discourse, listener’s discourse, discourse marker

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New trends in the vocabulary of administrative and political discourse

UDC 81.23 BBK 81.2 Рус-5

Kotlyarova O. V.

In the present article the author makes the assumption that there are active changes in the lexical composition of the modern Russian language, in particular, in the administrative and political discourse. The changes that are taking place can be called democratization and modernization of the administrative sociolect, which consist in the expansion of the active vocabulary of the authorities, its qualitative change, the emergence of new combinable possibilities of words. The relevance of the work is confirmed by the fact that the speech of government officials, politicians, political leaders, representatives of state and municipal administration reflects the current state of cultural development of society.

Key words: administrative and political discourse; new trends in vocabulary; vocabulary of civil servants, speech culture.

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Features of language of comments on performances of German satirists

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B.Chashchin A. A.

The article analyzes the characteristic features inherent in the comments of the entertaining Internet media discourse, and highlights their language features.

Key words: Internet media discourse, entertaining discourse, comments, German satirists, evaluation, Anglicism, dialectism, graphic means, emotionality, expressiveness.

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Music review as interdiscursive text

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Erman V. A., Ermakova A. V.

The article investigates the problem of discourse structure of music reviews by example of German reviews. The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of various types of interdiscursive relations between reviewer’s discourse and discourse of music composition / music event in music reviews.

Key words: discourse; interdiscursivity; music review; reviewer’s discourse; discourse of music composition / music event.

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The history of greeting cards

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

Vikulova L. G.Pyatnitskaya A. E.

The article is devoted to the history of postcards as a phatic communication. The formation of the genre of greeting cards is shown. It is proved that postcard as a phenomenon of social and cultural area allows a person to enter the process of identification within a special sociocultural space.

Keywords: mediated phatic communication, post card, greeting card, post crossing.

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