Analysis of the principles of processing navigation information and constructing the working zone of a multi-position surveillance system
DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_3_Β
Abstract. The use of modern surveillance equipment in accordance with ICAO recommendations is aimed at improving the efficiency of air transportation, increasing the capacity of airspace and airfields, and improving the safety of flights and ground operations. The introduction in the Russian Federation of a multi-position surveillance system (MPSS) based on automatic dependent surveillance of the broadcast type (ADS-B) is intended to facilitate the implementation of state and regional aviation development programs in terms of creating conditions for improving flight safety, availability and quality of air navigation services for airspace users. Therefore, the analysis of the principles of constructing a working area and processing navigation information in a multi-position surveillance system for improving the accuracy of aircraft position-fixing is an urgent research task. An approach to improving the efficiency of the MPSS operation when processing information in conditions of noise and interference has been considered. Analysis of the results of modeling the proposed algorithm based on the discrete Kalman filter shows high accuracy of estimating the planned coordinates of an aircraft. Specialized software has been developed to automate the process of calculating and constructing working areas of a multi-position surveillance system.
Keywords: multi-position surveillance system, multilateration technology, automatic dependent surveillance, Kalman filter, working area, location, least squares method.
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