Категория: Aircraft, aircraft engines and methods of their operation

Influence of GTE rotor vibrations on technical condition of inter-shaft bearing

UDC 004. 588 BBK 74.5

Yu. A. Karavaev

S. A. Khodatskiy

A significant number of aircraft engines taking out early from operation are associated with inter-shaft bearing failures. Possible causes of such failures are violations of their lubrication and cooling conditions. The article presents the results of experimental studies to assess the effect of reducing the performance of the oil tube with bending vibrations of the rotor on the thermal state of the inter-shaft bearing.

During the turbofan engine operation, its shaft co-performs bending vibrations due to the imbalance of the rotor. In this case, the oil tube, placed inside the engine shaft, will also make bending vibrations, which can be one of the reasons for reducing oil consumption through the oil tube with a significant level of vibrations. In this case, the working temperature of the inter-shaft bearing may increase significantly.

Keywords: aircraft engine, inter-shaft bearing, vibration velocity, bearing temperature, GTE oil system parameters.

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Comparative analysis of a mathematical model of the turbine gas temperature sensor of the turbocharger of a helicopter gas-turbine engine based on regres-sion analysis and neural networks

UDK 629.7:681.324 BBK 39.551-01-07 S21

A. A. San’ko

A. A. Shejnikov

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of mathematical models of the turbine gas temperature sensor of the turbocharger of a helicopter gas turbine engine based on regression analysis and on a multilayer neural network. The inexpediency of using a multilayer neural network as a mathematical model of a gas temperature sensor is proved. The optimal type of the mathematical model of the gas temperature sensor is selected by the criterion of the minimum error of the output parameter calculation.

Keywords: gas turbine engine, rotor, mathematical model of gas temperature sensor, helicopter, neural network.

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The influence of a crew information support level on safety flights

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Yu. A.Khodatskiy S. A.

The article formulates general approaches to the impact assessing algorithm formation of the crew information support level at the stage of landing gear failures localization on safety flights. The possibility of using these algorithms to assess the functional efficiency of the crew in the process of various aircraft systems failures compensating is shown through the specific flight incidents examples.

Keywords: safety, crew information support, failure localization, a special case.

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Promising fasteners for aircraft structures of carbon composites

UDC 629. BBK 39.48

Sazhin N. A.Sazhin A. N.

The authors consider benefits and drawbacks of existing (traditional) fasteners (metal rivets) for airframes built with application of carbon composites.  Schematic designs of promising patented fasteners (PCM rivets) and patented technologies of their mounting in aircraft structures, experimental full-size designs of the fasteners of polymeric composite materials (carbon composites) providing improvement of their mounting are given. 

Key words: fasteners, mounting, rivet, carbon composite, polymeric composite material, blind riveting, aircraft structures.

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Use of Pareto chart for developing recommendations on aircraft reliability

UDC 629.3.083 BBK 39.0163

Barsukov A. G.

The author considers a methodology of integrated approach to the rationale and implementation of recommendations on aircraft reliability with the use of Pareto chart.

Key words: flight safety; aircraft; reliability; failure; fault; Pareto chart.

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Kinetics of creep fracture of vt-20 titanium planar samples

UDC 629.7.015.4 BBK 39.52

Zabobin V. V.

The article demonstrates the results of experimental research of fracture kinetics for samples made of VT-20 titanium sheets under alternate stresses and at elevated temperatures. Dependences of crack growth rate on load parameters are obtained. The mechanism of regarding the influence of temperature and load non-stationarity on VT-20 fracture kinetics is proposed.

Keywords: kinetics, creep, crack, supersonic transport airplane, SST, titanium alloy.

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Performance optimization of a pulse-type combustion chamber

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Safarbakov A. M.Hodackij S. A.

The article describes methodology of solving an optimization problem on choice of the main performances of a pulse-type combustion chamber.  The system elements were considered. The authors demonstrate how to choose the criterion which provides evaluation of performances of the system or its model to figure out “the best” model or a set of “the best” conditions for system operation. The choice of an optimization method was demonstrated and the results of solving the optimization problem are provided.

Keywords: optimization, mathematical model, criterion, limitations, algorithm.

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A rotor in the field of the daily rotation of the Earth

UDC 629.7.036.3 BBK 22.21

Danilenko N. V.

The author considers peculiarities of interference of a gyro rotor (of a GTE and others) in the field of the daily rotation of the Earth taking into account the azimuth orientation of its axis of rotation in horizontal plane.  The azimuthal characteristic of gyro rotor rundown is given. The author points out the necessity to correct the controlled rotor rundown time at GTE shutdown on the ground.

Key words: gyro rotor, rotor rundown, the theory of spinning tops, the field of the daily rotation of the Earth, the azimuthal characteristic of rotor, air mass transport.

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Vortex conversion with varying height of an air intake above the underlying terrain

UDC 525.7 BBK 9.15

Danilenko N. V.Kirenchev A. G.

The article considers the issue of vortex formation of local gravity flows generated by an anthropogenic outflow (GTE operation on the ground). The vortex classification is analyzed and experimental research ways are determined. The authors suggest conditions for experimental research of vortices influenced by Coriolis force, vortex pairs of air intake case / underlying terrain interference, and a circular vortex of gravity flow / ground interference. The composite design peculiarities of the test installation for researching the vortex range are described.

Key words: local gravity flow, air intake vortices, vortex classification, process of vortex formation, vortex conversion.

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Means of mathematic programming for optimization of air transport systems

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

Mathematic and algorithmic approaches to solving practical problems with the use of the mathematic programming toolkit are reviewed. The author considers issues of functionality, directions for use and peculiarities of applying a package of the author’s tools to solve optimization problems associated with air transport systems operation. The main interface solutions on the tools are considered.

The package is recommended for use in engineering and technical higher educational establishments as well as in civil aviation organizations for which the issues of optimization of organizational and technical systems and their processes are urgent.

Key words: air transport system, mathematic programming, performance function, functional, limitation system, plan optimization, simplex method, automatic classification

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